Well the virus has not got me yet. Sure has got the summer screwed up. Along with all facets of life.
Constantine antique meet was a couple of weeks ago and did not make that. The engine sets on the dyno where it was placed last August after the Constantine meet last year.

Had trouble with my right knee last spring and summer with walking. X-rays showed a good joint without excessive wear. After a couple months of monitoring the condition an MRI was finally done and revealed a cracked femur in the knee joint. When I ran the boat in Constantine, I had no trouble kneeling, just walking. So, 3 weeks after Constantine, I had a partial replacement of the knee. Just the end of the femur and the end of the bone in the lower leg the femur mates to. That pretty much took car of the last of the summer.

I did finally look at the ignition system and did the testing of the stator windings. The low speed windings were way out of spec. Removed the flywheel replaced with a CDI High Performance stator. I also pull the top main bearing out and remachined the stator and trigger mounting surfaces as I needed to open up the clearance between the flywheel and the stator. The block for a ADI system is about 3/16 inch shorter on the top end. I had redone the top main cap upon discovery rather than shorting the block because the engine had been assembled when the problem was realized. The flywheel had touched the stator so the modification was made.

The fire power of the ignition after the replacement of the stator is absolutely powerful. It spans a 1/2 inch air gap and looks and sounds scary, like it could really hurt you really bad. From the beginning when I first set the ignition system up. It had no where near the gap jumping power it has now. So I think the stator wind has been a problem from the beginning.

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Maybe not a good thing to do but i reinstalled the dual plug heads. I am sure the system has the fire power to make them work. The dual plug heads are also higher compression. 16cc vs 20cc which is a significant number. With fuel injection vs the carbs that these heads were last used with, and the improved dyno performance, I can confirm there performance.

The photo of the single plug heads, sort of confirms a combustion problem by the coloring of the chambers. 1,3 & 5 are from one system and 2,4 & 6 are from the other system and coloring of the 1,3 & 5 look like a problem existed.

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So much for all that. I hope to run on the dyno in the next few weeks and continue to dial in the ECU. I can do 30 second info down loads for review. 30 seconds does not sound like long until you try holding it.