View Full Version : happy birthday alice tolbert

07-19-2010, 02:56 PM
today would have been my oldest sister's birthday,, alice died 11 years ago today.. i walked in her bedroom,, just thinking about happy times we had together,, alice had 3 kinds of crippling arthritis, sure miss my sister,when her health was better took her to lots of apba boat races she loved it..after she was ber ridden all my freinds had alice has their friend.....love you alice........75 man out. .

Master Oil Racing Team
07-19-2010, 07:52 PM
She is in a good place now. God bless you for thinking of your sister, and for taking her to the races. If not being to forward....would you mind telling us about the races you took her to? And how did you and her get interested into racing anyway? Not trying to pry into your lives, but according to you....she loved racing....and I thought what you might tell us about why Alice wanted to go watch the races could instill in us a memory of her.

07-20-2010, 01:07 AM
today would have been my oldest sister's birthday,, alice died 11 years ago today.. I walked in her bedroom,, just thinking about happy times we had together,, alice had 3 kinds of crippling arthritis, sure miss my sister,when her health was better took her to lots of apba boat races she loved it..after she was ber ridden all my freinds had alice has their friend.....love you alice........75 man out. . Happy Birthday Alice

Allen J. Lang
07-20-2010, 05:18 AM
John, it seems like your family has it's trials and tribulations. I am glad that you and Alice had great times together. Great memories.
Is Chris showing signs of improvement? Seems like in and out of the hospital would get old for him. He is still in my prayers.
Hopefully Alice will know of the birthday wishes.
From the desert wishing you and family all the best. :cool:

07-20-2010, 03:17 PM
She is in a good place now. God bless you for thinking of your sister, and for taking her to the races. If not being to forward....would you mind telling us about the races you took her to? And how did you and her get interested into racing anyway? Not trying to pry into your lives, but according to you....she loved racing....and I thought what you might tell us about why Alice wanted to go watch the races could instill in us a memory of her.

alice was the oldest of 5 kids, also the best wrestler,ball player, and tree climber,and deer hunter.and also fishing .at age of 14 alice fell dowm the side of a hill in a clay pits that was the on set, to arthistis,back in the 60's people made fun of cripple people, so my parents had to take her out of public school, my older brother was always fighting student for making fun of alice, my mom and alice went to night school so alice would graduate.. alice when on to get a degree in english at uwf. graduated in a wheel chair never was able to teach, alices life after being bedridden, ,,not much contact with the outside world.alices outside world was what i make, she was alway part of the gang people come to visit alway when in alices room for fun and keep alice up to date my dad would take fishing and hunting,i always love to race, my mom would take alice to the river to watch,, my dad would have killed me,, if he knew i put alice in my allison and ride her around, so alice was my number one fan, we boat races out of in think region 9. miss. la. north fla. area., my brother in law had a cab over camper on his truck made it nice for alice so alice could take a break. alice loved the national at lake eufaula,ala.and local races, had to be careful alice had almost all her joints replaced,all the meds alice was taking just started to rot her skin. alice never complained and or wanted pity, alice fought to her last bearth. if i was tough as alice nothing in world i couldn't do,, thanks for listening we are a very close family 75 man out