I hope its ok as the consistancy is great for the bonding of the seam,and with the gun he has given me it
would be a very quick application.
He says he is gonna try and get me another gun tommorow and good few tubes of the stuff !!!!
there is 380 ml in each tube,so no idea how many i will need but he said he will get loads ha ha .

ive looked on the net and cant for any info as in good for fibreglass or not.
I do know its realy strong stuff.

i tried it by putting 2x4 on end on a bit of scrap exterior plywood, 20 minutes later there was just no way it was comming apart.
when i finnaly managed to break it apart the ply broke up not the bond,it dries rock hard like steel.
even the grinder didnt like this stuff,its realy tough.

if this is ok then it will be nice to do the job with 2 of us doing the seam so it dont set before i get all the way round.
I would of prefered a slower setting stuff then could say ive done absolutely every part of this project on my own.

But i have never heard of epoxy acrylate resin before, and no idea what styrene free means,is that a good thing or
a bad thing for me ?

I done a dry run on the two parts of the boat today and everything fits nice, the transom is a touch out of line due
to my new transom being about 1/4 inch thicker, that is not a problem at all just a very slight bit of grinding and
the heavy duty rubber fender can go back on no problem at all.
I re-drilled the holes for the engine as well today and so almost ready to go back together.
About 3 hours of meesing around doing a couple of repaires to fibreglass stringers and a quick application of 2 extra
layers of glass on the hull floor and its ready for refitting out, all sounds so easy ha ha ha
