View Full Version : Elizabeth Jane Dortch get well wishes...

01-26-2010, 04:54 AM
From Gene East.................

I got home yesterday to find a message on my phone from John.
Liz has suffered a stroke and in the Hospital in St. Louis.

Perhaps a card from all of us who know and love John and Liz would help.

I've known them for 51 years and only today John told me her name is Elizabeth Jane and they had been married 3 years before he called her anything but Liz.

All these years she's always been Liz to all of us.

Please send cards to:

Elizabeth Jane Dortch
10420 Driver Ave.
Overland, Mo 63114

01-26-2010, 09:34 AM
We hope Liz is getting stronger and feeling better. Our thoughts are with her.
Bill & Joyce Kurps

01-29-2010, 03:53 PM
From Gene...............

John called this morning with the sad news that Liz passed away last night.

There will be a memorial service at the Baumann Colonial Chapel in Overland, MO Sunday from 1:00 to 3:00.

Our good friend is now sitting on the judges stand at Lake Paradise with the Master Referee.

We'll miss you Liz, but we're coming too. Wait for us!

Baumann Colonial Chapel
2504 Woodson Road
Overland, MO 63114


Master Oil Racing Team
01-29-2010, 04:41 PM
We had a lot of good times with the Dortch's. Our prayers are with Johnny and Little John.

01-29-2010, 05:00 PM
Liz, Johnny and Little John very nice people.
Liz will be missed by many.
Bill & Joyce Kurps

Master Oil Racing Team
01-29-2010, 07:46 PM
Yes Bill...we will miss Liz. The last time I talked to her was before the DePue Reunion. I talked to Johnny for a long time and wanted to talk to Liz. He told me she was having a lot of health problems then, but we did talk for a little while. She was weak at first, but after we talked a little bit she laughed at some of the things we discussed. That was the last time I talked to her, but I will never forget the strong, loving and gregarious woman I remember. When I talked to Johnny earlier today we were both broken up, but he told me "I took care of her.....she could always manage to take care of her personal needs....but I made her meals, and anything else she needed". Johnny added "She took care of me when I was injured when I was racing, and I took care of her. We were married for 67 years". We were in the midst of conversation when another phone started ringing. I told Johnny I would call back. Liz and John Dortch are icons in outboard racing.

Master Oil Racing Team
01-30-2010, 08:41 AM
Good idea Karen. I wish we could get him here on BRF. He would have so much to say. Maybe we could pester Little John to get him set up. Joe called him earlier and told Johnny "She's in a better place....and Baldy's cooking something for her". Johnny repied "She liked everything but his barbeque!":D We met them early in our racing career and became fast friends from the beginning. Liz sent me her Lone Star Boat Racing Association windbreaker a couple of years ago. Think I'll find a place to hang it in the boat racing room.

01-30-2010, 10:30 AM
I told John I knew he was a good nurse for Liz because I cut my hand real bad at race in Beaumont one time. John told come with me to my trailer. He had first aid kit with all the right stuf in it. He butterflyed the cut and abandaged it up . Every time I wash my hands I think about Liz and Johnny Dortch. RIP LIZ

01-30-2010, 10:46 AM
She will be VERY missed, but I think the biggest job she had was keeping John Sr. out of trouble. We will all have to step up and make that happen. Remember.........behind every successful racer is a lady saying "What the hell were you thinking?" Rest in Peace Elizabeth Jane Dortch.

Bill Van Steenwyk
01-30-2010, 11:07 AM
Eileen and I would like to add our sympathies to the others for John and Little John.

When you saw John and Liz at the races, there was no doubt who was in charge in their pit area, but she also looked after everybody.

RIP Liz.

Gene East
02-01-2010, 06:08 AM
Norma and I attended the memorial service for Liz yesterday.

At Liz's request, it was a very informal but fitting celebration of a life well lived.

The service was held in 2 adjoining parlors of the funeral home and since Liz had requested her remains be cremated, there was no casket to draw you to the mourners.

The first person I met that I knew was "Little John". Can you believe he's 62 years old and we still call him "Little John"?

We chatted for a while and then I asked him, "Where's your Dad"? In typical boat racer fashion he said, "Go to Rex Hall and TURN LEFT".

All of us who knew Liz knew how special she was and she was always an attractive lady. John showed me a picture of her when they were dating 70 years ago.

She was a knockout!

The minister who led the service seemed amazed at the number of people who attended the service from out of the area. He also commented on the condolences received from around the country.

Obviously he was not a boat racer! I think he now understands we are not just a group of people who share an interest, We are a family!

02-01-2010, 06:25 AM
Gene we all know why we loved all these years is because it is a family and we lost one of our sisters. It is hard for some people to understand but it is what we loved about Boat racing is the FAMILY.

Doug Hall Y51
02-01-2010, 11:30 AM
I hated to hear the news of Liz's passing. It was just a week ago last friday that we were having a family get together at my younger brothers house and I had asked my dad if he had talked to John lately. I had mentioned that we need to get ahold of him and try to get together because I remember the last time John was at Depue he told me that Liz was not doing good health wise. Then about a week later we get the bad news. I guess I am just trying to say that if there are people that you love and havent seen for awhile take the time to go see them or at least give them a phone call. We all will miss Liz and if you havent called John please give him a call.