Quote Originally Posted by Seanp3
Sounds really good. Keep me posted. I'd really like to come over and attend and bring my 13 yr old son. I can't quite tell how excited he is to do this stuff, but I'd really like to do it before I get too old. I'm curious how the prop will do also. I'd like to get together with someone locally (westside or eastside) and get out on the water and give me some pointer on setup and how to tune up the Yamato, etc. I've got most the tools needed I just not quite sure how to do it yet. I'm sure there a bunch of guys on the westside that could help out. I just haven't met them yet. Thanks for the info and keep me posted on the novice school.
Sean, stay in touch----there's some talk of a pre-season Feb or March testing session east of the mountains over at Scooteney near Connell. If it happens, it would be great if you could come along. It would get you lots of help to get started, plus the somewhat "controlled" (relative term) conditions of testing with a bunch of fellow racers.

Have you got all your gear now? Engine? safety equipment? etc? Gimme a shout if I can help.

Hope to meet you soon,

Patrick Gleason