After giving it some serious thought and talking with someone over the weekend about it, I finally decided to put my Looper up for sale. I had a great time finding all the parts and doing the work, but for the last few years it has sat under a tarp, untouched. So maybe it's time to sell it and use the proceeds to find the next restroration project.

FD-43 ( I think, it is stored about an hour away ).
Mark 40H tower
Merc 1-1 gearcase

It was originally sold to Dick O'Dea in 1965. Howard Shaw from WA bought it from him in the early 70's. It needs a throttle linkage, and if I remember correctly it also needs a water tube in the tower. It now has plug wires, though it it did when I took the pictures.

When I did the work, the powerhead was torn completely down, and was re-assembled using all new needle bearings.

I was told that Loopers are currently selling for $4000-$6000.

Pictures can be seen on Paul Christner's website,

Email me for details.
Joe Johnson