C-86 was Fred Hauenstien Sr.'s boat number. I'm not totally positive, but Sr. quit driving in late '53 or early '54. Unfortunetly the color of the boat doesn't ring a bell. George Peak also ran 'F' hydro. Infact, he gained lots of fame when he built his new 'F' hydro with anchor nails & glue. He was testing at Long Beach and came flying down the front straightaway. He continued on clear down and under the bridge on the South end of the corse. After an hour or so, everyone on the beach started laughing, for on the back straightaway was a patrol boat pulling the first ever surfboard with a steering column! Yep, everything was gone except the bottom, steering column and George! Blue and while were the colors of Curley Owens. He built & drove his own boats. Buzz Miller if I remember correctly was yellow & black. Ahhh!, getting old is a terrible thing. Can't remember didly squat!