Quote Originally Posted by Ron Hill View Post
Jimbo and I talked about this boat yesterday. His 1964, Short Sponson Sid DSH was 11 foot on the money. He has pictures of it, and he looked, his didn't have the up rights supports on the cockpit, but were agreed they were needed.

My dad sold at least a dozen Sid out here, we (Jimbo and I) are wondering if this wasn't an "ALKY" boat, because the darker wood was heavier than the lighter wood. BUt then again, my 1965 Sid had dark wood. The DeSilva brothers always put serial numbers in the their boats, wish Sid's would have had them...

Would you post a picture of the bottom, like maybe the last 24 inches????
That's correct, Sid didn't put the up & down supports on the coaming sides. Not sure of the exact year, although 1964 sounds right, my 11' normal length sponson DSH also had the dark coaming sides. We put them on, or I should say Sid decided to do that as many were breaking the starboard side coaming sides where they met the deck. Those that drove Sids with the 45 degree chine angle know that the sponson would catch 7 throw your bdyy in to the coaming, those cracking it. I always padded mine with the same material as the knee pad to softhen the blow so to speak.