On the Yamato Y80 and 102 (and maybe on the 202?) the factory manual states that the point setting is 0.012" to 0.016". I understand how to synchro the mag and points to the desired piston depth BTDC with buzzer box and dial indicator, but what is the point setting to use to get started? Does it matter as long as it is in the gap range noted in manual?

In aircraft energy transfer mags are used and point gap does matter with regard to what they call E gap (effeciency gap) to achieve the points opening at the magnetic neutral position to get the highest intensity spark (they call it mag synchronizing) in addition to timing the mag to the correct piston position BTDC. I assume that the mags used in the Yamato are not of this type so maybe point gap is not that critical as long as it in the design range of the mag?

Comments appreciated
