My favorite Douglas Willey airport story was told to me by someone, but I can't remember who. Maybe Steve told it, and I thought it happened at the airport in San Francisco, but I could be wrong about that. Anyway, Douglas and his wife were on a long overseas flight after the time when smoking was no longer allowed on a plane. He was going crazy for a smoke and it was all his wife could do to keep him from sneaking into the bathroom to light one up. She finally convinced him that they would land soon, and he could smoke once they got into a terminal. It was later on that smoking became banned in one place after another, then final even in bars, but that was later. This terminal, however, banned smoking already. As soon as the plane stopped Douglas was ready to get inside the terminal for a smoke. He hurried out the gangway and was ready to fire up a cigarette when he found out he could not smoke in there either. He hollered out loud in exasperation for everyone to hear. "A fag...a fag....I got to have a fag!"

Per Wayne on a different post