Vintage & Historic Chairman steps down
Monday, March 8, 2010

Tom Bertolini announced his resignation as APBA Vintage & Historic Division Chairman March 8, 2010. Bertolini took over leadership of the Division in 2004. Both Tom and his wife Jacqueline have been active in all aspects of Vintage. They regularly display and drive their 1971 Country Boy N-8 and GP-247 Deepwater Special at Vintage regattas. Their annual Winter Gathering was a favorite social event for members. Under Tom's leadership, Vintage and Historic has enjoyed tremendous growth. Safety rules have been refined and updated; regional representatives have been appointed; and Vintage racecraft have added excitement to other categories' regattas as well as stand-alone Vintage events. By encouraging storyboards and logbooks, the Division made each Vintage event an opportunity to educate the public about beautiful raceboats of the past. While working a full-time job and serving as Race Director of the APBA Gold Cup race, Tom always gave 100% to the chairmanship. He will be difficult to replace.

Nonetheless, the search is on for a new Vintage & Historic chairman. APBA members are encouraged to submit nominations to APBA President Mark Weber at 586-206-8894 or