View Full Version : Busted ....

01-14-2013, 04:50 PM
So today when his Royal Imperial Anus King Oback the Magnanimous Barack Huesein Obummer spewed off about the debt ceiling knowing he no longer faces an election in the future looks down after the speech spewage on index cards that had scripted questions from reporters. At times he offered lead ins to the question before the question was even asked....I've long suspected scripted questioning from this moron but today it was blatent....Amazing. He appeals to 47% of the people who voted for him because they get free rubbers and that same 47% is too stupid to figure out where to install the rubber. Then when the same kid gets pregnant because they are too stupid to figure out how to install the rubber, we get to pay for their kid over he next 18 years thus breeding more Obummer/Hitler youth to indoctrinate....ARGH.......ARGH........Frustrated well beyond belief....Time to put my kayak in the Truckee River and shoot some rapids amongst the ice flows.....

01-14-2013, 05:01 PM
Re-Re-election ?, I saw a blurb about the 22nd amendment being re-examined....

Master Oil Racing Team
01-14-2013, 06:27 PM
If Obama can get the 22nd amendment attached to spending cuts of 47 quadrillion dollars over the next 50 years because he decided we WILL NOT after all colonize Jupiter, there may be some old northeastern dinasoaur Republicans still stupid enough to think he is honest and will compromise because OBAMA WON, and Republicans lost (more backbone.) Doesn't matter than an amendment has to circulate among the states to get approval of 3/4ths of them to convene a constitutional amendment. With him and his Ferret Faced F..... attorney general, they have plenty of precedents of this president has doing many illegal acts ignoring the laws he doesn't like and enacting new ones to circumvent real laws. The real key here is that if he is able to take away our guns.....he can do whatever he and his communist powerbrokers want. I'm still trying to figure the communist/muslim strategy out.

01-14-2013, 07:25 PM
You know Wayne, he disappointed me when he would not bend over so I coould administer a shovel ready job, but if he comes for my guns.... I cant say here..... I have a mamory like a steel trap and distinctly remember him saying this in 2006...."Raising the debt ceiling is irresponsible and unpatriotic" But now, now that it is 2 times more than in 2006, the US is a deadbeat if they dont raise it. In 2008 candidate Obummer said this when speaking to Bawbwa Wah Wah in an interview...."You know Bawbwa the way you win elections is you make a big election out of small things, and this is exactly what Senator McCain is doing" So, with debt looming, Bengahzi, Fast and Furious, huge unemployment, and I dont need to talk to you about oil and drilling and foreign imports what are we talking about?
Free rubbers to people too stupid to see where they go, Gun control, abortion, gay marriage, and planning his next golf outing..... Seems like he has all his priorities set straight

jimmy f-66
01-15-2013, 07:53 AM
thanks for the true words!

jimmy f-66
01-15-2013, 07:59 AM
i think he is trying to see how far he can go outside the lawand until someone or the people stop him he will try to take over the country!

01-15-2013, 10:40 AM
Any of you paying attention to whats happening as I type with regard to gun ownership/rights in my fine state of New York?

01-15-2013, 12:57 PM
Welcome to Communist America, where what you think, say, or do is wrong unless otherwise stated.

01-15-2013, 01:44 PM
get on the Truckee now Bill,he will be closing that and yellowstone and who knows what else.do not for a minute think racing not in the Dems crosshairs.This fiscal cliff is the diversion for other freedoms they want to take away.Like the great oz said dont letem see what you are really doing.

01-15-2013, 08:07 PM
Just wait, the jack wad is laying down up to 19 executive orders (tomorrow I believe) Looks to me like his main goal will be to disarm his biggest threat........and it ain't the Chinese. BT

David Mason
01-17-2013, 10:24 AM
Funny Stuff. His Executive Orders rehash common sense, and some are even nonsense. Do you really need an executive order to appoint an ATF Director ?

One thing that bothers me, his exec orders are very gray and open to interpretation. That scares me. His statements to Congress and Senate to ban assult rifles and a few other items will fall on deaf ears. Congress is not about to pass anything gun control related.

Interesting times..... now is not the time to sit back either. Write your congress and senate.

01-17-2013, 10:07 PM
The people of New York were duped into thinking that passing a ban on 7 round magazines would be aimed at so called "assault rifles". What the casual observer thought to be a good deal. Getting those "evil" mass murder machines ((AR's) outlawed!! What most people never realized is that also includes most semi automatic pistols!!! This was a calculated plan, mis represented by the low life bastards in power. Example: your 40 cal Glock (that you purchased for home protection) is now illegal in NY!!!

01-17-2013, 10:12 PM
I should have said that Glock that you were "going" to purchase for home protection is now illegal!!!!

01-18-2013, 01:50 AM
If obama keeps adding debt at the same rate he has already, by the end of this term he will have added more debt than every other president added together
what a great headline

01-18-2013, 05:57 AM
@Prop Yup, I have to fill my 10 round magazines already ridiculous with 7 rounds.... /facepalm

You are right, no one knows that in essence, all pistols are banned that you only have preban mags for. For instance, my buddy has a Gen 2 Glock 19. He only has prebans for it. That weapon, for home defense, is a paperweight. Largely because you cannot buy new 10 round magazines to COMPLY with the new law. WOWOWOWOW

The only thing I wanted was a grandfather clause, and I didn't get it. Friend is a cop, he says why does he have more rights than any other citizen? Why is his life more important to be able to defend in those crucial moments before police arrive?

Master Oil Racing Team
01-18-2013, 09:15 AM
One thing to remember about cops and guns, (and don't take this the wrong way..I completely support and respect cops). The reason a cop carries a gun is to protect HIS life...not yours. If he can protect yours as well in saving his, all the better. But a cop is going up against all types of situations every day, and never knowing when someone might try to take him down. The gun is there for his protection. That's why you should have your own if possible. As good intentioned as law enforcement people are, there is just no way they can respond quick enough to save people under attack.

As far as school security goes, an armed guard is like a beacon. He would stand out, so someone who wanted to commit atrocities would either sneak up on him and take him out, or wait till he went somewhere else. The best solution would be to train and arm teachers and maybe some administrators so the evildoer does not know who is carrying. That's the same was U.S. Marshals do it on airplanes. They blend in with the other passengers.

The idea I think would work really good is to do like the Israeli's and get all the teachers trained. Maybe even get some teachers from Israel to come here. They don't have mass school shootings. Remember the Israeli who climbed up on the front end loader and killed the Palestinian that was squashing cars? No cops were close enough to stop him so a retired military guy climbed upon the front end loader as it was preparing to squash another car that a woman was trapped in, and he scrambled the terrorist's brains. Guns are fun to target shoot or hunt with, but the second amendment is there to prevent our government from taking away all our liberties.

David Mason
01-18-2013, 11:32 AM
When the dust settles one of two things will have happened. The largest civil war the world has ever seen will have taken place here in the U.S. and left us a sniviling third world country with no political pull , or this stupid gun control is going to stop. If it gets any further than it already is, it stands a chance at boiling the pot over and people are going start pushing back, hard.

Gene East
01-18-2013, 11:33 AM
Excellent points Wayne. When the NRA suggested placing armed guards in the schools, the bleeding heart mis-guided liberals screamed "Oh no, we can't do that!

We all know Obama's kids and many other Washington big-wigs kids as well; are protected by armed guards at school, and WE foot the bill for protecting THEIR kids!

Guess what politicians, entertainment celebrities, and all other assorted liberal wimps, MY GRANDKIDS DESERVE THE SAME PROTECTION THAT I HELP PROVIDE FOR YOUR KIDS!

Get off your collective pompous butts; both Democrats and Republicans, and put the protection of our greatest assets (OUR CHILDREN) and the rights granted to us by OUR CONSTITUTION foremost!

Stop playing politics for your own adgendas. You work for us, and you're crazy as hell if you think we're so stupid that we don't see through your BULL****!

Chicago, IL and Washington, DC have some of the most stringent gun countrol laws in the nation and yet these two cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

Illinois has been doing background checks on potential gun owners for over 45 years via Firearms Owners I. D. (Foid cards). I doubt if many of the 500 plus victims in Chicago in 2012 died at the hands of a FOID card holder.

We don't need more gun laws in this country. Criminals do not obey laws, any 10 year old knows that! We simply need to enforce the laws we have.

25 feet of 3/4 inch hemp and a big oak tree will have a greater effect on controling gun violence than any "solutions" the people in Washington will come up with.

01-18-2013, 12:35 PM
Chicago, IL and Washington, DC have some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation and yet these two cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

Of course, gun control just means better business for gun runners. Plus, if you want to kill someone or something you'll find a way.

Master Oil Racing Team
01-18-2013, 03:00 PM
I know how to start a riot in Washington D.C. Guaranteed! though it will never happen. The way to do it would be if there was a way to publish every e mail, phone conversation and meeting that takes place with the people who want to take our guns. You would discover their glee at the massacre giving them the chance they have waited for so long. Like Rahm Immanuel said....Don't let a good crisis go to waste. It is a very shame, but I can tell you for a fact the e mails are flying, and they are all about an opportunity that they must pounce on before it grows cold. That's why the push to get it done while emotions are high. Just like the president did with the kids at the signing of executive orders, the gun haters are using those poor dead kids. Wish we could expose these monsters.

Bill Van Steenwyk
01-18-2013, 03:15 PM
I know how to start a riot in Washington D.C. Guaranteed! though it will never happen. The way to do it would be if there was a way to publish every e mail, phone conversation and meeting that takes place with the people who want to take our guns. You would discover their glee at the massacre giving them the chance they have waited for so long. Like Rahm Immanuel said....Don't let a good crisis go to waste. It is a very shame, but I can tell you for a fact the e mails are flying, and they are all about an opportunity that they must pounce on before it grows cold. That's why the push to get it done while emotions are high. Just like the president did with the kids at the signing of executive orders, the gun haters are using those poor dead kids. Wish we could expose these monsters.

Where is a good hacker when you need them? I would pay good money to see some of those communications between the gun haters and grabbers. Unfortunately you will never see "Wikileaks" or others doing something that might expose just how duplicitous these people are, and what amazes me most are some in my gun club voted for them!

01-18-2013, 03:47 PM
what gene said.and wayne.first it our right,which people forget,because us history is not taught in school anymore.and if wiki or whomever can leak info,why not communacation between ultra leftwingers who could careless about loss of life in shootings,just see opp to push their agenda.