View Full Version : Howard Anderson Family

Ron Hill
08-23-2005, 06:56 PM
Howard Anderson and Family..

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Let's see I think you could post for me with the following info. Howard Anderson, Jr has been racing continuosly for 55 years and is believed to be the longest continuous racer in the history of APBA. He began his career in a homebulit B Utility racing the infamous Sammasmish Slough Race and progressed from there to racing many PRO classes. )500ccr, 500ccH 700ccR 700ccH 1100ccR 1100ccH and CService R. He also has particitpated in and won 2 off shore races on the West Coast with his two sons, Andy and Jim.

He has been National Champion and National High winner in mutliple classes and multiple years. He holds a 1 2/3 record in the 1100cc R. He was PRO Vice PResident for 10 years leading the category in to the capsul age. He has served on the APBA Board of Directors and is a recent elected memeber to the APBA Board, He also has been active with UIM over his career. He has been inftrumental in bringing new racers to the sports and was awarded the highest honor in APBA when he was selected for the Honor Squadron. He lives for boat racing and this has rubbed off on many people as well as our family.

Susan Rautenberg and Sheryl Rucker (daughters) have certainly taken on his enthusiasm. Both have been active racers since the JSR and JSH days and Susan has been very active as well in an officiating capacity. She has been commodore of Seattle Outboard Assn for 4 years, Vice commodore for 3, has been an appointed and elected member of the Stock Commission. Was elected to the APBA Board of Directors and served a 2 year term. SHe has promoted and supported many young racers in Mod, Stock and PRO categories as well as raced herself.. Sheryl has been active in racing and has see multifple world records in the Stock Category, has ridden deck in the 1100cR class and served as Treasurer for Seattle Outboard Assc. Both girls have been activie in region 10, officiating. Sheryl hs also helped been involved in bringing many young drivers to racing and is currently awaiting the debut of her son Colin in the J class in another year.

For myself...I have been involved in racing for 44 years and have been activie in the officialing side of the sport for years. I was Region 10 secretary for multiple years, Commodore of Seattle Outboard for 4 years, recording secretary for the PRO category 14 years and currently am serving my 8th year as Council Member at Large for APBA. I was Chairman of the Annual meeting inSeattle and have helped for multiple years on Annual meeting planning and been activily involved in the meetings for several years.

Yes it is a true family sport.

Penny Anderson

Thanks, Penny!!!!
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