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Thread: Lets put Bill Fales in APBA HOF

  1. #1
    Team Member
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    Smile Lets put Bill Fales in APBA HOF

    I would like to find out how many people would like to get Bill Fales into APBA's Hall of Fame. When he won the first of three consecutive 1100CCR National Championships in 1967, he did it against all odds. F racing runabout was considered a west coast class, and the first time they have a mid-country national, an east coast racer whips the west coast butts. Not to rest on his laurels, he comes back with a bigger and better Quincy looper and a new DeSilva runabout and beets them again. And to add more, he does it again the following year. He would have made it four in a row, but after breaking his back in five places just 12 weeks earlier trying to break the NRA Kilo record, he is charged with gun jumping the 2nd heet (actually Doug B. jumped). He did set the world record in kilo, going back and forth with non other than a great racer himself, Rich Fuchelin. Retiring from racing for a little while came back with his two sons and went on to win Two-person Nationals in Kansas. He was elected into the Gulf Hall of Fame, but never the APBA. He was Pro-VP for a number of years. So help me get him into the Hall. I thank you all in advance.

  2. #2
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default I made a suggestion...

    I made a suggestion to APBA's Stan Fitts, about having a Life Time Achievement Award for APBA Members. This award would not be the same as their Honor Squadron, which they only select a few each year...I can think of many that deserve a Life Time Achievement Award...

    I was on the Honor Squadron Selection Committee but got fired by the last administration....

    Few listen to me in APBA anyway, but two other I feel should be honmored, is Bill Boyes, Sr. and J.A. Lon Stevens. Both of these gentlemen have a chieved a ton in their years with APBA, but neither are Honor Squadron members...

    So, how do we get Bill Fales in the APBA Honor Squadron? I don't know. The Hall of Champiuons awards points, you get the points, in your Division, you make the Hall.

    I guess, in my little world, I wanted to create a Boat Racing Encyclopedia, to let readers decide who belongs in the Who's Who of boat racing...not a small group that most people don't know...

    I've seen some great Boat races in my life, but Bill Fales's F Runabout at DePue...was always a thriller...

    My father was amember of the Honor Squadron, I am a members, I don't wish to take things awy from those of whom have done musch for boat just seems a Special Life Time Achievement Award to hang on the wall would be wonderful.....

    I'm sure we could add hundreds of nams to this list!

  3. #3
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    Default APBA Hall of Fame......

    Ron- My idea exactly..... MOST sports (football, baseball, etc.) have a "HALL OF FAME", which is based on a LIFE-TIME of achievement. APBA doesn't really have this for race drivers. The Hall of Champions is awarded to a great single season, while the Honor Squadron is most often about those who worked within APBA. Maybe the Honor Squadron IS our sports "Hall of Fame" but it is damn hard to get into........ I am thinking about a guy who races for 30 years and has some good years and some not so good years (no money?). During his career, he has earned a couple of Natl. High Point awards, a couple of National Championships and maybe even a couple of records along the way! This is far and away a better career than MOST RACERS ever achieve, but there is NO-WAY that this guy will get in the Hall of Champions or the Honor Squadron. I think that we SHOULD have a HALL OF FAME for the racers which adds the accomplishments of an entire career in racing. Perhaps, when you add up the value given to each achievement and it meets or surpasses a certian number- you are inducted!
    Last edited by Peter Crowley; 03-16-2005 at 09:07 AM.

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