Quote Originally Posted by seapro View Post
What did he do ? Miss spell a word ,typed in the nude,have you ever had a problumb with gene ? How about if you didn't like it just delete it but no let's be super moderator and bann him to make an example for the rest of us so that we will be sceard of your moderating powers If I read the topic at hand right it said more smack if that's not what you want to happen there the y'all should close it all together so you don't have to worrie with it beings it takes up so much of your time grouch!! Your friend seapro

ps. If you find the need to bann me and delete my post you will greatly prove my point Sam because none of the above falls outside the rules and giudlines of this forum unless you count noy being in agrence with you
What did gene do to get banned, I read what he said earlyer and there was nothin out of line with that. If ya'll dont like what someone says or said delete that,, NOT BANNED the person, give him a warning are something, What happen with gene wasd on another site not BRF site. Sam,,, you over reacting and jumping the gun to quick on this, Just like you always do. Gene has never cause any problems on here, you got banned on the brain, everytime someone says something you dont like,,, its like lets banned him. Nobody else complains about it, just you. If it takes up so much of your time, then dont read it, Im sure there other things you could be doing besides over here trying to police us all the time. Theres more people that looks and read the smack talk section than any other section on here,, and thats just what it is just smack talk for fun and picking. So Lightin up, you dont have to be like this on here. Banning gene was not right and uncall for and you know it, and if what i said dont agree with you are falls out of your guidelines then you can banned me too. It will just go to show people how you are.