what is considered normal water pressure ? at say cruising and wide open throttle ?

I have a 1995 60hp evinrude 3 cylinder 56ci, its the later model of the triples , and would like to know what is considered the normal
operating water pressure. ?

I know its best to have a guage as many people have said, and especially if running the engine on jackplate etc. this is being taken care of.

But unless I know what the correct normal pressure is, then having a guage is pointless as it could be much lower than needed.
I don't want to know "what is ok" I want to know what it should be.

some one on here I would presume, knows about the actual pressure required for the optimal water cooling of the engine.

my engine gets a test run hopefully very soon, but my pressure guage has not arrived yet and probably lost in the dreaded post, so will have to
just keep an eye on water coming from the tell tale for now.

once I find the "NORMAL" pressure when the engines are run at recommended transom heights( i.e cav plate level with bottom of boat)
I can then monitor what I am getting when raising the engine and hopefully keep to it, or very close to it.
