There's a new fellow on the HR site, I don't think he has ever raced, who wants to weld himself up a 10' 6" aluminum outboard hydro to put a B Anzani on to get a fast ride around the lake and have something unusual. Best of luck to him on that project, but that's not what I'm asking about here.

It seems to me that someone said that there was a hydro that was all or mostly aluminum, whether a production boat or a one-off, that was raced in the early Fifties. In my hazy, mix-everything-up memory, the further part of this story was that this aluminum hydro served as the design for a plastic model outboard hydro (can you imagine such a thing?!!) that Monogram or somebody sold a lot of in hobby shops in the Fifties. I had one; the maker called it the "Dipsy Doodle," very nicely done, with its plastic KG4 or KG7 on the back. Wish I still had it.

Anybody know anything about any of that?