any body out there remember the land and sea turbos that they made for o/bs?
or ever seen 1 run?
i went out to scott eines shop the other day
if anybody remembers him he used to race mod vp in the early 80,s with dave barnett,
he has land on lake livingston with an air strip,and a full blown aviaton shop and hangers,he builds and repairs airplanes,made his own gas tubine engine from a starter motor for a scaled plane he built
amazing to see what comes out of his mind

anyways he used to build his own version of a mod vp boat ,jack plates,props
we went through his storage container of his old boat stuff

he had 1 of those turbos,,,that was played with in the mid 80s
and of course he had to make mods to it,,,,needed more booost,added an intercooler inside the intake box,,it even has an air plunger after the turbo to dump exhaust above the water at high rpms

thought it was a real cool item and had to bring it home with me
and you know it will be going on a motor,,,,,,,

also got some old boat air brakes he made,
ron will like this,,some homeade props that they machined from stock mat

was real cool to see the stuff he built back then
and what he builds now

if anybody out there ever ran 1
give some input,,,was told they only made 5 of them