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View Full Version : Bowden Development.... Fred Bowden

Ron Hill
08-23-2005, 06:50 PM
Fred Bowden...

<HR style="COLOR: #000000" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Sometimes, I wonder if I get too personal...if I do, we can always delete it...

The first time I remember Fred was at Stockton, 1979...I had a "HIGH DOLLAR" sponsor...motorhome, good equipment....

Fred showed up at this race with an old red Taylor MOD VP with a Johnson 200...everyone knew you needed a 235...and they worked on his truck, in the parking lot, all weekend. I thought to myself, "How does this sport attract THOSES kind of people??? He's trying to race a boat and doesn't even have a truck to get home with...".

Fred was an electrician, and had been laid off about this time... He and his late brother Larry, decided they buy a triangle piece of property on a freeway off ramp and build several buildings....Larry was a sheriff, but Fred needed a job...

I guess, we could say the rest is history...last I heard Bowden Development was building 300 to 600 homes a year, plus a high rise here and there...

I do know that when Eliminator Boats was trying to get their building done, that they were having troubles....the season was coming, Fred needed a race boat or two...Bob Leach asked Fred to help...and in short order, the factory was open...Fred was/is a man who gets things done.

Fred has opened his wallet to many, many new and old drivers...Sergio Calva, Chris Bush, John Castelli, Chad Hill to name a few. He was great competitor in MOD VP.

He has brought Todd, his son, through the ranks...Sport C, SST 60, SST 120 and now Champboat. I should add, Todd is about the nicest young man in the world....

Fred and his wife, Diane, have been married for a long time, but it seems they are still very close. At San Diego, every year, Bowden Development...throws a Pit Party...and everyone is invited....and I mean everyone...

Fred has been very loyal to Grand Prix Boats and Bruce Borequin. Their team runs the best equipment money can buy and Todd and Fred feel Grand Prix boats are the best.....Their ChampBoat standings show they are right...

Todd says it isn't true, but Diane says it is....Diane says that Todd had an autographed picture of Ron Hill when he was just a little guy....I choose to believe his mom...

The Bowden's are very active in ChampBoat Racing today and they plan to stay. Boat racing is lucky to have "THOSE TYPE" of people...

Thanks, Fred!!!!!

Ron Hill
09-25-2005, 04:27 PM
Fred at speed with his 235 Evinrude, 19 foot Daytona Eliminator...From Vapor Trails Magazine...

Ron Hill
03-07-2006, 08:37 PM
Fred is sponsoring a Champboat this year. Todd is taking some time off to be with his family and Sean Taurrante is going to drive Fred EQUIPMENT....

Fred is also developing 165 home sites at Parker and I'm asking for your help...

I have decided, after visiting Wiget Lane...in Concord, California and realizing that my father and brother had raced against the great Bud Wiget....I thought it was so cool to know a street was named after him....

Fred Bowden is a mover and shaker in this world....He makes money with ease... He's a gentleman and a business man....He recently sold a very nice boat trailer to my son, we at the "Well Oiled Machine that is Chad Hill Racing" will do our best to keep the Pride and spirit of Bowden Development going.....

But what I've ask Fred to da, and I want you to doe a search and find Bowden Development, if you agree with me, and I WANT YOU TO e-mail Fred....I want you to tell him that his streets in his new development, in Parker should be named after Parker WINNERS....Or Parker leaders...

Streets like: Seebold Lane, Bowden Blvd, Jimbo Court, Ron Hill .... Gummy's Ghost, Marion Beaver Way....It is not what we do here that counts, it is what we leave behind...

I talked to Fred, last Friday, he wanted to know about the trailer...I told him we'd use it is STYLE.....but would he name the streets after BOAT RACERS? He said there would only be ten streets, but to "REMIND" him....

ADD FRED: The guy is amazing....

07-14-2006, 06:56 AM
I first knew Fred and the family in the early 80's. My dad (Gene) was running with Fred at parker. I remember Fred put my whole family along with the Collins family in a huge house on the river for the weekend. Man that was great. Anyway dad and Fred lead until something broke in the last hour of the race. Great guy, great family.

Miss BK
07-14-2006, 01:01 PM
It sure was sad to learn that Todd Bowden was retiring from Champ racing this year. When I first started running mini-boats, teenager Todd was just starting out in Sport C. Our little group of region 12 mini-boat racers bonded into a tight group - it was so much fun.

So I had a twinge of heartbreak when I heard Todd was calling it quits. Like an end of an era. But I guess that's how it goes - the next generation picks up where the "old" ones left off.

Then another of the COBRA bunch decided to call it quits - Jason Campbell - who was one of the rare AZ Mod-C drivers (myself included) from the 1980's. Then I had to face the fact that we aren't kids anymore.

Shaun Torrente is now the driver for Fred Bowdens California Gold team. Shaun is a young firecracker who can man-handle any boat, and has enough energy to run 500 laps if needed. Think Chris Bush. Maybe that's why Fred picked him?

PS: When I first met my husband Brad back in 1988, Robin Thibodaux was his star SST-45 driver for the Parker mini enduro. I was running that race too (Mod C) in my new Mirage, Tom Cat, but motor trouble kept me on the beach most of the day.

I think I remember that Robin was leading overall most of that race, but I think a gearcase(?) problem took him out?

Since we've left Texas for Indiana, we have lost track of Robin. Sure would love to get back in touch with him.

Tim -- if you talk to him, tell him Brad and Val say "Hi!".


Miss BK
07-14-2006, 01:20 PM
Fred Bowden had/has the COOLEST stuff....

One time at the IOGP races in Los Angeles (Puddingstone) around 1987ish, Fred Bowden brought a stretch limo and used it to get the team between the hotel and the race site.

I don't know how we did it, but a bunch of us "COBRA Kids" managed to get control of the limo and head out for a night on the town. Also riding in the limo was Sergio Calvo and his wife (Fred's neice), Andre Rene, Rick Hoffman's then-girlfriend Kristi Smith, (Rick was in Florida working for Second Effort at that time), and Jimmy Johnson.

The limo driver asked us where we wanted to go --- and Sergio said, "In-N-Out Burger!". So....the driver took us through the drive-through window! LOL

We drove around eating our burgers and went back to the hotel only when the onboard bar was nearly empty. I don't think Fred ever learned about our joy ride....

Oh...those days were so much fun. lol

(And I sure hope Fred doesn't read these boards! LOL)

07-14-2006, 06:08 PM
It sure was sad to learn that Todd Bowden was retiring from Champ racing this year. When I first started running mini-boats, teenager Todd was just starting out in Sport C. Our little group of region 12 mini-boat racers bonded into a tight group - it was so much fun.

So I had a twinge of heartbreak when I heard Todd was calling it quits. Like an end of an era. But I guess that's how it goes - the next generation picks up where the "old" ones left off.

Then another of the COBRA bunch decided to call it quits - Jason Campbell - who was one of the rare AZ Mod-C drivers (myself included) from the 1980's. Then I had to face the fact that we aren't kids anymore.

Shaun Torrente is now the driver for Fred Bowdens California Gold team. Shaun is a young firecracker who can man-handle any boat, and has enough energy to run 500 laps if needed. Think Chris Bush. Maybe that's why Fred picked him?

PS: When I first met my husband Brad back in 1988, Robin Thibodaux was his star SST-45 driver for the Parker mini enduro. I was running that race too (Mod C) in my new Mirage, Tom Cat, but motor trouble kept me on the beach most of the day.

I think I remember that Robin was leading overall most of that race, but I think a gearcase(?) problem took him out?

Since we've left Texas for Indiana, we have lost track of Robin. Sure would love to get back in touch with him.

Tim -- if you talk to him, tell him Brad and Val say "Hi!".

I was talking to dad and he told me that he and (uncle) Robin were team mates at Parker that year. You were right the midsection broke just above the gearcase. He said they had a huge lead at the time. Those dang Tom Cats were hard to beat.

07-18-2006, 01:07 PM
April ,1984 Parker Enduro Fred and Gene finished 3rd overall in Fred's #34X merc powered Eliminator.

Ron Hill
08-20-2006, 09:21 PM
<TABLE class=tborder id=post185516 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead> #28 (http://forums.screamandfly.com/forums/showpost.php?p=185516&postcount=28)
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Freakin' Screamin'
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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_185516><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->Good point about where these guys came from:

Let me try with Todd Bowden: Fred Bowden was an Electrician in 1978, when he had a Taylor Hull with a Johnson and ran Mod VP. It was at about this time that Fred got layed off. His brother, Larry, was a sherrif in LA County and an executive with an insurance company. They decided to buy a small piece of dirt where a freeway off ramp had just been made. Basically, the idea was to make enough money, for Fred, until he could go back to work as an electrician. Well, they made more than wages and Bowden Development was born. Through the rumor mill, I heard they built more than 300 homes last year.

Todd had been a fan since 1978 when he was five or six. His mother says his first signed (Autographed) picture from a boat driver was signed Ron Hill.....Todd tells me, he doesn't know if that is true...

Anyway, Fred bought Todd a Gran Prix Sport C and Todd drove it flawlessly. At the time, I said, "Man that Gran Prix is a hell of a boat." Not giving Todd really any credit. Todd moved to SST 60 where he also had several Gran Prix hulls but I never saw one of them out of shape when Todd was at the wheel.

Todd co-drove several Parkers when he was 21 ish... The Bowden Development Team ran APR "The Super League" for two or three years. Where he basically dominated. At this same time he broke all kinds of KILO RECORDS in OPC.

He's won the Parker (Shortened) Enduro just about everytime the last 6-8 years.

He has won several Formual One races. He was second in PROP points this year. Through it all, I never heard him bad mouth anyone. I've never seen him get mad at his team. He is a very humble young man. They (Bowden Family) have used Gran Prix boat almost exclusivly.

Mother, Diane, comes to all the races and is always WONDERFUL to everyone. They are a famliy that know how to work. They know how to play. Developing your OWN DESIGN isn't easy.

Fred has helped many a young racer, including my son. Fred's passion for boat racing carries over to Todd.

I should add: Fred didn't always run an old boat in MOD VP He had some of the hottest MOD VP's to ever hit the race course.

Tood has paid his dues. He's come from the smallest OPC Class to the biggest, he has to be consdered one of the best.....

Brother Larry, Todd's uncle, died two seasons ago and it was difficult for the family. But they continue to be a close family and continue to be true friends to boat racing...

10-19-2006, 05:19 PM
Fred and his write up in the 1987 New Martinsville,WV. regatta program.:cool:

10-25-2006, 10:19 AM
These are some of best crash photos I've taken. Here are two, but there are a series of 7 or 8 photos of the crash. Fred has the entire set.
Mark Nelson

Ron Hill
10-26-2006, 09:43 PM
Today, 10/26/06, I took Diane Bowden some ROSES and left her a card that said, "First Lady of Outboard Racing". Fred and Diane have helped many young racers, and as I've written before, my son was one.

This last weekend, Fred and Diane were to move into their new....6,500 foot house or 6,500 garage...Big house and big garage...But Fred told Diane they were going to Parker for the Blue Water Casino 300......Knowing myself, I know races are quite exciting when your kid (s) are racing, but Todd Bowden wasn't racing....

Diane, came to Parker and cooked an amazing dinner for about 14 or more...super homemade desserts....

During the race when I thought I might explode, Diane just said, "It will be Ok, Ron.... You love it all."

Truth is I DO LOVE IT ALL, but as Cory (Hill) said whe the race was over, a sign of true love, she said, "I'm so happy for Chad." I guess I really wanted Chad to win this race....

Anyway, all week I've been trying to figure out how to THANK DIANE BOWDEN....So, today, I FIGURED ROSES would maybe be a good way....I made palns, made phone calls, but I still missed her....I guess, I wanted to see that SPARKLE in her eyes....I've known Diane for 29 years, she's always been SO NICE TO ME....


Todd Bowden will race the Blue Water Casino 300 in 2008. AND, I predict, that Todd Bowden will race Formula One, on the WORLD Curcuit in 2008.....

and the most bizarre prediction: BOWDEN DEVELOPMENT INC. will buy the gravel pit next to Irwindale Raceway and build Bowden Marine Stadium, with water front condo around the "STADIUM"....

Ron Hill
10-26-2006, 09:50 PM
Fred goes to car shows, and Run to the Sun was this last weekend in Havasu. He has a '39 Mercury that (Murray) built, and he always wins in these shows. But this year (2006) he didn't sign up for the show because he was going hunting...Until Chad Hill called and said...."Fred, I need help"....

Brad Miller's secretary once told me, when Brad owned Del Taco (93 Mexican Restaurants), that she kept track and that out of every 100 calls, 90 were to borrow money...I'll bet, that that is the way it is with Fred....but he took Chad's call... and I can't help but thank Fred for the SUPPORT...

Here are a few quick pictures from Fred's office. When Fred dedicates a street, in the Enduro Estates, to Hill Racing...maybe I'll put some more pictures up...

The race with all he SPECTATORS WAS IN CUBA. Carlos Kuri sponsored a curcuit in Mexico that also included two races in Cuba....Todd told me from Sunday after the race until Sunday the next week was the most boring week of his life...

Truth is, as I see it, Fred may race Champboats/Formula Ones, but he still loves, as I do, MOD VP!!!

One Last Add:

I know that Fred enjoyed the weekend, but had his late brother, LARRY, been there, he'd have enjoyed it more...

10-27-2006, 07:08 AM
Ron, glad to see the post on Fred, Diane and family. I think I met Fred in 1978 during the Mod VP days and we have been friends ever since. I would have to agree that Fred and his family are just great people. I worked with Fred and Bruce when Todd started SST60 and can honestly say that no matter what happened Fred always had something postive to say. Fred is one of those unsung heroes of APBA boat racing. If I am lucky, I see Fred once a year at a boat race. I envy you being close enough to visit whenever you wish.

12-05-2006, 06:20 PM
Fred has sponsored many a boat racer. Here is a small example of Freds team from an article in the January 1991 "National Circle Boat" magazine.

Ron Hill
12-07-2006, 12:02 AM
Anyway, I was talking to Fred, I was thinking what "NERSTROM" had said about Fred Bowden.....Fred is considered "NEW RICH" as I think he (Fred) is amazed, himself, at how much money he has made.

BDI, Bowden Development Inc. is sponsoring THE APBA NIGHT TO REMEMBER DINNER, next January, 2007, at the APBA NATIONAL CONVENTION.

There is no doubt, that Fred Bowden his been a GREAT DRIVING FORCE in BOAT RACING... I have said it before and I'll say it again. Fred has helped many a young driver, including my son and he'll do it again...AND he is a BIG SPONSOR in Champboat .....

NOTE TO FRED: Russell Ouboards may have a racing motor named CALIFORNIA GOLD....IF you name some of your streets, at Parker, after FAMOUS BOAT RACERS.......Like Ted May...Jimbo...Seebold Blvd....

Stay tuned..as Fred is LEARNING HOW TO E-MAIL...

Composite Specialties
12-07-2006, 06:38 AM
Can anyone tell me who built this boat?

Miss BK
12-07-2006, 10:21 AM
Oh my gosh! My mind has gone absolutely blank..and the builder even came to our wedding with his wife and 2 kids!!! Grrr... I know I'll come up with his name in a minute...my memory is just junk anymore.


He lived in Havasu at the time...
The canopy had a "scissor" type opening -- very unique. Gillman drove the very first one at Parker one year. Who knows..it might be this same one?
These pictures were taken in 1993 in Guam.

Ron Hill
12-07-2006, 11:05 AM
Can't remember the boat builders name...He was from Australia...and I'm thinking "KEN" was his name. Who is the artist that made many great pictures of Race Boats? He was a good friend of this builder. Gilman ran this boat, there may have only been one.... It was built in Havasu.....I'd call Fred and ask, but Fred needed a phone number and I can't find it.....(I'm ducking him)...

Capsule cowling with like the new Lee's...and inboard type capsules...

Miss BK
12-07-2006, 07:04 PM
Yes, that boat was known as "BULLET", but it's not the same Bullet boat company that builds bass boats.

I think there may have only been one or two of these Tunnel Boats ever built...Still can't think of the builders name, but Brad is pretty sure his last name began with an "A" and I think his first name started with a "B". Still trying to recall...

PS Ron - I see Kenny is making a personal appearance next weekend at a show in Florida - check his "events" page...

05-26-2007, 01:15 AM
looking thru this site and to see these pic sure rewarding for me.98' was the year i lost my dad on april 4,1998.i told dad(mean gene)(thats what buddy babbitt nicknamed him)-that i was done racing.it was time to quit. the next week i got a call from fred asking if would like co-drive parker with todd. I had to talk it over with the family since i had made this comment a week earlier.IT WAS A HONOR JUST TO BE ASKED FROM A MAN THAT I HONOR AND RESPECT.FRED AND DIANE TOLD ME THAT THERE WAS STIPULATION THAT THEY HAD AND THAT WAS TO BRING MY MOTHER. WOW!! WHAT GREAT THERAPY THAT WAS FOR SHE AND I.TODD AND I WON THE 4HR BY SEVERAL LAP AND 1 PIT STOP.WHAT A GREAT TIME.THANKS AGAIN GO OUT FRED AND THE WHOLE BOWDEN FAMILY.THANHS AGAIN FOR HELPING ANOTHER BOAT RACER

Ron Hill
03-23-2018, 04:00 PM
Just got home from Fred's Celebration of Life. When you are a month short of 76, and 1,000 come to your celebration of life, you were loved, and respected.

Master Oil Racing Team
03-23-2018, 06:36 PM
Glad you posted this Ron. You talked about him a lot, but now we have more of an idea a about what kind of a guy he was. RIP Fred.