Hi Bill,
You will gather to my other reply just posted that I am aware of Peer and his machine. However I would like to contact Ralf Donald. If you have any idea how I might do so it would be appreciated.
Your comments on the expansion chamber issue are most interesting. Dieter, like most of us was a bit of a mixture. I think priamrily he was interested in making money and if his engines were winning that was sufficient. He changed things only as required.
On the other hand he was a speed freak who had to win.
I think your comments on jet engine development are spot on. It is remarkable to me that the English still promote Whittle as the father of the jet engine when in fact it was German axial flow technology that proved to be the way forward.
If BMW had not struggled as long as they did to find the right alloy for the blades and the 262 become operational just a shade earlier we would have beenin real trouble.
All the best
Tim Hanna