An old freind was in town this weekend and he loves to go to second hand and antique stores so I took him around to a few places. We were in the basement of one store in the back corner and there in a display case I see the corner of of pile of small paper items, is something that looks like a propeller. I look closer and it appers to be a bunch of old NOA "The Rooster Tail" newsletters. I can't imagine what they are doing there and figure I probably know whose they were as the address was usually stamped on these with one of those old dog tag like stamping type address machines. I have them open the case and to my astonishment, there are 5 Rooster Tails from the late 60's and early 70's - and one IOA Prop Wash (Indiana Outboard Assn) all addressed to Leonard Keller. As some of you have seen from other posts on this forum, my brother and I worked for Leonard in the late 60's and early 70's so its possible my brother even brought these in from the mail box to him. Leonard always ran little ads in these club newsletters advertising hardware and speedos so he had a lot of them. What are the odds ? Someone must have found these at some garage or estate sale. Lots of cool old news, race results and records - British Anzani ads from Bill Tenney, Quincy Welding ads, Gentex life jacket ads, Seebold and Hopkins prop ads - just like old times.

I will take shots of these and post them this week.
