So today when his Royal Imperial Anus King Oback the Magnanimous Barack Huesein Obummer spewed off about the debt ceiling knowing he no longer faces an election in the future looks down after the speech spewage on index cards that had scripted questions from reporters. At times he offered lead ins to the question before the question was even asked....I've long suspected scripted questioning from this moron but today it was blatent....Amazing. He appeals to 47% of the people who voted for him because they get free rubbers and that same 47% is too stupid to figure out where to install the rubber. Then when the same kid gets pregnant because they are too stupid to figure out how to install the rubber, we get to pay for their kid over he next 18 years thus breeding more Obummer/Hitler youth to indoctrinate....ARGH.......ARGH........Frustrated well beyond belief....Time to put my kayak in the Truckee River and shoot some rapids amongst the ice flows.....