Ron: I raced in the 50/60's in B Hydro #C666 and C116. Being 81 years old now, some of my memories are not as sharp as I would like but still have a lot. My first boat I bought from Sid Chambers with a Campion Hot Rod engine Then proceeded to practice in Huntington harbor channel where I first met Ted May and he helped me a lot as at that time he was also runninf a Champion Hot Rod. Ran my first race and it was really Exciteing!!!!!! Raced at Santa Barbera in the Ocean. Had to Launch boat through the surf then race through all the swells on the course. My wife almost made me stop raceing since I was more in the air than on the water. But I did finish right side up and won 2nd place. I built a stack for the motor and raced pretty good with a little extra speed. Then Harry Bartolomei designed a better set,so decided on a new boat and motor. Bought a Belleville and Konig motor. My first race I won 1st and then decided to step up to the C class and I won 1st also.The picture on my Forum is this boat in that race. I can't remember where this race was at. Forum name...Chuck Mulligan Was Commodore of the Los Angeles Speedboat Association in 1964 and I was also the Editor for a few years of the Finish Line the club monthly paper.

Maybe more when I can remember.

Sid Chambers.. His boat was a DeSilva pickle fork...In those days we called them a Fly Slingslot...Has DeSilva had a piece of wood across th two pickle forks...and th boats were always flying and froma distance they looked lke a Sling Slot...

I didn't race at Santa Barbara that day, was some where at a Stock race..My brother told me that when Ken Steelman set up the race the tid was low with no surf...At the race, I guess the surf was pretty big...