Well, look at the pictures from Bakersfield...http://www.boatracingfacts.com/forum...ead.php?t=1592
from what I heard Kankakee only had 14 Champboats.... Bakersfield had almost that many Cracker Boxes.....The average Cracker Box is like a CLASSIC CAR....most sport $35,000 motors....There ain't a Cracker Box owner that races for prize money.....They are PROUD OWNERS OF CRACKER BOXES...

There were close to 30 Vee Drive Boats at Bakersfield...All could be considered "CLASSIC" boats.....average price of those 30 boats were around $40,000.... Our local race had more expensive equipment than the OPC Nationals, yet you feel you needed prize money...

Val, Family and Frineds were EVERYWHERE at Bakersfield...In fact, I had way too many friends give me drinks...Saturday night...Especailly Ted Kolby's lady friend....I'm "Ducking" her at Parker...

We're running two boats at Parker, if we get our $300 entry fee (per boat) back, we'll be as happy as pigs in S^&T!!!

I gave out $100 worth of BRF T-Shirts...I think Bakersfiled was a HUGE success, without spectators...(There were many more than 50...but not 50, 000)...

I disagree with you...we have a whole generation of boat racers that think the sport is supposed to work for them...

When is the last time you set up the course? Worked as a turn judge? Wrote a press release to you local paper??? Drove the patrol boat? Donated time to APBA??? Or AOF???

BK thinks of herself as an outsider at the races now????........but, I'll bet if she was in the pits at Bakerfield last weekend....all she'd have to do was look at the mountains...she'd have seen Ted May, her brother, my dad....the whole family was there!!!! Better than the OLD DAYS!!!! There were friends, everywhere!!!!!