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Thread: Troops overseas might not be paid is a LIE

  1. #1
    Sam Cullis Mark75H's Avatar
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    Default Troops overseas might not be paid is a LIE

    There is money currently in the treasury to send out SS checks and military paychecks for months ... provided tiddley wink inspectors, EPA auditors, and astronaut training review book proof readers are not placed in front of them ... the only reason SS and military checks would not be sent out on time is ... Obama makes the decision to screw them over someone else.

    Even Obama is not that stupid,

    ............................ but he thinks you might be, that's why he had his henchmen start the rumor

    Do not fall for it and call your congress critters telling them how bad we need to spend more money for things the government can't afford.
    Since 1925, about 150 different racing outboards have been made.

  2. #2
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    Default Stupid?

    obama not that stupid? Well, he came on national TV and said exactly that, so I guess he is that stupid... How about we scream loud enough to make the Senate and that crook Harry Raid pass a bill to REPAY SS every dime they've stolen since they passed the bill to put SS money in the general fund?..."No checks", "Global Warming", "Oil spills", "Recovering economy", does he really think WE'RE that stupid.... obama, Raid, and Paloser have to go....

  3. #3
    Sam Cullis Mark75H's Avatar
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    He is not that stupid ... he is testing to see if you are.

    If you believe it, he has one check in his "good" column

    Cutting military pay or not paying troops overseas would cause mutiny, he knows that. Saying that he will if you don't tell your congress critters to vote for new taxes ... that's his plan, not the actual cut.

    Since 1925, about 150 different racing outboards have been made.

  4. #4
    - Skoontz's Avatar
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    Had an intelligent conversation with a liberoid over the weekend
    ....All went well until she said we should get rid of the military because thats another form of government welfare....Thats when I concluded if someone is a liberal, they are incapable of carrying on an intelligent conversation, unlike old school democrats such as Zel Miller, or Scoop Jackson, or even John F Kennedy. We have 40 years or more of public school cirriculum indoctrination to overcome....
    Bill Schwab
    Dirty Deck Brewing

  5. #5
    Sam Cullis Mark75H's Avatar
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    At our current level of spending it is welfare for the defense industry, just like too big to fail was welfare for banks. Its not just liberals, its both sides being owned by industry. Obamacare is the biggest gift the insurance industry ever got, the bank/investment company bailout started under Bush and continues at a magnified pace. This link up of big business and big government failed in Europe 60 years ago as it is certain to fail here.

    How many countries have more than 1 aircraft carrier? Look it up.

    We need a military to defend this country, not to run others at our whim.
    Since 1925, about 150 different racing outboards have been made.

  6. #6
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    Default Sam is right on this issue.

    Bravo Sam!

    On this issue, I give you a 1000 points of light.

    A 10 year war on terrorism while our borders to the North and South are practically wide open! LOL! How stupid do they think we are? Apparently, pretty stupid, as we've watched our brothers and sisters in the middle class be economically obliterated over the past 40 years by Wall Street and the Congressional prostitutes.

    As always, follow the money and leave the theater to Hollywood where it really belongs.



    PS: What these global predators want is a totalitarian, global, corporate feudalism, ie no resistance or obstruction from the working/middle classes. The way they are selling it is with "Libertarian" window dressing. But behind the curtain, the devil is in the (deregulation) details.

  7. #7
    Sam Cullis Mark75H's Avatar
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    The wonderful New Consumer Protection Act ... if you read the details of the new regulations and laws ... its practically illegal for any small or medium business to offer direct credit to their customers anymore. You almost HAVE to go thru a bank.

    This isn't consumer protection, its banking industry protection.

    I want it to be illegal for you or your handyman to replace your furnace or AC filters so I can make more money. I want people to be arrested in the parking lots of Home Depot and Lowes if they are seen carrying air filters. Might be a good idea for you to have a government controlled lock box over your thermostat so only "qualified" technicians can make adjustments.

    Makes just as much sense.
    Since 1925, about 150 different racing outboards have been made.

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    Sorry you guys but The american people are getting stupid and very very hoodwinked. We better wake up..QUICK! Let the libs and cry baby's take our guns away and watch how fast we have no freedom at all. I have a different perspective then a lot of people. I did 23 years in the military and have lived/travelled all over the world. I have spent time in totalitarian countries. Our founding fathers are rolling in thier graves seeing what is happening in this country. Just a little historical fact, in 1963 Nikita Kruschev told Kennedy(during the Cuban Missle Crisis Talks) that we may beat him militarily but he would beat us through our own education system.Its happening! Look very closely at the state of this country and the state of our industry. In the former communist countries the "elite" had everything, look at whats left of any of our big companies, other than maybe GE and a very few others they are run just like the old communist regimes. They maybe running into the ground but there ceo's get multi million dolar bonuses...etc. Our educational instittions are run by bleeding heart liberal creeps that dont give a damn about our country and delight in teaching there students how bad the united states is. I have seen American people behave overseas in such a manner that is absolutely disgusting. In general this country and especially our so called "leaders" need a good general *** whippin. In a nutshell our founding fathers designed our government to be there for and to be run by the people. Our govermment thinks The people are there for the government! WRONG ANSWER! I could go on for hours on this subject. Just one other thing, And this is going to make you whiny little liberals out there nuts, read what it says on the statue of liberty and truly understand what it means "give me your tied your poor and your oppressed" (Not in an illegal sneaky manner either!) Now the part that will make you liberals crazy! history is going to prove George Bush correct in what he did in Iraq (and yes I am a Persian Gulf war vet) I spent a lot of mid watches with a Saudi navy officer and had a lot of conversations with him. he basically told me If a stable democracy ever gets set up in the Middle east all the little principalities and dictatorships over ther are going to topple like dominoes. Well look at the recent events in the middle east over the last 8 months or so. Now read carefully What is said on the statue of liberty does not apply to this country it applies to all people the world over regular people the world over deserve the ideals and priciples that our founding fathers set forth. I better get off this soap box. Bottom line is this, I ove this country , what it stands and what it was founded on but i hate the bunch of sluts and *****s the goverment of this country has become

  9. #9
    Sam Cullis Mark75H's Avatar
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    I have seen American people behave overseas in such a manner that is absolutely disgusting.
    Burdick and Lederer wrote about this back in the 1950's, it has been an ongoing problem, not new to this generation or the one before it.

    When I went to Russia back in the 90's I took effort not to appear too American and was usually addressed in French or German by waiters etc. Other Americans traveling at the same time stuck out like sore thumbs by their gaudy clothes and manners.

    In Delaware the locals use the portmanteau "touron" for tourist/moron
    Last edited by Mark75H; 08-17-2011 at 06:55 AM.
    Since 1925, about 150 different racing outboards have been made.

  10. #10
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    "touron" Thats good! I caused quite a ruckus at Nue Schwanstein in Bavaria because of misbehaving American's, The local's thanked me after.....

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