View Full Version : Mike Trevett photo collection
04-05-2011, 06:32 PM
Sorry I've been slow getting these up ... some great pictures from a great time in the past
This is demo days at Pier Point Landing
At least once a month Gandpa had demo days
It was mantory every one attend
Grandpa Grandma George & Arlene Trevett
Uncle George & Aunt Mike
Uncle Calvin & Aunt Jackie
Uncle Skip & Aunt Jodi
Dad & Mom Clarke & Jennie
The Kids each having at least 3
Needless to say it was always one hell of a picknic
The guy driving the boat is my dad Clarke Trevett and the lady in the dark outfit is mom hopefuly someone's watching the kids
04-05-2011, 06:36 PM
Mac and dad rigged up jsck system and dad could sit up front
They were good friends with Ray Ledger owner of Powercat he had told them about a hydrulic system he was using a jack at driver seat and a ram at the transom it worked quite well and helped the boat to plane after it was up you could go to the next pin hole and dad could stay in his seat
Dad really liked that he didnt hate the boat near as bad
Thus the orginal power trim
Ray had told them about a aircraft salvage company in Long Beach that had ram you could adapt to the transom think it was a flap motor of some sort but they had a hundred of them
Upon testing they found without a tilt pin everytime you backed off throttle the engine would trail out My mom was a nurse and told dad about a surgical rubber they used in operating room brought home a roll (hope she paid for it) It worked great
The jack at the driver seat had a handle welded in twist to lock the jack Mac worked it out to be 1 pin hole each pump of the jack and would shim the down position so the motor wouldnt drop below the 2nd pin hole
As far as the surgical rubber tube went they would run a number of lengths from ski eyes across the down housing and would smear grease on down housing to aid in turning
Result Dad could sit in seat and not have to move but if mac got behind he would still yell at dad get in the back
04-05-2011, 06:39 PM
Dont know where this is at Jim Macllwain driving Clarke Trevett (dad) rider looks like they got a little behind dad out of his seat can here Mac yelling to dad get your axx to the back and stay there
Arrowcraft 13' 6" twin mark 58's would guess 1958 or 1959
Cant make out the number on the boat but you will see this boat set up with twin 58's later twin 78's I can tell from the bottom great big pad added to the bottom lots of rocker very hard to put on plane but when it finialy droped over it was all ready doing 40 Dads design would hold nose up and keep those hard chines out of the water but you had to drive it and mac could
Dad and mac figured out it worked good and was fast as hell if all weight was tranfered to rear after planing The only moveable weight was dad only when the were out in front would mac let dad sit in his seat any time you see dad sitting up front they were pacing
My dad really hated that boat When they put the 78's on It was fast enough to scare both of them Mac told dad he could ride up front
You will see this same boat with a couple different # depending on where they were running and what they were running you can always spot that bottom it worked with what ever they stuck on it This boat latter became our ski boat by that time it had been busted up pretty good and the clear finished sides and deck were long gone we painted the boat bright yellow and black hung a 110 merc on the back made a great ski boat went to Bass Lake Ca every year still beat most of the jet of the time
04-05-2011, 06:42 PM
The next picture is in front of th factory it must be a friday Grandpa would come to the factory and p/u everything that was remotely ready to ship take it back to the retail store and put it out in front for the weekend
The sons my uncles and dad were responable to man the store for the weekend
In this picture the boat at the rear is a 18 sport fisher ( Grandpa personal boat ) so he must have fishing in mind
The next boat is a 14' was a delux it had a windshield
The one on top of truck was a 16' (vandal) new model for 1960 had to build something to handle those 100 cu in Mercs We recieved the very 1st merc 800 full gear shift in Calif
04-05-2011, 06:43 PM
Wait a minuite grandpa added another to the rigg hell the paint was still wet as gramps would say you cant sell something they cant see
I am sure at this point Grandma was yelling at him How many you going try to tow She always won so that load is done
A little side note the Ranchero is a 1959 my grandpa bought a 1959 Station Wagon in 1958 He loaded it up and sent Grandma to Needles to deliver she rolled the wagon outside of needles and broke her back Grandpa never let her drive again the rest of her life He bought the Ranchero with the insurance settlement.
04-05-2011, 06:47 PM
This is the race boat in most of the other pics (twin 58's twin 78's) Grandpa went fishing in Northern Calif and was gone for week to 10 days brothers built this while he was gone as a stock boat When Gramps got back he did a boat count and somehow missed this one (hid on back side of spray booth) I dont think he ever knew it existed We had sold a boat to Jim Macllwaine and gramps knew about it but now Mac had 2 boats Grandpa never figured it out
04-05-2011, 06:50 PM
Well the 13' 6" boat ran pretty good with the 58's hell lets throw a couple 78's and see how that works
By the looks of the throphy on the deck and the smirks on there face it must have worked ok
The guy at the rear is Uncle George Trevett the other is Jim Mcllwaine we called him uncle mac my godfather dad use to say he was going to let mac adopt me my name would have been Michael Wayne Mcllwaine
Mac later joined up with Ted Wilson (I Think that was his name) bought our retail shop changed the name to Wilson Marine Mac handled the shop Ted ran the bussiness Ted later sold out to Jim Ckinkenbeard (Clink) and West Anaheim Marine was born
Both Mac and Clink ended up driving factory Glastrons in Glastrons hay day
At some time I will sit down and write what I can remember about the history of West Anaheim my dad and I both worked there on and off for many years Me diging weeds and dad did all the Glass Work Many interesting stories about some very colorful people
04-05-2011, 06:55 PM
This Mac and my dad at The Foot of Golden testing they had orginal rigged the new boat (one that didnt exist) see previous post with the 78's and decided if was that fast with the stock bottom think how fast it would be with a real race boat
There were some real problems with this arrangement with a full load of fuel it would just bearly stay afloat with the weight of the twins can remember at some races using inner tubes under corner of transom to help both Mac and Dad would sit on the Deck until they got it turned around and Mac would slid back just far enough to hit the starters one it started moving Mac would slide back in the seat innertubes would slide out from under bottom all was well
The other problem was the pad on the bottom with the big motors lets just say it was a bit on the tough side to get her to droop over as you will see in future pics
The third problem was Dad trying to get in his seat after it did drop over with all that transom weight and that enormous pad she had a slight porposing problem at lower speeds so mac would drive it up pretty hard dad would either find his seat or the motor well pretty fast
04-05-2011, 07:01 PM
This is dad and mac at full song hope thats the way it is at pardise I thank maybe
You get a good idea what dad was doing with the bottom worked well with the 4 cly's was a little much for the 6's after a while he took some of the pad out it solved most of the porpose problem and it came on plane a heck of a lot eaiser
Didnt run a speedo but speeds close to 70
04-05-2011, 07:09 PM
This gives you a little idea if how had it was to get to drop over they were running a set of big ear o j props at this time thinking they were around 19 pitch 2 blades
Dewayne Mudd at D & J propeller had sold them the props and keep tweeking them till they were right
04-06-2011, 11:52 AM
:) Great pictures Sam !!!!!!!!
04-06-2011, 02:14 PM
I want to thank Sam he has been very helpful He is a Great stewart of the sport I hope you all enjoy the pictures This is my frist post but have been a viewer for a long time
To Ron Hill I know you and was a fan you lived in Garden Grove up the street from Pacifica High School I use to vist your house I would walk home and swing by Later in Life I drove for Chuck Story 21 Elimator mod vp and also drove a sport c grand prix 444 we also bought a sst 45 grand prix
04-06-2011, 06:36 PM
The top boat was an unusual color painted Arrowcraft.
The bottom boat was known as the little black bastxxx They had built it to run a single 4 cyl very light All the other boats had longatudial sringer only no side bulk heads except at the dash On this boat they used a egg create structure on the bottom a couple of side bulk heads moved the dash back and cut the front deck My dad was playing with the bottom at our house Dad & Uncle George picked it up off the trailer and turned it over I was amazed The boat wa a real hand full to drive and a very rough ride
04-06-2011, 06:45 PM
This is the black boat again they had decided to run it in the Catlina race about 1/2 way they turned around and headed back to Long Beach seems the light construction was not up to the task at hand the bottom busted out of it Proved to be the last race for the little black boat as it sunk at the launch ramp waiting for the trailer
04-06-2011, 06:53 PM
We are really lucky Mike has these pictures to share with us ... very few pics of the WOA era have surfaced so far
04-11-2011, 04:45 PM
Those are totally cool..
09-10-2012, 03:10 PM
I would like to bring this thread to the top I have a bunch of pics from the early 60's powercats stylecrafts I am not very computer savy I would be glad to e mail them to someone Sam posted the last ones but I cant seem to get ahold of him my health is not good and I would hate to loose these My kids dont have a clue Danny Powercat my partner worked for your dad back when when the boats were wood and men were men He worked with Arkie Ray Eddie Morrienze Jimmie Parker Dave Bell Chuck Marassua Dick Shuster We built a 22 whaler at Double Eagle boats and leasted the mold to your uncle Bobby Brown at Advenger back in the late 70's or early 80's
Ron Hill
12-22-2012, 12:21 AM
Ron Hill
Hill MArine
2683 Halladay Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Or give me your address and I can send a UPS pick up label if you can get them boxed.
01-02-2013, 11:28 AM
Here are some photos of the hydralic jack and afterplane set-up like we used them on the Power Cats. This is a "survivor" race boat
that was found near Dallas, Tx.
Danny Leger
Austin, Texas
Mac and dad rigged up jsck system and dad could sit up front
They were good friends with Ray Ledger owner of Powercat he had told them about a hydrulic system he was using a jack at driver seat and a ram at the transom it worked quite well and helped the boat to plane after it was up you could go to the next pin hole and dad could stay in his seat
Dad really liked that he didnt hate the boat near as bad
Thus the orginal power trim
Ray had told them about a aircraft salvage company in Long Beach that had ram you could adapt to the transom think it was a flap motor of some sort but they had a hundred of them
Upon testing they found without a tilt pin everytime you backed off throttle the engine would trail out My mom was a nurse and told dad about a surgical rubber they used in operating room brought home a roll (hope she paid for it) It worked great
The jack at the driver seat had a handle welded in twist to lock the jack Mac worked it out to be 1 pin hole each pump of the jack and would shim the down position so the motor wouldnt drop below the 2nd pin hole
As far as the surgical rubber tube went they would run a number of lengths from ski eyes across the down housing and would smear grease on down housing to aid in turning
Result Dad could sit in seat and not have to move but if mac got behind he would still yell at dad get in the back
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