View Full Version : Sleekcraft question

03-14-2010, 04:52 AM
I see alot of people mentioning that they are running these boats at almost 100 mph. My question is are these the light layup hulls or the 6 seated non jet hulls. I have an SST that I can't seem to get to break 80. I was considering putting on a 300 Promax but I would rather run a 2.5 if at all possible. Currently I'm running with just 2 seats a stock 200 with 18" of setback. I was also told that there's a guy in Florida who added an inch to the center pod to really get his boat to run but that's only hearsay and I don't know what truth it really holds. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

david bryan
03-14-2010, 06:01 AM
the fast ones are light don't last long with every day use

03-14-2010, 06:05 AM
Thanks. Can I run a 15" mid on this boat?

david bryan
03-14-2010, 09:48 AM
They Run A Jack Plate About 20 " Tower May You Can Go To Search Look For Allen Stoker Pictures They Have Prop Shaft Whay Up In The Air

03-15-2010, 06:55 AM
32" prop,lots of setback

03-15-2010, 03:34 PM
Here is a pic of the one I run, it is a ex jet boat with 4"-5" setback and a big 150 Suzuki. I think it was running about 75mph in the pic.


This pic is how I ran it at the 300.


03-17-2010, 07:55 AM
Jim, you convinced me to race my Sleekcraft this year. Where can I find the class rules for CORE?

03-17-2010, 08:06 AM
The COR rules are posted under COR Racing rules on the COR thread. Should be easy to find--I have brought them to the top if you will drop down to the COR (Classic Outboard Runabout) thread.:)

03-22-2010, 05:33 PM
Well after looking hard at my boat, I realized that to get where I want to be this thing has to go on a serious diet. I knew that the transom was going to need to be replaced and I wanted to add at least 3/4" to the center pod. The only way to do this is using composite material so it will be light and most important it won't rot. I'm also going to replace the stringers and make them composite. I was speaking with the guy who removing and replacing all the saturated wood as well as the core under the deck. He feels this can reduce weight by as much as 600lbs. How do you guys feel about this? I mean is this a realistic number that can be removed? If this is possible I think that with the 2.5 I'm putting on, this boat should run right around the century mark. Any ideas?

03-23-2010, 01:05 PM
First thing you should do is find out what it weighs now. Lots of guys say thier boat is really heavy or really lite only to weigh it and find out different. Without fuel or interior, it should weigh about 1400-1500# ready to run. There is no way your going to get 600# out of the hull without removing fiberglass.
Second thing, 80 mph with a stock 200 is about right for a standard lay-up hull. If you want to go faster, you'll need more power.

03-23-2010, 01:11 PM
Bill, the hull weighs 1380lbs empty.I know because I weighed it.I found out more of whats getting done. He going to pull out ALL the wood and core. The will be split in two pieces, deck and hull. When its done there wont be any wood left. All composite. Single seat center steer. Im going to get it as close to 1325lbs fully rigged with engine for the COR class. I know with my 300 drag I can get over 80 with no trouble. I want to do this with a 2.0. Mainly because alot of people I know said it cant be done.

03-23-2010, 01:17 PM
When you say 1380 empty, does that include engine, battery, all rigging, etc, as in add fuel and driver and go?

03-23-2010, 01:18 PM
NO just the bare hull.

03-23-2010, 01:42 PM
OK, thats WAY heavy. Maybe there's some void spaces that are full of water. Maybe you will get 600lbs out of it, but your right, you can't race it like that.

03-23-2010, 01:47 PM
Yes it is. I noticed with both of my Sleekcrafts that they need more lift so I'm making a big change to the bottom to build more compression. This should help it get up when comming out of a corner.

03-23-2010, 04:12 PM
At the 300 we were 1448 at the end of the day. That is even with th Suzuki on it and my gear.

03-23-2010, 04:17 PM
Jim, just think of how nice it'll run with a Merc with 100 lbs less weight on the stern.