Thanks Dale. 1972 was also a time of transition. Only a month earlier at Gravois Mills AOF sanctioned a race called the Gulf Canadian Series. The first big AOF Pro race. About 20 or more of us met , I think in Ralph Donald's room. We discussed which way we should go. rather than divide up, we should stick together and have one strong organization instead of three splitting up the teams. The NOA was going down, AOF was upcoming and APBA was solidly established , though not in much of the south. We wanted to see what AOF was about, and although they put on a good race that was well attended, they had just started up. Nobody knew how long it would last, so except for the midwest most of us chose to go to APBA and let NOA collapse. How wrong we were about AOF. It has been around now longer than NOA existed.

Kay Harrison was at that meeting and was a big supporter of our experiment at Hot Springs. It is no wonder that he was one of the founders of USTS. So let's see some more of Kay's collection.