View Full Version : Ray yates memorial race

03-06-2011, 06:13 PM
The Baytown Boat Club and SPORT will host a Memorial Race for Ray Yates on Sunday, May 22, 2011. Hope everyone will come and honor Ray for all the work that he did promoting boat racing. We can all tell stories about Ray and enjoy eating the Baytown Boat Club Famous Fried Chicken!!! Will post all details later.....Just mark your calendar for this date.

Master Oil Racing Team
03-10-2011, 07:07 PM
Joe told me he was going to post this and I was going to put some pictures of Ray Yates up when he did. I've been in and out a lot lately and missed it, but I will when I get caught up.

Joe says Charlie Bailey stopped by his shop today and said to put his name down on the calendar. Clayton and Doris Elmer will be there for sure, and I'm sure Curly James will try to make it. There was one other name that Joe told me would be there, but it escapes me for the moment. Of course the Yates clan will be there, and there are many. Joe said we could all sit together and swap stories while we watch the races, and I told him that I would try to put that on my calendar. The more I think about it.....the more likely I will. Chuck business for a weekend. Baldy could do that.....I should take his lead.:D:cool:

03-11-2011, 07:43 PM
This is a picture of Ray at the reunion at the Baytown Boat Club in the Highlands.

03-12-2011, 08:04 AM
I'll try to make my schedule fit this one! If Little Ray is there, let's see if he remembers the guy who burned up his A Konig. It wouldn't clear out, I looked at it, put a finger in a carb, noted idle jet was missing. They fixed it, but didn't get the water hose secured before a hurried launch, I didn't see it, I was already running, so he didn't get very far. Ray Sr thought I was an A Konig genius...
Tom Walker

05-18-2011, 09:50 AM