Smitty, I got on the bus in time to pick up the kids. Didn't have time to shave though. People ask me all the time why I drive a school bus. It certainly isn't for the money!

The kids are the reason! Some times a few of them can be real obnoxious, but when you start seeing improvement in their behavior; it's all worth while!

I have quite a few students who respectfully call me "Grandpa"! I have, Black, White, and Hispanic kids who call me "Grandpa"! The only Asians who call me "Grandpa" truly are my Grand-daughters; Jemma and Noella. Their Great-grandma Tamiko is very proud of her 1/8 Japanese grand daughters.

Alan Ishii says these little girls prove we are cousins. Actually Alan and I are brothers!

I will post some of the info you requested later after I do a little digging. I will answer your question about Dick O'Dea's removable head.

The removable head did not fit on a Mercury block! Dick built a "Kit" that mounted on the Mercury crankcase. The block was cast iron and as I recall the head was aluminum. I believe he called his complete powerhead "The Red Head".

I know where 2 of these are, but I ain't telling unless the owner/owners give me permission to do so.

I'll get more involved Re: Quincy questions next time!