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View Full Version : Bill Fales video 1970 APBA Nationals

01-19-2012, 04:46 PM
First video from Steve Fales:

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Topzfx5QVdM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Steve Fales
01-19-2012, 07:05 PM
The video above was filmed during the 1969 and1970 APBA Nationals in Depue. It was filmed with an 8mm wind up camera by my mom. Sorry about the blurred vision, lack of sound, and distance from the the course.

The reason I posted the video was because of a story that my dad used to tell about the second heat of the 1970 Nationals. Before I get to that, he used to tell me that the power of the deflector he used to win the 1968 and 1969 Nationals had nowhere the power the looper he had in the 1970.

I know it might be tough to veiw, but in the second heat of the 1970 race, he actually entered the first turn in last place. He and Rich Fuchlin were way up the course kind of looking around at each other and not paying attention to the clock. So off to the first turn they went with Rich just ahead of my dad. This is the part of the story I always liked, my dad said that this was the ONLY race he EVER ran that looper at full throttle. He did pass the entire field, including Chuck Waite (who did not have a deck rider), and go on to win the race. At the end my dad looks tired. He looked that way not only because it was a tough race for him, but also because he was scared. He said the power of that motor took the life out of him.

My dad always believed in his loopers and cherished those motors until he passed away. He did always say that the power of Lon's motors were extreme, and followed that with the phrase, "you can never compete against inches"! And Lon's motors have inches.

He would love to see this rebuild, and would wish you best of luck during the time you move forward. Good luck J-Dub. I know my dad is watching.

Master Oil Racing Team
01-19-2012, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the story Steve. I'm going to look at it again, knowing what you just said. I like the pit shots too. Looks like maybe a Crescent in the pits in the first part. I'm curious too about a motor being cranked up toward the end that looked like some cylinders were popping before everything caught. My eyesight sometimes tricks me, but it looked like the megphones were straight out to the left and they kind of reminded me of the look on one of Hu Entrops Evinrude V4's. Was that a V4 turned 90 degrees clockwise, or am I seeing an optical illusion?

Also how did you send that to Sam to post? Was it transferred to a DVD? Looking forward for more.

01-20-2012, 09:18 AM
i did nothing. Steve uploaded the video to YouTube and I started the thread and linked it in.

we are having a technical problem with the discussion board software that is preventing everyone from directly uploading video to BRF - but the set up in this thread (uploaded to YouTube and linked in) is the preferred way to do video on BRF anyway. When we get the software straightened out, that's what I will do with future video uploads.

I opened a YouTube account for BRF just for this. It will increase both BRF's exposure on the net and boat racing in general.

Master Oil Racing Team
01-20-2012, 12:27 PM
Is it easy to do Sam or should I send my DVD to you?

01-20-2012, 12:47 PM
Its easy but you might have some trouble on a cloudy day.

I'd say give it a try and see how it goes

Ron Hill
01-20-2012, 06:02 PM
I didn't see a Konig anywhere. Pretty cool pitucres, wish I could them better...

Bob Rusnak
01-20-2012, 06:59 PM
Wayne I believe the engine with the pipes out to the side belong to Jim Gohery as that is his number. The engine was a Evinrude pumper or close to a 4-60. Jim still has this engine. I know Doug Bindrim had one just like it and maybe it is the same engine. Bob

Gene East
01-20-2012, 07:32 PM
The night before this race I shared a table with several deck riders. One was bragging about what he intended to do the next day.

My comment was, "Yeah right, you're going to hold your ears when Bill Fales blows by you just like the rest of us".

I think I saw him pass us on the front stretch in the video. Not positive other than it was a yellow boat.

Racing against Bill Fales was a thrill for me even though I was just the second man in the boat!

07-07-2012, 06:47 AM
Not all this video was shot at DePue , or am I wrong ?. It looks like the first part is from a different race site because of the houses in the back round and the pit area looks different?

Steve Fales
07-07-2012, 08:24 AM
This was a mix of home videos, actually put together for family. So yes, not all of the video is taken @ Depue. I believe the beginning of the video is Alexandria, LA but I may be wrong. It was the end of the video that was put up, where my dad won the Nationals that was the point of my post.

07-07-2012, 08:41 AM
Steve - If I worded my post poorly I am sorry. I was just interested in where the video was shot at. No harm intended.

Allen J. Lang
07-08-2012, 11:13 AM
It was a great video for me. Seeing old friends from our EORC on LI, some who have passed on. Many thanks.
I believe the both Bill and Jim Gohery were among the last ones to run the OMC 4 cyl Fs.:D

Dave S.
07-24-2012, 08:29 PM
In 1970 when I was young I had the experience to meet Bill Fales. Skip Pezzold gave us a ride to Bill Fales' house in Northport, Long Island, New York in his 1970 Torino station wagon which he drove at 100 MPH down the Seaford Oyster Bay Expressway. Those were the days!!! Skip Pezzold sold my friend Bill Fales' old 14' De Silva N77 which we ran with a V4 Evinrude with a Walter Petersen 20% overdrive. It was fast and we were young! We used to put the boat on a wheel barrel and launch it into Merrick Bay. I liked going to boat races and watch the likes of Bill Fales, Butch Langdon and Fred De George run 20H on his old knees. Butch Langdon ran a 14' De Silva with a V4 Evinrude named "Nonsense."