View Full Version : So, what does it take to put on a race?

09-15-2011, 03:49 PM
to put on a race?

I'd like details as I want to work on putting a package together;

How much water is needed? Can someone give me approximate dimensions of a race course, how far from the shore, how deep?

How much money does it take?

How much is the rescue crew?

How much are officials?

All the details please

How much does it take to get the drivers, boats, and crews there?

I have an idea on F1 races, but not sure with the other classes / series.


09-15-2011, 08:27 PM
It takes a lot of work. Developing an APBA approved race committee should be first and foremost. Cost?....start with a sanction application, insurance application, and a bunch of other expenses. Check out the risk management checklist for basic event safety info here...http://www.apba-racing.com/Forms/2010/2010%20Risk%20Manager%20Check%20List.pdf which is located at the download section on the main APBA website here...http://www.apba-racing.com/downloads.html

Cost of events on top of the basic necessities listed above are endless. Too much to discuss as I need to head to San Diego Bayfair. Good starting point is to contact a local APBA club in your area to gather more info on how they host events.

You can never have too many boat racing events. :D

09-15-2011, 09:08 PM
Wayne, you really need to come to Roar and Soar, our Classic Raceboat Association event this November 12 and 13 in Polk City, FL at the Fantasy of Flight. As you may know, this is strictly exhibition, not a true race, but most of the same "rules" and costs apply.


I'll be in the pits all day long directing boats in and out of water. I will introduce you to our President, Dick Whyte, and others.

Plan on bringing the kids as this is a big event; there is a car show, vintage aircraft and unbelievable RC models, etc. Get the pit pass.

--Tom Lang

david bryan
09-16-2011, 08:41 AM
It takes a lot of work. Developing an APBA approved race committee should be first and foremost. Cost?....start with a sanction application, insurance application, and a bunch of other expenses. Check out the risk management checklist for basic event safety info here...http://www.apba-racing.com/Forms/2010/2010%20Risk%20Manager%20Check%20List.pdf which is located at the download section on the main APBA website here...http://www.apba-racing.com/downloads.html

Cost of events on top of the basic necessities listed above are endless. Too much to discuss as I need to head to San Diego Bayfair. Good starting point is to contact a local APBA club in your area to gather more info on how they host events.

You can never have too many boat racing events. :D

he said boat race. He did not say APBA YOU EVER HEAR OF AOF OR nbra are just a boat race

09-16-2011, 03:52 PM
he said boat race. He did not say APBA YOU EVER HEAR OF AOF OR nbra are just a boat race

The checklist is still a good idea to look at. Do the other organizations have similar checklists to compare?

09-16-2011, 04:04 PM
The checklist is still a good idea to look at. Do the other organizations have similar checklists to compare?

So, APBA, AOF, NBRA can be used to sanction a race, is there any others?

I'll pull the APBA checklist, and if either of the others have one, I'll take a look at theirs too.


09-16-2011, 04:06 PM

I'm going to do what I can,.... is there a possibility of me dragging an F1 boat up there to put on display? (just curious)

I've got it penciled in, just need to work on logistics :)


Wayne, you really need to come to Roar and Soar, our Classic Raceboat Association event this November 12 and 13 in Polk City, FL at the Fantasy of Flight. As you may know, this is strictly exhibition, not a true race, but most of the same "rules" and costs apply.


I'll be in the pits all day long directing boats in and out of water. I will introduce you to our President, Dick Whyte, and others.

Plan on bringing the kids as this is a big event; there is a car show, vintage aircraft and unbelievable RC models, etc. Get the pit pass.

--Tom Lang

09-16-2011, 04:51 PM
Yes, there is "Static Display" on our registration form. We'd love to see it!


PS, if you need to talk to anyone specifically in this organization about putting on a race, I can put you in touch with the correct folks, just pm me.

Edit: I just googled F1 boat. I'm pretty sure that's what Roger Hinsdale brought last year to run.

Lee Motorsports
09-16-2011, 07:32 PM

We could probably add two 45's and another F1 if you want.... ;)

With the other F1's in the state and the other three 45's, we could have a race right there...


09-16-2011, 07:40 PM
RGF, bring the boat(s), and run 'em! Ocala -- not far away.

This is getting bigger all the time, we now get about 60 boats. We've always had one crane for launching and 2-3 tractors for trailer boats. One day soon, we're gonna need another crane.

09-16-2011, 07:54 PM

We could probably add two 45's and another F1 if you want.... ;)

With the other F1's in the state and the other three 45's, we could have a race right there...

Steve, I've been talking to Jose about this, I think it could be great! We've certainly got enough of the 45's and F1's in the state.

Let's try to do this; I'd love to put a flyer / info together to pass out there as well....

I'll be in touch soon....


09-16-2011, 07:56 PM
RGF, bring the boat(s), and run 'em! Ocala -- not far away.

This is getting bigger all the time, we now get about 60 boats. We've always had one crane for launching and 2-3 tractors for trailer boats. One day soon, we're gonna need another crane.
Looks like we might be able to offer a couple more(?!) Would be cool! Hopefully we can make this work!


09-16-2011, 07:59 PM
Guys have fun! Remember this is technically not a "race", they are exhibition laps.

Hope to see you there. If you trailer, I WILL be the last guy you see as we schlep you into the water...

PS Wayne, contact the Webmaster at http://www.classicraceboatassoc.com/ to see if any flyers can be provided, at least they may have some graphics art for you to print...

09-16-2011, 08:01 PM
Absolutely; Just would like to be able to show off the tunnels,

Like you, I just like looking at and seeing boats,.... any type is fine with me :)

If the GT-Pro boat was going to be done, I'd bring it!!


Guys have fun! Remember this is technically not a "race", they are exhibition laps.

Hope to see you there. If you trailer, I WILL be the last guy you see as we schlep you into the water...

09-19-2011, 07:02 PM
he said boat race. He did not say APBA YOU EVER HEAR OF AOF OR nbra are just a boat race

Nope....Not in Arizona! :D