View Full Version : 2012 Donations Taken Here!

Ron Hill
08-18-2010, 01:55 PM
Just paid $191.47 FOR ONE YEAR of BRF's name and stuff. Make donations to BRF through Pay Pal or checks. Spent all my money on women, booze and boats. The rest I wasted!

Last year it was the same price: My Pay Pal address is ronhill@hillmarine.com, same as my e-mail...

08-18-2010, 03:19 PM
I just spent 300.00 to still be able to say I'm a single guy.....beats the half a million from the last one. Racing is more on the horizon than ever. Let us know where to send our donations. Thanks for alll you and Ted do here. You have to remember you are donating to keep Wayne Baldwin off the streets, also............

08-18-2010, 03:30 PM
Paypal to: ronhill@hillmarine.com

08-18-2010, 03:52 PM
For all that care about this web site and the history and personalities within........
Thanks for the support. Ron and Ted have the best website for every boat racing class on the water. Also...............Ron only paid 191.00 and change. Anything over that.......we need to convince him to having a BRF get together on the left coast. Included would be talking Dr. Laurie into letting 200 partying boat racers stay at the Hill home. I have faith that Ron could make this happen...............
On a more serious note..............oh, never mind.

Ron Hill
08-19-2010, 04:11 PM
Thanks, you know who sent me money!

Ron Hill
08-20-2010, 07:38 PM
Thanks....Need $120 more to break even.....a novel concept!!!!!

Ron Hill
09-05-2010, 09:59 PM
Total donations are $70. AND thanks to those who donated!

If every one of 6000 BRF members sent a dollar, BRF would be rich.

We could strat our own boat racing curcuit!

Oh well, rich or poor ir is nice to have lots of money!

09-06-2010, 06:08 AM
Got the hint, Ron.............Hope everyone else does, too. Thanks again for BRF.

Ron Hill
09-06-2010, 04:07 PM
FYI: THERE ARE NO PAID ADS ON BRF! Last paid for ad was Mutual Insurance...

Ron Hill
09-08-2010, 11:27 AM
Thank you for your support. AND you know who you are. Total donations $140. My goal is $191.41.

Ron Hill
11-13-2010, 02:54 PM
I was promised a check, but it got returned I heard. No big deal, tax losses are good, when your wife pays taxes!!!!

Ron Hill
11-14-2010, 09:24 AM
$25 more makes the total $165.


Jeff Akers
11-15-2010, 09:21 AM
Just saw this thread....Donation sent.....Thank you Ron, for giving us this great place to read, learn and discuss.....:cool:

11-15-2010, 06:22 PM
$25 more makes the total $165.



P M me with an address for BRF and I'll mail a ck.


11-17-2010, 05:05 PM
enjoy the site and willing to contribute,but don't do paypal.Snailmail address and I'll send a check!Thanks!

Ron Hill
11-23-2010, 09:14 PM
If I keep getting donations, I may take up drinking full time!

11-27-2010, 06:51 PM
:DJust sent you a donation to Ron, keep up the good work...Tom Arambasich
P.S....Next Switzercraft Regatta & Hot Boat Rally:eek: will be on Saturday July 16,
2011 at THE BIG BASIN MARINA in Channahon Illinois......:)

Ron Hill
11-27-2010, 07:27 PM
Total donations is $240. My step daughter Carrie Stern tells me BRF shoud be getting some serious money from advertisers because of all the hits we get. She is going to be helping out some here, but we plan to have someone help too....like a paid employee.

I'm not saying to NOT donate, but my expenses have been covered. If BRF became profitable, I can tell you this, all money will go back to helping boat racing come into the 21st century!

Thanks for the donations, I guess I should list all the donors....but hell, I forgot who they were and I spent the money on boats, women and booze, the rest I wasted!

Allen J. Lang
11-28-2010, 05:46 AM
Hey Ron, isn't that what BIG BUSINESS does with their money? :D

Ron Hill
08-17-2011, 05:23 PM
I've turned down money from advertisers this year, because I wanted better BANNER ADS, I thought I had a couple of people who were going to help me with banner ads, but that hasn't panned out.

If you'd like to make a small donation my Pay Pal account is RONHILL@hillmarine.com , SAME AS ME EMAIL.


SANTA ANA, CA 92705...

GOAL IS $191.40

Ron Hill
08-18-2011, 01:27 PM
Got $20 today, THANK YOU!

Ron Hill
08-18-2011, 04:45 PM
I got $25 more from Pay Pal and $200 check coming from an honorable man....

So, BRF has more that their goal....But, keep sending money, I'll find a place for it...

Thanks, it is nice to know I don't have to spend my wife's money to keep BRF going...

Ron Hill
11-08-2011, 04:25 PM
In the past I haven't named names just because I didn't feel like I wanted to........

But, last week or so, when for awhile I thought we might have lost seven years of Boat racing History...and friends....

Mike Quindazzi, Jr. pulled at least one all nighter for BRF.....Wayne Baldwin called with some grat information that would have worked for us had Mike not been on the case.

Wayne wanted to know if we can make a copy of "An Amazing Story" off BRF and I haven't asked Mike....

Anyway, as I was looking through Pay Pal today, I saw $50 from Joe and Karen Rome. Thanks Joe and Karen.

Sea Way Marine's Jake sent BRF $200. I'm humbled by all donations. Thank you, I won't waste the money on a "Fun filled weekend in Alcapulco", trust me.

Master Oil Racing Team
11-08-2011, 06:50 PM
It's great to see BRF back Ron, and this "host going into a blackhole" may be the wakeup call we needed. I was wondering way before "An Amazing Story" ever got as far as it did, that if there was just one hiccup, would we lose everything. I had no clue what to do, a long time ago I copied off some of the beginnings of "An Amazing Story" because Debbie and others had told me I should write down my memoirs for Alexis and Andrew. I figured the input from friends and people that didn't even know me, could contribute much more to the times I raced in than I could ever remember. After some glitches in "An Amazing Story" occurred over about a week, it kind of went into ethereal space. Sam was able to correct everything and said that the thread had grown impossibly large to handle with whatever gizmo's BRF had at the time so he chopped it up into three parts. "An Amazing Story III" is the only one still active that can be posted to, but the first two are still viewable in total. After Sam saved that, I called him up to see how to get a personal copy of just that thread. I don't remember exactly what he said because that's been several years ago, but the thought never left my mind. I think that time spent to do that might have been a problem. People would not want to pay what it would take to copy a single thread. Sam....correct me where I'm messing up because I don't know the technicals, and the statute of remembering runs out after a year or two these days..;)

That's the background of what I talked to Ron about (besides my Son-in-Law telling Ron he could help, and everything I told Ron...Mike was already doing.) So my question to Ron, and where I was going with this was to find out from Mike if there was better technology now to be able to copy a complete thread simply, and turn it into a DVD or whatever to be able to sell it. Some of the complications I think Sam may have had an issue with now that I think about it were copyright. But if there were a way to be able to do this, and sell multiple copies to BRF members, I think this could be a way to boost BRF up and take care of the operating costs, plus pay the people that keep BRF going. That's why I say we had a good "Wake up Call"

more later....got to go.

11-09-2011, 09:14 AM
Always make sure when you do business with a "Web Site Design Service company" that you own your domain and know who the "Web Hosting Service" is. Anybody can set up a company and then use a web hosting service to host your domain. And those same people can disappear as quickly as they came with your money and your web site. This is just information for the future for anyone setting up a web site. Thanks Mike for the detective work!!!

11-09-2011, 10:30 AM
about membership cards for a small fee ?

Ron Hill
11-15-2011, 06:45 PM
E: Full Backup Completed

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How about that... BRF now has a current back-up! Things are looking up.

Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 21:48:24 -0800
From: ronhill@hillmarine.com
Subject: Fw: Full Backup Completed
To: mquindazzi@hotmail.com

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "cpanel@boatracingfacts.com" <cpanel@boatracingfacts.com>
To: ronhill@hillmarine.com
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 8:31 PM
Subject: Full Backup Completed

pkgacct started.
pkgacct version 10 - user : ronhill - tarball: 1 - target mysql : default - split: 0 - incremental: 0 - homedir: 1 - archive version: 3 - running with uid 0
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Determining mysql dbs......mysql version: 5.1......mysqldump version: 5.1...Saving mysql privs...Done
Storing mysql dbs............
ronhill_c4(1207690 bytes) ronhill_forum.........

Master Oil Racing Team
11-15-2011, 07:51 PM
Fantastic Ron.

Did you happen to find out from Mike if he or someone would be able work something up that I asked you about? I think if it wasn't too expensive, it could be a money raiser. The cost always goes down in mass production, so it would depend upon the level of interest.

Ron Hill
01-01-2012, 11:49 AM
If you feel like placing an BANNER AD, like Ford of Orange, here on BR, F contact me. We get 37,000 views a month and the average viewer stays on for five minutes. Average viewer are males with disposable income.

BRF rates are $1.00 a day, or $360 a year. Ads can be paid monthly or yearly.

Ronhill@hillmarine.com is my email address.

Donations taken anytime, especially nice when you sell something on BRF.

Ron Hill
02-05-2013, 10:56 PM
Mike Quindazzi has put in another 40-50 hours getting BRF up to speed. Without Mike's, Sam Cullis's help BRF would be stumbling with all the up grades required.

BRf wants to support Boat Racing in various ways. We recently bought COR Trophies for the Winter Nationals.

We have no requirement for our members, but if you feel a donation is in your future, send it to Ron Hill@hillmarine.com . If you have a specific area you want supported, let us know when you donate.

Also, the Southern California Outboard Association is recruiting members at $25 a head. If you'd like to join SCOA, send my $25 AND I'LL FORWARD THE MONEY TO THE CLUB AND THEY WILL GET YOU A MEMBERSHIP CARD.