Brilliant! The length can also be adjusted with sliding sections, as kart racers do.

On the subject of "it's already been done" and "can't make any more improvements", this is historically untrue. Some smart person out there is sure to come up with a trick no one thought about before (or didn't act on/ do it right) and another small increase is achieved.

Look at emissions in cars as an example. When this all began--in the mid-70s--car engines were God awful! Not only did they barely run, they were powerless slugs. Bleeck! (You older guys know what I'm talking about.) But over the years the horsepower has come back--big time!--and new cars are so clean they are air cleaners in some smoggy areas: the air coming out the back is cleaner than the air coming in! Amazing. But all this improvement took time--one little thing at a time.
