piecing together a bunch of parts ive been collecting to make some stuff run.
got one runnin its an 88 40/50 powerhead 50 carbs/tuner boyseen reeds,
looking to piece together another with the leftover parts.
on to the questions/statements
have a 92 block with an 88 crank and the 92 2 ring pistons, someone in the past had disabled the rev limit and bent a rod, would like to avoid that
have electronics off of a 94 pro 50 and a same from 88 40
which ones are more reliable? not looking to build a race motor, just something reliable.
had the head shaved .025, anyone got an estimate on compression?
stock 50 carbs/tuner on this one as well.
ccm reeds
pro 50 trim
15" mid
nose coned/lwp lower.

recap of my only easy questions
reliability of electronics 88 or 92, if the 88 will even fit on the newer block....
compression? been running 91 non eth in everything as its avail 1/2 mile from my house, will it be fine on 91?
any easy mods ive missed?

probably just run this one until I can piece together a 70 or 90 short shaft.

thanks in advance..