View Full Version : Temperatures, one maybe for the alky guys

02-23-2013, 07:18 PM
I am at 4500' above sealevel.

Water boils at 203.4 F degrees as opposed to 212 F which is just under 8 degrees of the sealevel index. I am having a hell of a time calibrating a new thermometer and I think I know the answer to this, but since water boils at 203.4 degrees, are rest of the increments of the thermometer affected as well? Thats a great deal of difference when you are mixing air/fuel, and means the difference between winning and loosing, or more importantly, the difference between extracting an award winning malt sugar suitable for brewing, or a so-so malt sugar.

If the boiling point is off by 7.6 degrees, does that hrow everything else on the scale off as well???

David Mason
02-25-2013, 11:00 AM
Maybe. Send me over several cases of samples and I will rate them according to taste. You can decide if the so so malt sugar or the adjusted temp malt sugar is the best. Might take several samples though....

02-25-2013, 05:38 PM
Dave, when I feel the malt character is race ready, I'll do that. I've made some award winning stuff, but no consistency because of the altitude and my not being able to master it....

Think about the comparison though...At 4500' above sea level, if water boils at 204F, and water freezes at 38F (rounded figures) and say aluminum melts at 935F, if you are running too hot because the altitude causes the water not to do its job where it normally does its job, do all the increments between 38 and 204 get tossed out the window as well?

Comparatively, if I'm trying to use a step decoction method of extracting different sugars from the grain to get the layered flavor in the beer I'm after, do I need to re-calibrate my thermometer....
Chances are, if you have to do certain things to keep your motor from melting at altitude because the liquids react differently from the thin air, the middle numbers in the thermometer are not accurate as well....
And to further confuse the mix, all college classes on brewology are taught at sea level or close to it so trying to re-educanate myself would be spending a great deal of money to not get the answers I'm looking for.........

The mad professor shall return to his cauldron.

David Mason
02-26-2013, 11:17 AM
Hi Tech stuff right there. I can't share my secrets to which jets to use at which sea level. I can tell you though, there is an adjustment needed in Mercs. And I can say the OMC 3 holers need less adjustment, but need one at any rate good luck ! Labor of love, much like boat racing !

02-26-2013, 04:54 PM
Precisely Dave. The love of boat racing is a love of people.....Without good people, nothings really fun....