I just got back from watching car racing at Antioch and it was very entertaining. As for the question on my pre-entries or should I say the "lack of", the last couple of boat races "cancellation notices" of those races were e-mailed out before I had a chance to pre-enter.

From what I found out, both races only had 34 pre-entries turned in and I bet it was the same people for both races. I'll tell you what, I will pre-enter the Chowchilla race right now and the other races as they come up so it will make that 35 entries instead of 34. Will that help?

Look, I'm not trying to be a wise guy but I think Mr. Hill has the right idea here. Apparently, APBA is too expensive for the majority of people who live on the left coast to race boats. Maybe it's time to try some other organization which could possibly make it more affordable.

Last October at Minden I believe we paid somewhere around $285.00 for the two day event. Of course we had to pay the single day event price because we did not join APBA, but I believe that was only about $40.00 more than if I was a member. Anyway, $240.00 is pretty pricey to race. Now in contrast, it only costs me only $30.00 to race my car at any of the three tracks that I race at.

Anyway, I really do enjoy racing a boat and the people who are associated with boat racing. Everybody is saying the economy is at fault to which I concur, but it isn't going to change for a long time and something has to change to make racing a boat more affordable!