Well, finally got the garage clean enough to start building a boat

Decided to build the Dillon Mini Vee for a couple of reasons;

1st - proven design, it's done well in racing since it's inception

2nd - I wanted a project that I could build with my son; Though he is significantly younger than I was when I started a project like this with my dad, I think this is something missing in today's society, and something I won't let him go without.

3rd - My kids and I can race it; I have a 14 year old daughter that can run GT Pro, a 11 year old that can run Mini GT in another year, a 7 year old that will likely be the best boat racer some day, and my 5 year old son, and of course, I'll race GT Pro as well. The family that races together stays together This hull can handle both classes.

4th - Affordability, I'm trying to get an affordable boat racing class going down here in Florida, information is hard to come by when looking for boat races; I'm a Software Engineer by education, and a mechanic by trade; I think I can put a website together that grows traffic and starts making more people more aware of boat racing, and the fact that you don't have to have a $400,000 off shore boat to race.

I'm going to write this thread to target people who are on the fence about building a boat. I've done a little wood working, but not enough to say I'm good at it, but I have a pretty good attention to detail, and a determination to do things right, and am hoping that people that have a similar skill set, and mentality can realize that they can build a boat too, race, and most importantly, have fun with the whole process!

Some pictures tomorrow or Sunday of the Garage set-up, tools I'm starting with, and material costs. I'm hoping that after the set-up we'll get a couple of the frames lofted, and cut out. As I progress, at the end, I'll recap with a complete list of tools used, materials used, cost, and time, mistakes, lessons learned, etc.

Wayne Holtzclaw
Web Developer
Air Compressor Mechanic
Boat Builder(?)