The immigration problem was caused by every conservatives hero, Ronald Regan with his amnesty program. Google it up and read about it if you don`t remember. So many illegals flooded into our country a short time later, were given amnesty and voting privileges, that they became a factor in our elections. No president since, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, or Obama would get involved with changing the process, when over 20% of our population is Hispanic. No way we can send all these people back now that the damage has been done. Our President wants to close the borders, and insure no more can get in and let the ones that are here become citizens. Nothing else can be done. It was Bush`s plan also, but he didn`t have the nerve to put it into action. Like Lars mentioned we have plenty of oil for our citizens. Problem is our oil is sold on the open world market, so its price is reflected by the need of "have not " nations. American oil should be used only by Americans. This can happen only by government control of who buys our oil. This is not socialism, its common sense. Let the "have not" nations buy Mid East oil. Problem is, free enterprise works on paper, but for businesses like oil, banking, wall street, that are essential to our lives and economy, federal regulations are needed. Our past president rescinded all these regulations, and we are paying for it now. These industries took advantage of our citizens. This has nothing to do with controlling private business, where competition rules. There is no competition in the above mention industries when they all band together to control supply and demand. That is monopolies and is and has been illegal forever in the USA. Problem is these industries have huge federal lobbies that pay off politicians on both sides of the fence, make the politicians rich, these companies get richer, and the American citizen gets screwed. If controlling these industries and locking our borders is socialism than I`m all for it. Our goverment in nothing at all like any European goverment and never can be. Our goverment does not own any private industries. Americans that are goverment employees are not employed in producing products for sale. It is illegal for our goverment to compete with private industries. Case in point. If any of you racers are also boaters and fishermen you will understand this. Not too many years ago, if you were stranded out in your boat, you could call the Coast Guard and they would tow you home. When I was in the Coast guard in the `60`s, we did this all the time. We even brought gas to commercial fisherman who ran out. Then at some point I can`t remember the exact time private industry got involved in the boating tow business. At this point in time the Coast Guard had to cease helping stranded boaters, becuase it interfered with private businesses. From then on the Coast Guard only assists boaters when threat of loss of life is involved. The goverment never bought, controlled auto industries. They lent them money to get them out of the huge jam they were in. Now their business is improving and they are paying the goverment back. simple as that. Don`t buy into everything you see on cable TV. Don`t by stupid.