View Full Version : Quote of the Day: If Liars Flew the Whitehouse would Be An International Airport

Ron Hill
07-09-2010, 07:34 PM
I love Rush Limbaugh....


Master Oil Racing Team
07-09-2010, 07:58 PM
Ron....you and your lovely wife Laurie book the last week of August to fly to the District of Columbia ( I refuse the disparage the name by adding Washington in front of what has become the District of Corruption) and join us in what will be the last big gathering that will be allowed at the mall.

ADD: This time we will warn our house representative so he can get out of town in time.

Ron Hill
07-09-2010, 08:41 PM
I like to visit DC anytime. Is something being planned???

Give me the dates. We'll be there!

Master Oil Racing Team
07-10-2010, 06:49 AM
The actual date for the gathering is August 28. Glenn Beck is hosting a family special "Founding Fathers" event where they will talk about all the great things that made America great and about who the people were that made this great nation and how they did it. It is not a tax protest, or protest against the government. It is rather like trying to open up our eyes and present the true history of our country and help people learn things about our forefathers that are not being taught anymore. It's not a Republican, right wing, or tea party thing. It is far all Americans who want to learn. But for some reason, there are a lot of people trying to stop it.

Debbie and I will be flying out August 26. The event itself will be at the Lincoln memorial on Saturday August 28. You can get more details on the Glenn Beck website. I think Sarah Palin and Ollie North will be speaking. I forget all the speakers that will be there, but you can look it up. Let's do it. We're going to eat Chesapeake Bay crab cakes with Sam too.:cool::D

07-10-2010, 07:21 AM
Crab cakes or real crabs the way Marylanders eat them?:) How about eating one shell and all (well minus the brain and gills)? ;)

Master Oil Racing Team
07-10-2010, 07:52 AM
Yeah....I want to do it the right way. My son in law has an uncle that does a lot of catering for big wigs and has a restaurant in Anapolis on the bay. When he gets me the name I'll check in with you Sam.

Ron Hill
07-10-2010, 11:05 AM
JUly 29th having some skin cancer in my ear are taken off and they want me to do nothing for a week, which is getting easier for me....

August 28th???? This might work, except Laurie doesn't like Glen Beck, though I think he's beyond GREAT.....

Master Oil Racing Team
07-10-2010, 02:24 PM
There will be lots of other speakers. Find the website and let Laurie read what it's all about. Glenn is just the instigator. It will be very uplifting. All money above what it costs to put it on goes to Wounded Warriors which was started after special forces were killed in the failed hostage rescue attempt in 1979. Money is raised to send kids of killed and severly disabled special forces to schools and colleges.

I found out that my son in law's uncle's place was written up as one of the best kept secrets on the east coast. It's called Back Porch Cafe and is near the Naval Academy. He caters to Admirals, and a lot of the top DC crowd. I haven't gone to his website yet, but Will tells me there is a good endorsement by Ted Koppel. His uncle knows all those people. The cafe is located on the bay, and it can't be too far from where we are staying. Do you know about this place Sam?

07-10-2010, 03:15 PM
Fancy formal eating for admirals and presidents. Not crabs and corn Maryland food. Most people in Maryland would not even recognize the stuff on the plates as food.

Master Oil Racing Team
07-10-2010, 05:06 PM
So what do I tell my Son-in-Law Will? We don't want to eat there?;):D He put in a call to his Uncle Ken today, but hasn't heard back yet. I'm looking forward to this trip.

ADD: The website is his catering business. I haven't looked yet. The cafe is only open for breakfast and lunch from Wednesday through Sunday Will said. So would not that mean we would not have to wear a tux? I can understand them having breakfast open for people like Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd wearing tuxes coming off a party featuring waitress sandwiches, but half the bread is gone, and the other half soon won't be buttered.

ADD: I forgot to ask...maybe it's the catering gig that has the unrecognizable food. Some magazine Will said told that it was an unknown gem on the eastern seaboard. Will had told me about his uncle's place several years ago and said the catering was his specialty. Maybe the cafe is different. Anyway.....we have plenty of time to find out.

07-10-2010, 05:13 PM
Go there for brunch one day and enjoy fancy food. We'll have crabs another day.

Master Oil Racing Team
07-10-2010, 05:27 PM
OKAY! I can do crabs back to back, or anytime.:D I want you to show us how you Marylanders do the crabs and whatever specialties you do in your neck of the woods. That's what my Dad taught me and so far.....it's been very rewarding. So I leave it up to you Sam to pick our dining place.

07-11-2010, 07:12 AM
I don't think you'll have to worry about having Maryland crabs back to back ... I doubt Ken's serves them and if they do it will be so different from what you would be served anyplace else, you wouldn't know you ate the same thing.

Original Looper 1
07-11-2010, 10:49 AM
This gentleman has figured out our economic system quite well.

Ain’t No Money in Being Productive


There ain’t no money in being productive. The only money to be made is in feasting upon the carcass of this once great nation.

Seriously. Think about it. What sector of the economy is making serious money right now? The banking industry. And how do they make money? By taking funds from the fed at near 0% interest rates and then doing a couple of things. They can lend it to the Federal Government at interest and make money on the spread. They can trade in the stock market for their own account; a rigged game with their nano second front running at the expense of their retail & wholesale customers. All of the majors had a perfect quarter last quarter meaning they had no trading day losses. Easy to do if you know in advance what everyone else is going to do.

Let’s take it back a step in time. Let’s take it back to the vulture capitalists. Do you know they make their money? By being a brilliant capitalist? That’s what they would want you to believe. No, they make money by using borrowed money to buy family owned businesses, saddling the company with debt, taking a multi million dollar fee from the borrowed money for doing so, operating the company for a while and then selling it on for a larger amount to someone else using borrowed money saddling the company with more debt, and taking out a profit in the transaction. Brilliant, right? Depends. If you are the vulture, you get a nice check. If you are the worker at the company, you eventually lose your job as the company closes because the company could no longer service the debt payments. In other words extracting money from the carcass of productivity. Geniuses all, and they are worshiped as gods of capitalism.

Step forward to the world of mortgage securitization. It is clear from the SEC’s complaint against Goldman Sachs and the Magnetar case out of Chicago exposed by the NY Times and Pro Publica that the brilliant ones came to the conclusion a long time ago that it was more lucrative to feast upon destruction than it was to be constructive. In both those cases, securitized loan trusts were set up designed to fail and then the very ones who created those securitized pools bet against their investors for those vehicles to fail. They made billions by selling credit default swaps based upon their known, guaranteed failure while screwing their customers with their foreknowledge.

In the real estate world, the only thing moving are the foreclosures and the turnover thereof. Some may say this is expunging the system of a bad hangover, I’m not so sure. The whole system is based upon credit – meaning money issued as debt. It takes a productive job to be able to have the money to service debt. If there are no productive jobs, who is going to be left to buy the houses? And even if the ones who have the few remaining money paying jobs buy these houses as rental properties, who are they going to rent to? You have, no doubt, heard about the ever growing tent cities? It’s a shame, all of these houses sitting empty, and all of these people living in tents. In my book, the foreclosure/real estate industry is feeding on the carcass.

And productive work? Forget about it. No one seems to be interested anymore.

A case in point. There is a technology sitting on the shelf right now which quite literally turns you poop into gold. It takes fresh, raw humanure and extracts line grade methane gas from it at volumetric parity. What does that mean? It means for every gallon of poop which is processed, you get a gallon of line grade natural gas. And what would that mean were it implemented in a community? It would mean the municipal waste treatment plant would go from a money sucking, power sucking critical community infrastructure liability, to a money generating, power creating community infrastructure asset. It pays for itself. It pays for its operation, it pays for its replacement.

Is it used? No. And do you want to know why? Because the patents have expired. No one is willing to develop it to a community wide application because it can be done by anyone. Unless it can be protected with patents, no one is willing to “risk” the money to develop it. Productive? Absolutely. Does it make money? Absolutely. Will it be developed? What, are you kidding?

There is the primary economy, the secondary economy, and the tertiary economy. The primary economy is directly tied to the land. Farming, forestry, mining. The secondary economy is what is done to the primary economy. Transportation, manufacturing, distribution. The tertiary economy is the financial services which provides the grease (money) to make the primary and secondary function smoothly.

Up until now, whenever there have been difficulties in the primary or secondary economy, tweaking and tinkering with the tertiary could alter the way the primary or secondary functioned and things would be fine. For a while. But eventually, those tweaks stopped working because the level of complexity became so great, it becomes overbearing.

That’s where we are now. So what is wrong that the tertiary is the only way to create money? It should be the primary or secondary, the productive work, which creates wealth, not the tertiary. How did it get so wrong?

Here is what is wrong. It is money as debt.

Why is there price inflation? Classic economics would tell you it is too much money chasing too few goods. If that were the case, more goods would alleviate the problem. But it doesn’t.


Very few businesses are self financing. Most use borrowed money. If borrowed money is used, it must be paid back with interest. The only way to cover the interest cost is to raise prices. So if your supplier uses borrowed money, and you use borrowed money (and even if you don’t’ use borrowed money), the interest money needs to be found.

When money is borrowed into existence, the interest money doesn’t come with it so there is more owed back than exists.

Everyone screams about how we need to pay off the debt, but the way things are currently set up, if we did that, you wouldn’t have any money to buy groceries, gas, clothes, rent, mortgage. It wouldn’t exist. It would all grind to a halt.

It is the duty of the sovereign (i.e. Treasury) to provide the coin of the realm. This duty was abdicated in this country for the fourth time in our history 100 years ago to private hands (Federal Reserve) for their private profit. And profit they have indeed. They are the only ones making money these days. Productive work doesn’t pay. Soft hands pay.

Until this duty is reclaimed by the sovereign, until money becomes the public utility it needs to be, we shall forever be enslaved to the monied class. Productive work will decline, and a financial elite shall feed upon the carcass while the rest starve amongst plenty.

The primary and secondary economies are grinding to a halt as the tertiary economy removes the grease from the wheels of commerce. Non productive work, feasting upon the dying carcass of the productive class will be the only thing that pays.[/B]

And here’s the kick.

[B]Eventually, the primary and secondary economies grind to a complete halt which means the tertiary economy does too. And it all comes tumbling down. For everyone.

And what is the solution? The magic number three.

1) The sovereign has the right, nay, the duty, to provide the coin of the realm and must reclaim its duty. The sovereign has no need to “borrow” money. It exists in abundance simply because the sovereign exists. (Our Constitution made this perfectly clear.)

2) There can be no fractional reserve banking. Fractional reserve banking creates money out of nothing and is counterfeit. It usurps the right and duty of the sovereign and must be met with fierce retribution.

3) All levels of the sovereign, city, county, state and federal, must accept only the sovereign’s coin as payment of taxes. This gives immediate legitimacy and circulation to the sovereign’s coin.

Somewhere along the line, things became horribly mixed up. Money became commerce. Money is not commerce. Money is what enables commerce. Pops told me a long time ago that this country started to go to hell when General Motors got out of the business of making cars and into the business of making money. “They have it backwards” he would say.

Until we can get away from the idea that money is commerce, the primary and secondary economies shall continue to grind to a halt and there shall be immense pain for the country.


What can we do? We can either throw in with what some refer to as the criminal Federal Reserve syndicate and think that we are special, that these global free traitors won't cast us aside when they are through using us to reach their ends, OR we can go back to manufacturing things we consume, using our own Treasury created money (ie not created thru debt), controlled by US, we the people, thereby re-creating a value added middle class again. The last choice is that we can sit back, do nothing, and let "Tricklenomics" finish trickling on us.

Everyone cannot work for the government or get government welfare. That is not the road to prosperity for us as a nation. However, the road to prosperity also cannot be controlled by Wall Street and the big corporations, the ones that are "too big to fail." Including the big TARP banks.


Paul A Christner


07-12-2010, 08:13 PM
Crab cakes or real crabs the way Marylanders eat them?:) How about eating one shell and all (well minus the brain and gills)? ;)

Only the gills are, omited, if it's blue crab you're talking about, better yet soft shelled crab sandwich deep fryed i mean.

07-12-2010, 08:24 PM
Yep, for soft you only remove the gills and brain ... eat the rest battered and deep fried. YUM! Years ago I maintained the freezers for a soft crab supplier ... I ate well that summer :)

David Mason
07-14-2010, 09:57 AM
I can attest to some east coast crab. Having hunted sea ducks in Delaware, the crab cakes and soft shell crabs in the area are pretty good. The lobstor is not to bad either. Clams and oysters on the halfshell were as good as anywhere.

The thing I like best about eating seafood on the acutal coast is the cost, most of the time it is pretty cheap compared to home ! A dozen Oysters on the half shell here is close to $20.00. And that is just an appetizer !

Being close to Chesapeak bay (Anapolis) I am betting the seafood there will be just as fresh and good !

Original Looper 1
07-20-2010, 10:56 AM
LatAm nations bid to join Mexico in Arizona case
(AP) – 15 hours ago


PHOENIX — Seven other Latin American countries want to join Mexico in supporting a lawsuit challenging Arizona's immigration enforcement law.

Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru filed separate, nearly identical motions to join Mexico's legal brief supporting the lawsuit filed by U.S. civil rights and other advocacy groups.

A federal judge formally accepted Mexico's filing July 1 but did not immediately rule on the latest motions filed late last week.

My questions;

1) Why is the United States federal government allowing FOREIGN countries to interfere in AMERICAN LAW and our Constitution?

2) If Mexico and these other Latin American countries are allowed to join a lawsuite against ARIZONA over US law, then does ARIZONA get to sue Mexico & others to change THEIR IMMIGRATION LAWS to make them more favorable to Americans? Wouldn't you like to enter Mexico illegally and get subsidized housing, free medical and dental care, schooling, etc? Perhaps in a nice resort town like Acapulco? Wouldn't you like to openly protest the Mexican government as an illegal in their country while getting all those freebies?

3) How can the United States be truly fighting a LEGITIMATE war on terror with our borders to the north and south open for anyone (including terrorists) to cross into our country?

4) Why is our federal government working so hard to keep those borders open to illegals? For the corporations that want cheaper labor than Americans? For the drug dealers that bring BILLIONS of dollars of drugs into the US each year thru Mexico? (....and for the US banks that make MILLIONS money laundering the illegal drug profits for those drug cartels?)

By the way, the US District Judge that decided Mexico can join the US federal government in suing Arizona is Susan Bolton. In 2000, she was recommended by Arizona Senator Jon Kyl, a Republican, for the federal bench and was nominated by then-President Clinton, a Democrat. Nice tag team action of the 2 - 1 party.

Like I keep saying, it should NOT be Republican vs Democrat or red team vs blue team -- it should be American working class (regardless of party affiliation) vs THEM, the very wealthy that are using their $$$ in Washington to get legislation to benefit THEM and THEIR CORPORATIONS instead of us, the American working class people that built this country and made it strong. The working Americans that are sending their sons and daughters off to fight the corporate profit driven wars in the name of freedom.


Paul A Christner

Master Oil Racing Team
07-20-2010, 01:26 PM
I have a question to add to your other ones Paul.

Why did these other countries join in the suit even though their own immigration laws are strict?

Because of the money poring into their countries. Even though the value of the dollar has dropped considerably, it still far exceeds the worth of their own currencies. Welfare recipients in America would live like kings and queens in these countries. The dollars coming from illegal workers back into Mexico are second only behind petroleum exports to Mexico's economy.

By the way......did you notice a car bomb went off in Juarez across from El Paso that killed cops that responded to an officer down call? The fake officer was also killed in the blast. That is a terrorist tactic. Hezbollah is in training with the drug cartels and is probably teaching them. Remember it was not long ago that 20 people were detained in Mexico that were on a watch list, then released. All you have to do is follow the money to find out why. Drug cartels teaming up with Al Qaeda and Taliban who have lots of drug crops under cultivation seems like a natural, yet the District of Columbia is fighting our own citizens. So now we have Columbia, Peru, Paraquay, Bolivia, Guatemala and Nicaraqua, El Salvador and Mexico finally agreeing with the United States on something....to sue American citizens who only want to protect their property and country. HMMMMMMMMMM!......what's wrong with this picture?

ADD: Last year around 4000 people were murdered in Juarez. That's about the same amount of Americans killed in Iraq since the war started. The SAME AMOUNT....ONE YEAR......ONE CITY!

Original Looper 1
07-20-2010, 07:02 PM
The following is reprinted with permission of the author:

DC Declares War On StatesBy Chuck Baldwin
July 20, 2010

This column is archived at

Among the limited duties of the US Government enumerated in the federal
Constitution is Article. IV. Section. 4. "The United States shall guarantee
to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion."

However, for several decades now, the federal government in Washington, D.C., has shown great ambition and propensity to engage in activities to which it was never authorized, and to ignore those responsibilities with which it is specifically charged. The
responsibility of the federal government to protect each State against
invasion is a classic example of the latter.

Can anyone deny that the states on the US southern border (California,
Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas) are being invaded by an ongoing onslaught of
illegal aliens (many of whom are violent and dangerous criminals)? Somewhere
between 12 and 30 million illegals now reside in the US. The entire country
is feeling the effects of this invasion, but the Border States are literally
under siege.

And not only does the federal government do nothing to protect
the states against this invasion, it actively wars against states such as
Arizona when they attempt to protect themselves. Yes, I am saying it: the
Washington, D.C., lawsuit against the State of Arizona's immigration laws
should be regarded as an act of war against the State of Arizona in
particular, and against the states general in principle.

Please consider what Arizona and the other Border States are dealing with.
According to published reports:

*In Los Angeles, 95% of all outstanding warrants for homicide in the first
half of 2004 (which totaled 1,200 to 1,500) targeted illegal aliens. Up to
two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) were for illegal aliens.

*Some private reports state that 83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix and
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque, New Mexico, are for illegal
aliens. These reports cannot be verified, of course, because the feds
discourage law enforcement agencies from releasing such statistics.

*At any given time, up to 75% of those on the most wanted list in Los
Angeles, Phoenix, and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

*23% of all inmates in LA County detention centers are "deportable."

*LA police estimate that violent gangs, such as MS-13 and 18th Street Gang,
are "overwhelmingly" composed of illegal aliens.

To read one very enlightening testimony given before Congress by an expert
on illegal immigration containing some of the above information (and much
more), go here:


In addition, the Pew Hispanic Center (an organization friendly to all things
Hispanic) reports that by 2007, "nearly one-quarter (24%) of all federal
convictions" involve illegal aliens. And "among those sentenced for
immigration offenses in 2007, 80% were Hispanic." The PHC went on to report
that illegal Hispanics "represented 29% of all federal offenders."

See the report at:


Remember, too, that illegal aliens murder (on average) 12 American citizens
EVERY DAY in the United States. That means illegals murder more Americans
EVERY YEAR than in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan COMBINED, TO DATE. Plus,
illegal aliens who drive drunk kill an additional 13 Americans EVERY DAY.

See the following report:


At this point, I will not again chronicle the financial costs and job losses
exacted upon the American taxpayers by these invading illegals, but I
encourage you to read a previous column I wrote on this subject. See it


Plus, my web site contains an exhaustive page dealing with the problems and
costs of the ongoing invasion by illegal aliens against this country. See it


Add to the above the blatant rhetoric and public statements of activists
within radical Hispanic revolutionary groups such as La Raza that
incessantly call for the "reconquista" of the southwestern United States,
and one can easily discern that the invasion by (mostly) Mexicans in the US
is much more than "poor people trying to find a better life." There is some
of that going on, of course, but the invasion also includes violent criminal
gang members, drug dealers, human traffickers, rogue government troops, and
covert provocateurs who are attempting to destabilize US cities and states,
promote crime and violence, disrupt honest elections, and even facilitate
revolution against the American citizenry.

And what does the Barack Obama administration do? Instead of obeying the
Constitution and helping to protect the State of Arizona (and the other
Border States), it sues the State of Arizona for trying to protect itself.
Again, by this action, has not Washington, D.C., declared war against the
State of Arizona (and, by implication, the other 49 independent, sovereign

Please understand: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and her allies in the Arizona
legislature are not only defending their State, they are working to protect
every State in the Union. Very obviously, the line is being drawn in the
sand against a federal leviathan that increasingly shows blatant disregard
for not only its own responsibilities and duties, but for the rights and
freedoms of the individual sovereign states, and for the American citizenry
as a whole.

And for those misguided Christians and pastors out there who are prone to
defend and facilitate this invasion of illegal aliens in the name of
Christian compassion, I would like to remind them of the words of our Lord,
who said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door
into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and
a robber." (John 10:1 KJV) Thus, our Savior plainly categorizes illegal
aliens (or anyone who refuses to enter through a door--or across a
border--honestly) as thieves and robbers. Unfortunately, many are also
rapists, murderers, violent drug dealers, and slave merchants.

If Barack Obama had even a smidgen of honesty and integrity, instead of
attacking the people of the State of Arizona for simply trying to defend
themselves against a very real and dangerous foreign invasion, he would take
seriously his responsibility to help protect them against this invasion,
which Article IV. Section. 4. of the US Constitution clearly requires him to

[I]Chuck Baldwin is a syndicated columnist, radio broadcaster, author, and
pastor dedicated to preserving the historic principles upon which America
was founded. He was the 2008 Presidential candidate for the Constitutional Party.

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Wayne, you made some very good points.

Don't tell me there isn't a conspiracy against the working middle class Americans by the 2 - 1 party. Follow the money.

