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Thread: Fastest Run By A Quincy Flathead 6 cylinder?

  1. #21
    Sam Cullis Mark75H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post
    There were the Quincy 99s as shown parked on some stock fishing boat made to scare someone off the local lake....
    No the boat was O.F.'s test buck and the big loopers were 89's not 99's.

    The loopers aren't even close to the power used to set the 176+ record, I think Paul's estimate is probably right, too.

    The question about 60 ci 4's is a good one, as would be a question about 49 ci 4's ... Merc submitted some specs to Claude Fox in 1968 for a 49 ci motor that had a detachable head and differed in some other ways from production Mercs made in that era.
    Since 1925, about 150 different racing outboards have been made.

  2. #22
    Administrator Ron Hill's Avatar
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    Default On the Nitro Thing...

    Old Man Hutchen, Bill Sr., ran nitro in his "A" Looper...As he'd always "FLUSH" the motor with gas and oil after the her on dry land to get the nitro out....Hutch said it was the only way to keep with Waldman and Herring....

    I know for a fact harry Bartolomei ran nitro in the Konigs he had, but never in MY (HIS) "A" Looper or his "B" either...

    I doubt if Bobby Herring or Jerry Waldman ever used nitro. They were fast enough without it....

  3. #23
    Team Member Gene East's Avatar
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    No one did more water testing and dyno testing during the hey days at Quincy Welding than Frank Volker.

    He wore out a couple of dynos!

    Like all of us at Quincy Welding, Frank had a great respect for Gerry Waldman.

    If you choose not to accept MY statement that Gerry Waldman's successes came from his incredible ability and not out of a can of nitro, certainly you should accept Frank's statement.

    I would also like to rebuff the rumours that Quincy Welding provided Gerry Waldman and Bob Hering with engines that were not available to other customers.


    Frank will tell you truthfully that Gerry's motors never pulled more H.P. on the dyno than the norm.

    Gerry Waldman was the best set up man and the gutsiest driver I ever knew. He had the ability to put the H.P. to the water.

    Races are not won on the dyno!

    I'm proud to have had the honor of calling Gerry Waldman my friend.

  4. #24
    Team Member Frank Volker's Avatar
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    Gene, I think for every minute I spent doing on-water testing, Jim Schoch did a month. Jim had an incredible feel for engine, boat, and/or prop changes. He was like a walking dynamometer with a built-in accelerometer. Truly incredible.

    You are on the money about Gerry and Bobby's (the "golddust twins") engines. There was nothing special done to them. They would usually send everything down to QW maybe once per season for updates. Gerry told me once that he had this recurring nightmare that he would get to QW late to pick up the engines and they would still be sitting there, unpacked, in their shipping crates. So, of course, every time he called about the status of the engines, I would always answer, "What engines?". And every time--without fail-- there was this audible gasp followed by much laughter on both ends. What a great guy.

  5. #25
    John (Taylor) Gabrowski

    Default Elmer Grade sure respected the Quincy Flatheads

    Back in 2001 I spent an afternoon just talking to Elmer Grade in Florida. Though their team ran some Quincy, a lot of Konig and some Yamato, he said if you had a D or F Flathead what would you want a Konig for??? At least the Flatheads stayed together crank and all with good maintennance, not so D or F Konigs. He was dead serious.

  6. #26
    Team Member Master Oil Racing Team's Avatar
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    Gene...your and Frank's assessment of Gerry's set up and driving abilities are right on the mark. And I never heard of him running nitro either. If he depended on nitro, he would never have finished as many heats as he did. No matter how good a motor man you are, nitro will take its toll.

    Gerry was posthumously the winner of the high point hydro driver in his final race. And he didn't even race B Hydro. As Captain of the North Team, he choose his three B's among other drivers because he didn't consider his to be competitive that day. This was at a time when Konigs were ruling that Gerry won C and F hydro among some of the best in the country.

  7. #27
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    Default My previous post regards Waldman" D Record

    For whatever reason, some seem to think I have made light or inferred that the D record set by Gerry Waldman at Alexandria in 1971 was done unfairly or outside the rules. THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT MY INTENT. My post was to relate how impressed I was with the apparent ease (very little run up to the Kilo trap) that he made in setting the record, and to repeat those impressions to anyone not fortunate to have been there to see it. I did not know Gerry well, but my interaction with him, primarily talking to him at the races, and being on the recieving end of gratis AC plugs was great, and I had the utmost admiration for him and his accomplishments, of every kind, not just the Kilo record he set that day that I witnessed. Also anyone who knows or knew Carl Rylee would know if there was ANYTHING that was not above board about the run, Gerry would never have been awarded the record. As you might remember, I related the part of the story about Rylee making him rerun the record attempt, for no other reason that he (Rylee) didn't believe it was possible to go that fast with that boat and motor combination.

    Hindsight being 20/20, I probably should not have even mentioned the use of Nitro by anyone at that time in Quincy flatheads, much less in the telling of the the story of the runs I witnessed, but because that was the time frame of Nitro usage in Flatheads (and it was widespread, perhaps not by Gerry but certainly by others and Qunicy themselves as Gene and Paul attested to) I thought it would add something to the story. If anyone thinks that I was purposely besmirching Waldmans memory, YOU ARE WRONG. I was simply telling a story like I remembered it and the other things that were happening with the same type motor he set his record with. As to Gene East's comments about "rumours" that his motors were "better" or different than anyone elses spending money with Quincy. I never said that and have never heard it. I did say that he had a close association with Christner and Quincy, and I doubt anyone could argue with that assesment. I DID NOT say he recieved any special treatment or engines, as I have no knowledge about that. IN MY OPINION, he certainly did extend the useful racing life of the flatheads against the Konigs and keep the Flathead competitive longer than it might have been, if Gerry Waldman had not been setting that boat motor combination up, propeller wise and driver wise. Of that I think there can be little argument.

    Whether he used Nitro or not is and was not important to me in the telling of what I saw at Alex that year. IT WAS LEGAL, and if he wanted to or ever did use it or not, personally it would not make the slightest difference to me and my recollection of him and his statue as one of the finest boat racers not only of his time, but ever in the PRO category.

    If ANYONE thinks I mentioned it to taint or otherwise make less of his accomplishment that day or ever, you are mistaken. I hope that makes clear my admiration for him and his many accomplishments. If anyone thinks I mentioned it for any other reason, they are badly mistaken.

  8. #28
    Team Member Frank Volker's Avatar
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    I didn't see even a trace of adversity in your post. In fact, it was great to hear a report and an opinion from someone who was there. This section of forum real estate is all about history, and most of us rely on the accounts of others to get all of the pieces of the historical puzzle to slide into place. Thanks for providing a valuable piece.


  9. #29

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Gene East View Post
    Only one way to find out.

    Find and restore one of these magnificent beasts, slap it on a big boat, find some young driver with big balls and a small brain and turn him loose!

    Now there's an idea!

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Volker View Post
    I didn't see even a trace of adversity in your post. In fact, it was great to hear a report and an opinion from someone who was there. This section of forum real estate is all about history, and most of us rely on the accounts of others to get all of the pieces of the historical puzzle to slide into place. Thanks for providing a valuable piece.

    I saw nothing wrong with anything you posted either Bill. Thanks for posting and please continue to do so.

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