View Full Version : Delta Thunder , Isleton, CA

05-14-2010, 10:29 PM
The second annual Delta Thunder Boat Race on the Sacramento river in Isleton is approved by resolution of the Isleton City council.
This region 11 race is scheduled for October 2,3, 2010.
This years festivities will be expanded to use designated city streets for food and
craft vendors and static displays. Saturday night will feature live music and a
meet the drivers bbq.
A pancake breakfast will be held saturday and sunday mornings.
Arraingements are being made to have the Potomac, the "floating white house" anchored along side the race course and providing VIP spectator seating for
156 people.
The city is allowing the race officials of California Speedboat Assn. use of whatever city property they request for the event.
Please plan to attend this event and contact Frank Banducci for additional information. Frank: 510-223-4519, fbanducci@yahoo.com

05-15-2010, 06:49 AM
Kinda sucks that some of us in Region 12 won't be able to attend since our season ending Bakersfield race is the same weekend. Maybe at the Region meetings this year, both regions can work together somehow (schedule wise) to make this race bigger. I know the County of Kern dictates when SCSC gets Lake Ming to use. :(
Having this much support from the City of Isleton, makes me want to support them back. :cool:

05-15-2010, 07:57 AM
We had a good turnout of out of region entries last year and have committments from out of region entries for this year including region 12.
The inaugrual event last year was a test and kept low key and turned out
to be a successful event for participants and spectators. This years activities
and attractions will be expanded.
The tow money for out of region entries and prize money that was paid last year will again be paid this year and that was a welcome incentitive.

05-20-2010, 08:16 PM
My understanding is that the WFLS drivers voted to attend during their meeting at Bakersfield in March, unless I'm losing my memory again...

05-21-2010, 09:27 AM
I have not been very Political ever, I also aways speek my mind. This is just plain stupid, it hurts both sactions. I love the Sac area and have always been a supporter of more races. But there is no way I or my daughter will make it. We are supporting our region 12, Sorry !

05-21-2010, 04:50 PM
Since it is known Lake Ming is a body of water which is hard to acquire and dates can't readily be changed, how about the City Counsel of Isleton move their date up one week?

Boat count was fair at best last year even with the out of region traveling expense stimulas. I would think the Counsel would like to get as many boats as they could to make it a grand show. If the city could make the Iselton race simulate the Long Beach Marine Stadium race (Aug), the boat count (especially with different inboard classes) would increase and inturn the fans would dramaticly increase. The large increase of fans coming would definetly raise revenue for the city and provide it's businesses with large amounts of cash flow!

Although I race a 45 (in between racing my sprint car), last year in Long Beach while mingling with the spectators, I noticed the vast majority of people standing up and cheering for the inboard classes as they came out on the water. You can't escape the fact that people who enjoy motorsports, like the roar of the V-8's whether it be on asphalt or the water!! Something to think about.

05-21-2010, 07:33 PM
I have not been very Political ever, I also aways speek my mind. This is just plain stupid, it hurts both sactions. I love the Sac area and have always been a supporter of more races. But there is no way I or my daughter will make it. We are supporting our region 12, Sorry !

While I appreciate your enthusiasm to support the region, as I also do, you should really try to get more facts before calling an event stupid, especially on an open forum.

First, There are only 3-4 classes sanctioned for Isleton and none of them are ones you'all race.

Second, Ross was fully aware of of the all facts in March at his WFLS meeting and they were discussed in great detail before the drivers voted and he agreed to support their decision.

Finally, for all we know Ross and Roger are trying to move the Bakersfield date or make some other arrangements so the race can happen for the other classes.

As for what I know, the OPC classes have voted to go to Isleton and I find it insulting that you call this decision stupid.

05-21-2010, 07:58 PM
Dean, your memory is correct. 120 and 45sst voted togo to Iselton instead of lake ming.If I remeber correctly[AGE?] it will be a wfls series race.If Ross doesn't have an issue with it why should anyone else?

Bill Reiter sr.

05-21-2010, 08:48 PM
While I appreciate your enthusiasm to support the region, as I also do, you should really try to get more facts before calling an event stupid, especially on an open forum.

First, There are only 3-4 classes sanctioned for Isleton and none of them are ones you'all race.

Second, Ross was fully aware of of the all facts in March at his WFLS meeting and they were discussed in great detail before the drivers voted and he agreed to support their decision.

Finally, for all we know Ross and Roger are trying to move the Bakersfield date or make some other arrangements so the race can happen for the other classes.

As for what I know, the OPC classes have voted to go to Isleton and I find it insulting that you call this decision stupid.

Sorry you took it personal, but if you look at the points for OPC I am listed and hold a OPC member card.

Dean, your memory is correct. 120 and 45sst voted togo to Iselton instead of lake ming.If I remeber correctly[AGE?] it will be a wfls series race.If Ross doesn't have an issue with it why should anyone else?

Bill Reiter sr.

Bill you know me pretty well and I really wish everyone could get the races set so they are 2-3 weeks apart, you know I love racing period. It just makes it easier for everyone is all I am saying.

05-22-2010, 09:22 AM
Jim, I agree re: spacing of races between all clubs/promoters in Regions 11 and 12.With lack of water,especially in summer months and that ugly word(politics) Iwould not hold my breath waiting for it to happen.


Bunker Hill
05-22-2010, 10:05 AM
We would love to support either, we have in the past 3 years attended at least 8 out of region races. We have never raced for the points, they always seem to accumulate in our favor, we race for the spirit of racing, family, cameraderie, fun and new and more competition. We would rather travel out of region to race against 6 or 7 other competitors than to stay at "Home" and race against the same competition. I am not intending to point any fingers or hurt any feelings, we just believe that more competition, not even necessarily better, keeps us hungry to improve, complacentcy in the enemy of progress and improvement.

05-22-2010, 11:37 AM
We would love to support either, we have in the past 3 years attended at least 8 out of region races. We have never raced for the points, they always seem to accumulate in our favor, we race for the spirit of racing, family, cameraderie, fun and new and more competition. We would rather travel out of region to race against 6 or 7 other competitors than to stay at "Home" and race against the same competition. I am not intending to point any fingers or hurt any feelings, we just believe that more competition, not even necessarily better, keeps us hungry to improve, complacentcy in the enemy of progress and improvement.

Hey Bunker,

How about 12 or 13 other SST45's to race against? Lets get Marlee in a capsule boat with air and a radio. I know a certain Great Uncle that has one in my shop getting gel coated. I bet we could work him over easy enough for a donation since Chad is too big for those little boats anyway. You know that kid of yours is crazy about this boat racing stuff. Might as well make it as safe as possible. Besides someone needs to go out there and beat Jason Williams.

Marlee Hill
05-22-2010, 11:43 AM
Hey Bunker,

How about 12 or 13 other SST45's to race against? Lets get Marlee in a capsule boat with air and a radio. I know a certain Great Uncle that has one in my shop getting gel coated. I bet we could work him over easy enough for a donation since Chad is too big for those little boats anyway. You now that kid of yours is crazy about this boat racing stuff. Might as well make it as safe as possible. Besides someone needs to go out that and beat Jason Williams.
Heyyyyy......don't need a knee for a 45!!!! :D lol Scott I love that idea!!!! :) love ya! :)

05-22-2010, 01:34 PM
Dean, your memory is correct. 120 and 45sst voted togo to Iselton instead of lake ming.If I remeber correctly[AGE?] it will be a wfls series race.If Ross doesn't have an issue with it why should anyone else?

Bill Reiter sr.

I totally agree Bill! and yes as a WFLS points race.
BTW, there's talk that Chowchilla is on again for mid-July also.

Jim, the intention of my post was to make you aware that those of us who are involved actually do try to co-ordinate these schedules but sometimes there are tough choices and decisions that have to be made. As Bill said, the 45's & 120's made theirs. At least we made ours early in the year so everyone has plenty of time for planning/changing. I don't know what the CB's have chosen to do, they may leave it up to each individual team like last year.

I realize you're an opc member but the VP's are not runnin' at Isleton anyways. I didn't think they can run outside of R12, maybe my ignorance??? If they can race in R11, get your group together and think about Chowchilla in July. I'll help you guys contact the local club.

05-26-2010, 06:03 PM
$500.00 to be paid for fastest 45sst lap.

09-26-2010, 11:57 AM
Are the COR boats invited ?

09-26-2010, 08:36 PM
Are the COR boats invited ?

I don't have any knowledge of that discussion with CSA or the COR boat people.
Would love to discuss that possibility for next year since the circular and sanction
are already in place. Send a representative from your group or come up and scout
it out for next year.

Jim Corsaut

09-26-2010, 08:42 PM
I don't have any knowledge of that discussion with CSA or the COR boat people.
Would love to discuss that possibility for next year since the circular and sanction
are already in place. Send a representative from your group or come up and scout
it out for next year.

Jim Corsaut

Tryi clicking on file and then zoom and then zoom out..

09-28-2010, 08:37 PM
Just booked us a room and coming to see people I haven't seen in years.:D I have to drive 10 hrs to get there, but I'm still a happy camper.