I'm sure that many of you will remember Michael Werner from back in the day

I thought you'd appreciate this video showing what he's up to these days


He's based in Norway working for a company run by Frode Sundsdal (ex-F1, F2 racer) www.f1boat.no. The company is heavily involved outboards, racing, etc and you'll see that Herr Werner is still using his years of knowledge and 'cunning & guile' to tweak Mercs!!

The website is a great source of info for OPC racing and what is currently going on in the F1 and F2 (SST120) classes. Currently, there's a lot of nastiness going on, what with hostile take over bids, drivers refusing to race and promoter's having their contracts cancelled by the UIM.

When I read stuff like this, I thank my lucky stars to be involved in hydro racing and the worldwide hydro family. Okay, like a family we have our problems, but we generally sort it out between ourselves and after everything (and everyone), has cooled down a bit, we have a few brews and all disputes are usually forgotten - I'm sure the beer helps with regards to the latter!!