Quote Originally Posted by bill boyes View Post
I was hiring A&P mechanics at that time. How ironic. You ended up way better off working for the FAA.


If you are talking about TWA, Eileen would agree with you wholeheartedly. She loved her job with Ozark, everything about it, and then when Carl Icahn, who had bought TWA not too long before as a cash cow to sell off the valuable pieces of same, also sold out a large group of employees pension funds, making her have about 1/2 the retirement income now she would have had before he robbed them. I am really surprised that someone has not shot him, as he has ruined many peoples lives. As many former Ozark and TWA employees we still know say, there is still hope.

It has always amazed me that theft, in some ways, is just smart business to others and the law.

The really ironic part of this whole buy-out/merger between Ozark and TWA,(we have heard from some in the know) was Ozark was the stronger financially company and it could have easily gone the other way, with Ozark being the buyer, but this was the time of airline deregulation, and many of the Ozark board members were small business men, farmers, and the like, and had a chance to cash out in a big way so took it. The way it has shaken out (desegregation) they were probably the smart ones.

Just a shame so many good employees of both companies had to pay the price for one man's insatiable greed, and the amazing part is he is still at it.

And Steve, forgive me for the above rambling and hijacking your post, but Bill is very correct, in my opinion anyway, you were and certainly are much better off now than if you had gone with TWA, or most any airline these days.