Thankyou Mark for this sad but significant post. I am so sorry that the outcome for Jerry was not more positive. He lived for the sport he so loved.

The interesting part was that this was an OMC V4 motor & 160mph would have truly shaken up the Outboard World at that time. Subsequently in 1989 the record was push to where it is today, 176.556mph with V8 & undoubtedly could have been closer to 200mph which is what they were aiming for.

Below is one of my posts regarding Second Effort. A new friend of mine, Phil Myrna Shakesby, worked for Second Effort, OMC's Racing Arm, in 1989. He now lives in Australia has just sent me some pictures, one of which shows the gearcase which was part of the V8 that set the record. It is to the right of his head. The interesting part is that it had overdrive gears, no skeg AND NO water pickups. The boat was steered by rudders, one of which was torn off during the attempt, after it hit a water fowl. The picture is below.

PS: It also DID NOT have a water pump!!!!

Click on this picture to reveal the complete album on my website.

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