This web site is a great thing for a boat racing and I wanna thank you for that, other than that we are on completely opposite sides, you don’t agree on anything I say and I sure don’t agree on ANY of your points, not one. You might not like this, but you guys, (not you personally but in general), steered boat racing in hobby direction for so many years and got us nowhere so I just think it’s time for a change, something new, with new people and new philosophy, let’s try, we got nothing to lose, look what are they doing in Japan boat racing is a BIG business there, just ask “tacobellprop” one of our members from Japan. In his own words and I quote (from personal e-mail); “Drivers' average annual income (prize money) is $180,000. Some drivers make over a million bucks a year.”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Must be a nice to have a Hobby in Japan, I bet you those drivers are not working as judges and other things you advocate, and even that is not a big deal, if I have to do it I have no problem with that neither, but I just don’t see a point why?
Just something for you to think about, and if you can tell me why is that wrong, they do what they love to do and they make a (good) living that way.
FYI; Champ powerhead it’s not $65.000 but it’s not $10.000ish neither, figure about $15-16.000 plus another $5-6.000 for engine builder since they are so stock, but that’s besides the point, and to say that Champ Boat and any other class other than Unlimited and Drag racing is boring makes me think do you really love boat racing at all.

PS; Nascar was just a example, I’m talking about car racing in general from Go-karts to a Formula-1