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View Full Version : Need opinions on where to dispose of my dad's ashes

07-31-2010, 11:34 AM
I am Wilbur McDonald's daughter. My father died in 1977, and my family has had his ashes since then, just sitting in a box in the house. My dad originally wanted his ashes spread over the course at the Miami Marine Stadium. Jimbo McConnell suggested that we do it at the course at Parker since Starflite IV made the record in 1966, and also because the stadium has been in disrepair. I haven't been able to get out to Parker yet, but I know I need to do something with them, so I was wondering if you all had suggestions on where I should spread them. What do you think?

Bill Van Steenwyk
07-31-2010, 04:05 PM
Several years ago a dear friend of mine and Eileen's passed away, and his daughters called us and wondered if we would help with the spreading of his ashes at several race courses he had competed at when he was racing, one where he had won a National Championship.

We were glad to help, and since Eileen was still taking lots of film pictures at that time. she had a number of empty 35MM film canisters. We transferred his ashes to about a dozen of these canisters and gave them to racers that still remembered him and in some cases had competed against him. They put the canister in their boat and took him for his "last ride" and then upon crossing the finish line at the end of the heat disposed of the canister over the side on the race course. We had put some small holes in the canister's so they could not float.

We thought this was a fitting tribute to him, as he had told his daughters that he had some of the best times of his life at these two race courses.

Disposal of ashes is of course a very personal matter, but maybe this will give you some ideas. We thought the small containers were very fitting in this case, as it allowed more of his friends to participate. He won several heats those days and even almost won another National Championship, although as a "deck rider".

ADD: What I related above is only what we did for a friend who had indicated that was something he had thought about. You need to do what YOU think is best. Remember that funerals/memorials etc., are as much or more for the living as for the person who has gone.

07-31-2010, 06:40 PM
That sounds nice. How sweet of you to help your friend in that way.

Gene East
08-01-2010, 05:02 AM
I have long ago told my family of my desires concerning disposal of my ashes at a particular site.

Many states have regulations restricting or prohibiting this.

My thoughts are, what they (politicians) don't know can't hurt you. Be discreet!

A boat racer should take 1 last ride at a race course or test site that was important to him/her even if it's in a john-boat!

If it can be in a race boat so much the better.

Master Oil Racing Team
08-01-2010, 10:00 AM
I agree with Jimbo. It might be kind of tough to do it at Miami, and EVERYONE remembers that record setting event at Parker.

08-01-2010, 06:07 PM
Sounds good. I really do want to go to Parker. I just have to find the time to do it. Not an easy thing to do from Florida. Thanks!

Eric Engler
08-24-2010, 05:56 AM
My fathers ashes are in the first turn of a lake in the UP of Michigan where many a national champion has been crowned.

Some day I'd like to plant a tree with a small sign in his memory there.

I have no idea how they got there and have no knowledge of who placed them there :)

That is also something I'm sure he said may times during his racing career, both of and off the water. :D

08-24-2010, 07:31 AM
Just remember the wind when you are doing this. A buddy of mine did this with his mom's ashes and wound up with a boat full of ashes.