View Full Version : 1970 E & T Tunnel Racer
09-26-2005, 01:26 PM
Here's my ride! Its a 1970 E & T Tunnel built by E & T MArine of Lexington PArk, MD. :D
09-26-2005, 02:28 PM
I have one too, but mine is older.
Beale Tilton ( ("T" of E & T) is a member here on BRF
(The boat pictured below is not my E&T)
09-26-2005, 03:02 PM
Mark 75H,
Mr T responded to my post. Ive been talking to him. He reffered me to Mr Edwards (the E in E & T), who still lives in St Mary's County. Ill be giving him a call tonight about restoring my hull. He is supposed to still be in the marine industry.
Where are you located? Im in Baltimore.
My hull is resting under wraps down in St Marys county on a trailer. Im getting more excited about getting it back on the water. The 35 year old transom finally gave up and I lost the Merc - the one in the picture. Im looking for a 90 hp short shaft Merc with power trim to install once I get the boat restored. :D
I took the boat to Loffer Marine (still in Lexington Park, MD) once to get the Merc carbs rebuilt. They showed me a picture of a larger boat that was a picke fork - said it was easier to drive. The pickle fork relieved the execess air pressure at the nose of the boat, making it less likey to blow over. THey said the driver had passed away in a car accident. They coulndt tell me much more and really didnt seem interested. :rolleyes:
Here are a couple more pics...
Id like to see some of your E & T! :cool:
09-26-2005, 03:38 PM
Since I can never find the pics on my hard drive:
Link to my thread on SnF (
09-26-2005, 05:07 PM
That's what I think is so great about this site, older tunnel hulls. Bajarick, how long is that boat? It'll make a nice restoration.
09-26-2005, 08:42 PM
Mark 75,
I checked the pics @ SnF. That has to be the E & T pickle fork boat that was built after mine! I know you said you found some gold paint under the white...but Im sure if you dig (sand) a little more that you will find red gel coat - my boat still shows the original gel coat color - red. I saw an old photo of your boat when it was new (at Loffer Marine -they did not have a photo of my boat-Dam)...... It had the same paint scheme as mine (shown in my pics). The number of your boat was not visible in the photo. The paint colors are Mercury colors! engine with red stipes and white letters. I dont think that was the original engine on your boat. But it still looks like one hell of a racing piece. I wouldn't touch that!
Your boat has the exact same lines as mine. If you look at the transom (standing behind the boat)...... You will notice its shaped exactly like mine :D The cowling is also exactly the same (I cut mine when I first bought it - right at the side of the cockpit - the little forward extension was broken off on the drivers side - so I cut the left side extension off - gave me more elbow room) :D Loffer told me the pickle fork boat was bigger - you say yours measures 14ft (exactly?). Mine is actually 13.5 ft.
Let me ask - on the top of the deck on either side of the cockpit are there two humps on your hull? They arent really humps but more like a "step". Its like the deck is stepped down. I think this feature relieves the air pressure flowing over the rear of the deck which would actually provide lift (low air pressure) at the rear of the hull.
Dam - weve got two pieces of some great racing history. I didnt get to talk to Bill Edwards ("E" of E & T) this eveing...but I bet he will set us straight! Wonder if he would be interested in helping with the restoration!
Here's a more direct shot of my transom....and a closer shot of the cowling.
09-26-2005, 08:49 PM
Wrong shot for cowling...try these....
09-27-2005, 04:29 AM
I think Beale told me mine was one of the very first tunnels they built (based on the sponson and tunnel shape) and that it was originally round nose; someone cut it back to picklefork later.
On mine the deck is higher at the transom and my tunnel is narrower and more square.
09-27-2005, 05:48 AM
My hull came first. My nose is square or flat accross the front. They were not round nosed boats. Like I said, they added the pickle fork front end to the later boat to releive the air pressure at the nose of the boat to make it easier to drive. It also made that boat faster than mine. It does seem like it was a rough attempt to change the design. I want to change mine to a pickle fork too (but Ill probably just leave it alone).
Your deck may be higher at the transom. Do you have what looks like a "step" in the deck (on either side of the cockpit)? My deck steps down right at the cockpit. I beleive that creates a low pressure (air pressure - and thus lift) situation on top of the hull from the driver back. Your boat may not have this feature. Also, I cant tell from your photos, but my transom has some "set back" built in. Just below the sides of the tunnel (the chine area), my transom angles forward at about 45 degrees (in the drain hole location). In otherwords, the back of the sponsons tilts in towards the front of the boat. Your entire transom looks totally flat (across the back). Hard to tell from your pics. I guess they figured they didnt need any set back - cause that would make the front of the boat run high - and cause a blowover.
I believe the changes made to your boat were made to help keep the boat right side up :D
My tunnel is square too. There are fillets at the top corners that make it "look" somewhat rounded. The fillets stop stress cracks from propogating where the top of the tunnel meets the insides of the sponsons. Not sure how wide the tunnel is, but like yours, it is about 8-1/4" deep at the transom.
Ill post some more pics later tonight. :eek:
Beale Tilton
09-27-2005, 08:12 AM
Your hull is the only one built with the "humps" in the deck. They were hand crafted.
Not all tunnels were red, we also built white, blue, black and Super Pickle green.
The pictures you saw at Loffler's were most likely those of Bob Roberts U boat.
Sam, I'm not sure about yours. I am postive the front cowling is not E & T.
Since you know Bill it should be no problem to verify if it is or is not E & T.
Ted March
09-27-2005, 09:03 AM
Super Pickle Green??????? Is that like Sky Blue Pink?
Beale Tilton
09-27-2005, 09:10 AM
There is not doubt in my mind that you remember Super Pickle green, as in "What's Green and Flys". The answer is not a garbage truck. Wonder if it's still alive somewere. Last I heard the E & T Express was in Ga. owned, get this, by Kenny Kitson. Don't know if that is true or not.
Ray Lumpkin
09-27-2005, 12:38 PM
The boat you have I think was built for Bob Roberts. Bob died in a car wreck some years ago. I have a picture or 2 when the boat was new. Bob was heavy guy and ran a Merciry Twister ! in U class. I also raced a E&T boat. Best race boat I ever had and I had many including Seabold. Mine was the last model they made. It was 15 foot pickle fork with rounded deck. Fast and handled great. I ran UI class with Merc 100 super BP. Later they us modifi that engine. Class called Mod 90. Boat was great up to 100 mph after that you were on your own. I blew it over in Dayton at 107 at the Nationals.
Beale Tilton
09-27-2005, 12:57 PM
Rick has Joe Hill's hump deck 13 ft E boat.
In regard to your Dayton blow over. He who is posing for pictures at the one minute gun should not try to catch the entire field in the first lap.
I was sitting on the grass with Ted March as you came down the front straight. I stood up and Ted asked where I was going . My reply was to get your trailer. That was before you appeared on the airports radar screen.
There was no doubt you were too high for the speeds you were running. I've always wished you hadn't been sleeping at the start because that Mod 90 engine was really humming. Yeah, one other thing, it bothered me to see your helmet was in a different location on the water than your body. I was afraid I might be looking at that real bad accident we often joked about.
Your boat was first owned by Jim Caldwell. It was '73 National Champ, '73 US1, '73 closed course record holder. This was in the UI class running against some factory rigs. Not bad for a four day construction job.
If you find one and put it together I want a ride, not a race, just a ride.
Ray Lumpkin
09-27-2005, 04:50 PM
I raced tunnel boats for 15 years and I can say that my 15 foot E&T was the best boat I ever had.. I had the last design they made. It was 15 foot pickle fork round deck sit down style. I ran UI class with a Merc 100 Super BP and later Mod 90 class with that engine modified. The boat was great up to about 100 MPH after that you were on you own. I ran it 3 years and blew it over in Dayton, Ohio at the Nationals at over 100MPH. I have serveral pictures of Bob Roberts E&T U class boat with a Merc Twister 1 and of course my boat with Mod 90 engine. I would be happy to make copies of my pictures if any one wants one.
Ted March
09-27-2005, 07:19 PM
Post them on BRF.
09-28-2005, 05:39 AM
Yep...the pics they showed me at Loffer were of a red pickle fork boat that belonged to a guy named Bob (they said). Sam said that after some sanding he found red gel coat with gold stripes. The picture at Loffer was also a red boat - no argument here - you are the expert! :eek: Im just trying to get it right :D
To everyone -LETS SEE SOME PICS!
Ray Lumpkin
09-28-2005, 05:59 AM
I dont know how to post pictures from my old pictures. I will have copies made and mail them to anyone who wants them. Just give me your mailing address.
09-28-2005, 06:17 AM
Sounds like you had a blast racing! I love my boat too! It is definetly a sturdy little boat. If you have some pics of your boat I would love to see them. In fact post all of the pics! :D
I would love to see the pics of Bob's Twister powered U boat.
I have the Sport "E" boat that belonged to the late Joe Hill. If you have any pics of my boat I would love to see them too :D
Does anyone remember if my boat held any records or won any races??
Sams boat had an inline six with stakers on it. He said someone put the 100 cu incher power head on a Mark40H mid section with a Hubble lower unit. He didnt buy the motor - just the hull. Per Beale - not sure if its an E & T.
09-28-2005, 06:25 AM
If you have a digital camera just take a shot of the photos. Then you can download them to your computer and attach them to the threads. When you reply to a thread, scroll down and you will see a box for "attachments". Just click "browse", locate the file of the pic and hit "upload".
If no camera then email me @ Ill give you my home address to send the photos.
09-28-2005, 06:32 AM
The pics I am posting are actually from a video that I made of my boat back in 1999. I played the video on my VCR, paused it when I came to a shot I wanted, and then took a digital picture of the TV screen. The pics are a little bit fuzzy but for the most part it worked. :D
Ray Lumpkin
09-28-2005, 06:43 AM
OK I have a camera. I will give it a try today.
09-28-2005, 07:59 AM
Are the molds for these hulls still around?? I would like a new deck to be made. How did you seal the deck to the hull? You did a great job - cause that hull was water tight! I was reluctant to cut it off to replace it for fear of creating a leak.
Ray Lumpkin
09-28-2005, 08:34 AM
OK Here are some pictures. The red E&T is Bob Roberts at Pintey point, Md. around 1971. It has Mercury Twister 1. Also picture Bob in the water with white E&T with Chrysler stacker this is Bill Edwards at Winsor N. C. race. Blue E&T is a flat deck pickle ford driven bt Henry Day. White E&T #701 is me. This was a 15 foot round deck style. The last style. Pictures at the Dayton crash and after at home.
09-28-2005, 08:55 AM
I think the red boat is the boat I saw at Loffer Marine. That was 6 + years ago - and the shot was a frontal shot.
Your boat looks cool! Im sure the pickle forks came out after my "non" pickle fornt end. I wish I had on of those!
All of these hulls look a little bit different. I guess there was a whole lot of research and development going on at E & T.
I like the blue flat deck too. It looks sweet.
Gotta go right now. Ill be back after lunch.
Beale Tilton
09-28-2005, 10:30 AM
The hull and deck are glassed together. The aluminum trim captured deck and hull lip and then pop rivited together.
Bob's boat pictured was his first one. It was a flat deck kneel down. Bill's boat pictured was actually the plug for the last model. If I remember correctly that was US-1.
Henery's boat looks good blue. It was my E & T Express. The flat deck pickle that we hand fabbed the front cowling to make our first sit down. This was my first experience sitting and first power trim experience. We finished rigging Saturday, drove to Hyco Lake, N.C. for a four hour marathon Sunday. That was it's first time in the water. It was a pretty successful test. Finished first in SJ, six laps in front of second. As strong as that boat was it must still be around somewhere.
Ray Lumpkin
09-28-2005, 11:06 AM
I forgot Bobs boat was neal down. And Bills plug ran very good too. I told him the other day when I remembered him finish 6th in Miami at the Nationals with factory team boats. I think I have a picture when the E&T express was white and black color. I been out cutting grass and remember something about a one piece cowling I saw at the E&T factory. I think i was for Bob Roberts. Did ever get built?
Beale Tilton
09-28-2005, 11:18 AM
Bob's first boat was a kneel down. We tried our best to get him in the Gulf 100MPH Club with a Twister I at the kilos trials at Toano, Va. He kept running 99+mph, but we just couldn't get that little extra. The next year he had a sit down like yours with a C6. The cowling you asked about must have been the one for the Molly copy Bob bought in Miami and wanted us to pull a mold from. It was so twisted and out of shape we refused. Hurt Bob's feelings.
09-28-2005, 11:21 AM
That deck is sealed real never leaked. I dont want to cut it up either. I will just repair what is there and smooth it out as best I can. Its in pretty good shape considering its age.
Can you recommend a way to fix my transom? I was planning to glass together two or three pieces of marine grade plywood (to make it about 2 inches thick and cover it completely with glass to prevent rot)....cut it to fit the shape of the existing transom (extend it a foot and a half wider than the cockpit - not all the way out to the sponson tips)....bolt that to the whats left of the existing transom (which is still in good shape)....add knee braces inside the cockpit to help hold the upper half of the new transom...then glass over all seams to seal it. Does that sound ok?
I dont have the skill to remove the whole transom and put it all back.
Ray Lumpkin
09-28-2005, 11:31 AM
I looked and dont have any pictures of your boat. I do remember it very well. Joe was a quiet and easy going guy. He ran SE class with 65 OMC motor. I do have a southern Maryland boat club program with a very small picture of the boat on the cover. Only shows half of the boat and very small. Its on newpaper paper and I don think a copy of the picture would turn out at all.
09-28-2005, 11:44 AM
Thanks for taking the time to look. I guess all the glory goes to the bigger boats this time :) It was exciting to see all of the boat pics you provided.
E & T built some GREAT looking boats. They look way cooler than ALL the others - especially the round and flat deck pickles. I think these boats look a LOT better than the closed cockpit boats you see in SST and F-1 today.
I noticed you live in the VA area. I live in Baltimore and I visit the St Marys, MD area regularly. My hull is down there now - waiting for me to start fixing it up. I plan to pull the boat out here to Baltimore over the winter to get started. Do you have any of your old boat stuff laying around (like a Twister, XS Merc, or OMC) lower units...etc? :D
Ray Lumpkin
09-28-2005, 12:21 PM
St Marys!! I did most of my racing and had the most fun in southern, Maryland. Raced in the big cities of Hollywood, Bushwood, Tall Timbers, Ables Whartf, Piney Point, Lexington Park and others. I live in Whitestone, Va. about 4 hours from Baltimore. Raced 15 years and hated to quit. I have been sick and I quess I am retaired. I have what I call a small outbord museum here with all my racing stuff. I collect old outboards. Sadley I always had to sell a race boat to get the next one. Ended up with no boats but I am looking for 15 foot E&T like I raced. I am restoring a Merc T1 and have a SST120 engine. I have speedmaster unit, super speedmaster, and the latest V1 SST120 gear case. Your welcome to come down anytime to look just let me know ahead of time.
09-28-2005, 01:21 PM
I was never a racer (but love to go fast - heck Id even get into a race if I knew where / how), but my folks have a summer home in Abell, MD. Not sure how well you remember the area, but if you are entering St Patrick's creek (off St Clemets Bay), the house is still on the right side (opposite Colton's Point). St Clemets Island is out to the RIGHT of the house when standing in the front door - facing the water. Ive been to Leonardtown, Lexington Park, Piney Point, Tall Timbers,....heck, I STILL fish at Bushwood and all those places. Bushwood is around the corner in the Wycomico River.
My current rig is a Baja 186 Sport with a 200Evinrude XP, foot throttle, nose cone, hydraulic jack plate, and a 14 x 26 Turbo prop. Fast - but I miss riding my E& T with the Merc!
I taught the kids how to waterski this past summer, went fishing and tubing, and crawled around on St Clemets Island!
My folks were teachers in DC, therefore, I spent all my summers in Abell until I was about 13. Im 43 now and I remember people talking about races in the area but my dad wasnt into boat racing and I didnt get to see any of it.
In 1982 I had a chance to buy the E & T from a guy named Andy that worked at Kather Marina (still there) in St Patrick's Creek for $200. I rigged and old Evinrude 4 cylinder to it and rode it around a bit - had no idea what I was doing - but it was a blast. The controls of that old motor rusted out and the boat sat for years - I mean like 17 yrs! Then one day I got an itch to get it running again. It was in remarkably good condition...just a little weathering of the deck - as you can see from the pics it still has the same colors it had when it was raced. I fixed it up and got it running in '98 - I got it to hit 70mph with the 115 Merc - before the transom let go. Just a few days ago I had a thought to post some pics of the old E & T to see if anyone recognized the boat. Well what do you know - looks like I started a riot!
Id like to get all the old E & T boats (that still exist) together some day.
Hopefully, others will read these threads and respond.
I would love to get to your place and check out your museum! Sounds like a gold mine! Id love to talk about set up and driving tips, etc.. Im looking for a short shaft 90/100 hp Merc with power trim. A racing lower and prop to bolt to it would really add to my restoration. The Merc in the pics was a long shaft with a nose cone - but that was totally wrong! It was taking too long to find a short shaft so I bought a long shaft from a guy right down the road from me and jacked it up with a jack plate.....threw the center of gravity way off and stressed the transom.
Email me at and we'll exchange addresses and stuff.
I plan on calling Bill Edwards for help too. He is still in the MD area according to Beale. He is supposed to still be in the business. :cool: :D
Beale Tilton
09-28-2005, 01:30 PM
Bolts and knees don't sound right. Take the boat to Bill, let him advise.
Ray Lumpkin
09-28-2005, 01:48 PM
Oh I forgot Leonardtown! I ran my first race at Abells in 1971. You need a short shaft engine for that boat. Thats why you broke the transom. To much motor up in the air, bad strain on the old transom. That boat was built for 3 cly OMC 65,70,75hp or 4 cly Merc 80, 85hp all short shaft. you dont need big 6 clyinder power to make it go fast. I would be happy to talk racing any time. e mail
Remember the older I get the faster I was
Ted March
09-28-2005, 03:21 PM
In this case short shaft equals 15".
I agree with Ray on "the older I get, the faster I was".
09-28-2005, 05:02 PM
Thanks Guys.
I knew I needed a short shaft, but I was too impatient to find one. There just werent any to be found locally at the time. I bought the Land and Sea "Step-N-Jack". It raises the motor up by 5-7 inches. That put the prop at about the right height - but added stress to the transom - and screwed up the center of gravity. Wish I knew you guys back then! I would probably still be running right now.
I love this site! :D
09-28-2005, 05:09 PM
Sweet pic Beale ! :D
Is that an E & T hull? What mota is on the back? Looks kinda' like a Twister or sumpthin' ??
Its a hot lookin' boat man! Tell us about it a lil' bit! Is that a first place finish? :)
09-28-2005, 06:04 PM
ive got some more pics. they are not that great i took pics of pic with dig camera. somebody post an email address and I'll send you what I have
09-28-2005, 06:12 PM
09-28-2005, 07:54 PM :D
09-28-2005, 08:17 PM
Ryan's pictures:
09-28-2005, 10:46 PM
Those are great pics man :D
E & Ts in every color Beale talked about! :D :D :D
Try re-shooting your pics. Make sure the camera is focused. I took my shots from a TV screen (thus they are a little more blurry). Your pics should be as clear as the photos you shot them from. I attached pics of my current rig. The pics are shots of photos that I have (not the TV screen). They are pretty clear.
Ryan - I see you are in St Leonard, MD. Cant say Ive been there before. Is it near/in St Mary's county?
Sam/Ryan - can you give us a few words about each pic? Do you have any pics of my sport "E" #63 E & T?
My current rig (pictured) is a '89 Baja 186 Sport, 200 Evinrude XP, nose cone, hot foot, hydrualic jack plate, 14 x 26 Turbo...75 mph, 6000 rpm. :cool:
Lots of fun ...but I miss my E & T. :D
By the way...thats St CLemets Island in the back ground of the rooster tail shot. The other pic is on the Potomac River near Ft Washington Marina.
Ted March
09-28-2005, 11:39 PM
really slow. Maybe 65,
09-29-2005, 05:11 AM
I got higher compression heads.......about 235/240HP........ But its a heavy boat - 1200# bare hull - 1650#/1750 # with mota and fuel. If it was a Hydrostream it would be running 90mph with that much power !
Ray Lumpkin
09-29-2005, 06:52 AM
I also am brave with that trim button now. Dont care how hard it blows. By the way how high did my E&T go in Dayton. I never knew of any pictures or discriptions.
When in dought trim it out!!
Beale Tilton
09-29-2005, 08:39 AM
Would love to have any pictures you have. I have almost none. Send as attachment to please.
As I stated the other day you appeared on the Dayton Airport radar. What was neat though was how far and how long you were flying above the water before the bow lifted, just the prop tips in the spray.
Don't rember what I had for lunch yesterday, but can give you describtion of the pictures.
(1) Black Boat--Andy Langley's Miss Horizonal Hold SJ. After spending days at the bottom of the Patuxent it became known as The Catfish.
(2) Red Boat--Bob Robert's U boat with C6 Mercury after barrel roll at Abell's Wharf. Note the reversed air acoops on the deck. Bob and I had foot controled flaps in the tunnel top we could open to relieve tunnel pressure. They were ducted up and through the deck. I don't recall using mine but once. They worked. We were running into a hurricane wind on the James River in Va. Bobby Drewy in his SJ McCall and I came out of the first turn side by side into the wind. He was hanging over the front deck to hold his down. I open the flaps, boat settled down and ran away. As Bill would say you couldn't have driven a needle up my a!* with a sledge hammer. What a ride.
(3) Bob, same boat same place
(4)White boat--Jimmy Caldwell's UI at Piney Point, same boat Ray ran Mod 90
(6)Green Boat--Me in SJ Super Pickel, what a sweet ride! Wonder were it is?
(7) Catfish
(8)Bob's engine,m note 6 carbs, thus the name C6
All of these appear to have been taken in '73
Rayon, thanks for the memory lane stroll.
09-29-2005, 08:58 AM
Great narrative Beale!
They say pictures are worth a thousand words....but in this case words with pictures are worth much more :eek:
Ray - send me some too :D
Please send them to
Ray- SOunds like you had a wild ride in that blowover - glad you didn't get hurt.
I have a pic sequence of standing my boat #63 on its tail - I landed right side up - but what a ride. Ill post the pics after lunch.
09-29-2005, 10:25 AM
I stood the boat on its tail this day! The transom broke because the motor was not locked down (I lost my "blowover" brake). If you look closely at the last pic, you can see the top of the motor in the spray. It looks like its in a tilted / up position (in relation to the boat). I believe when the motor came down - it slammed down and broke the transom...what a ride :D
Ray Lumpkin
09-29-2005, 11:26 AM
I found a picture of your boat. Its a close up and does not show the whole boat. Joe has 55 OMC on it, SE class. The boat must be new as there is no race number just an X. Looks like mabey the transom is built up?? I remember Joe standing the boat on end just like you did. It was at a race in Virginia.
09-29-2005, 11:45 AM
Beale said joe had two boats .... my boat was his second boat. This must be his first boat. It appears to be a flat deck deck. My boat has the "hump" deck (there are two humps on either side of the cockpit). My boat is supposed to be one of a kind. I got a post to Beale for an explanation of the humps and set back that was designed into my hull.
Great pic though :D
Keep searching!
Beale Tilton
09-29-2005, 12:14 PM
You are both correct. This is Joe's first boat. It is a long shaft 55 HP OMC that he owned prior to getting into racing. He ran that and did well until Mercury came out with their 3 cylinder 49 CI engine. He switched to that. Best memory of Joe was him running the marathon at Hyco Lake with this new rig, might have been his first race. I believe he won the class. Anyway as I passed him in my trimmed high SJ I looked down and he was sitting on the tunnel top crossed leged, Indian style, deadman throttle locked, waving to me with the worlds largest grin. I knew right then we had a racer, not a driver.
09-29-2005, 12:24 PM
That sounds pertty wild!
Can you explain the radical changes that were designed into my boat???
Beale Tilton
09-29-2005, 01:29 PM
Down pressure on front of deck, lift in rear. Built lighter with Mylar instead og fi.berglass
09-29-2005, 09:18 PM
Mylar! Blue print paper! Dam, it has held up well. Its still as tough as nails. For a light weight deck I was able to walk on it (gingerly) at 200lbs. The humps were the strongest part.
I felt it was buckling up because of the weather, but looking at the deck of Joe Hills 1st boat - the deck showed some ripples on the new hull. :D Being made of mylar I see why :cool: I bet airplanes used mylar for skin too, huh.
Interesting ;)
Ray Lumpkin
09-30-2005, 09:56 AM
Heres a picture of a E&T business card from the 70s. Not even the famous Beale Tilton has one of these!
Ray Lumpkin
09-30-2005, 09:58 AM
E&T Pictures
09-30-2005, 10:30 AM
Looks like Bob RObert's boat. He's cookin' :D
Dont make Beale jealous :rolleyes:
09-30-2005, 10:41 AM
I was either of you know family members of Joe Hill?? Maybe there are pics of my boat that are still in the possession of a family member??
Just a thought.
One of you guys need to oranize a "Reunion" of some sorts. :D
Ray Lumpkin
09-30-2005, 11:01 AM
On the busines card thats me! Mod 90 class 1975. I had these made up back then when I had a Mercruy outboard shop. Would you like one I still have plenty
09-30-2005, 02:10 PM
I knew that :D
Man you had that Mod 90 COOKIN" :cool:
Like I said - you and Bill and Beale ought to pick a spot to have an OPC regatta for the boats! It ought to be a BLAST.
Somebody may even show up with pics of MY boat :D
09-30-2005, 03:31 PM
Next summer in Clayton NY, there is the biannual Antique Raceboat Regatta. It would be a good place to have a get together of old OPC stuff & racers. Jim Hunt, Kenny Kitson and Rich Luhrs showed up in 2004.
10-03-2005, 10:41 AM
Excellent idea Sam! :cool:
10-24-2005, 08:51 AM
I just spoke with a fellow from BRF...he goes by "DaveS". He will build you a short shaft motor and is located in the Salisbury MD area. I have his telephone number and I plan to have him put something together for me. I thought about you on this. Ill email you his telephone number if you like. Just let me know if you are interested.
Ray Lumpkin
10-24-2005, 10:29 AM
Thank for the interest, give me his number. E mail me at
thanks, Ray
Ray Lumpkin
11-23-2005, 02:48 PM
I just bought and recieved an 15foot round deck pickle fork E&T tunnel boat that I have been lookin for!! Pictures next week!!
12-09-2005, 10:25 AM
Here are the pics Ray was kind enough to send me:
Ray Lumpkin
12-09-2005, 11:24 AM
Sam, thanks for posting E&T pictures, hope this is your boat. These are two pictures of boats I just purchased last week. The first is the 15 foot round deck E&T tunnel ( red, white, and blue) I have been looking for. Beale Tilton says this is the last boat they built in 1974. The second boat is 1984 16 foot 7 inch Herring brand SST120 wooden boat. I plan to restorse both boats next year.
12-09-2005, 12:49 PM
No, Ray I don't think that is my boat. Mine looks like it was made round nosed and sawed off. My deck does not taper down at the front ... just straight up and down flat between the deck and bottom for about 5 inches at the front
That Herring is beautiful ... sleek like a Greyhound (dog not bus)
Congratulations on such a beautiful find!
12-09-2005, 03:44 PM
Herring looks awsome, please post some pictures when you finish it.
12-15-2011, 05:59 AM
This is the old thread where me you and Ray hooked up.
12-20-2011, 03:58 AM
I knew that :D
Man you had that Mod 90 COOKIN" :cool:
Like I said - you and Bill and Beale ought to pick a spot to have an OPC regatta for the boats! It ought to be a BLAST.
Somebody may even show up with pics of MY boat :D
Ray did have that MOD 90 cookin'.
He had a BP 1000 that he put a T2X front half and carbs on. My dad ran against him at the '76 OPC nationals in Dayton. We saw that E&T with the 6 carb BP and knew we had a problem that day!
Ray wound up getting a bad start in the first heat of MOD 90 but after a couple of laps passed everyone except Jimbo McConnell.
Ray was catching up on Jimbo when he blew over.
12-20-2011, 05:37 AM
Hey Britcher,
This is an old thread that I revived for Beale TIlton. I have the red boat pictured at the beginning of this thread.
If you have any tunnel pics lets see them!
Racing stories are great too!
Lets see sum pics!:D
12-20-2011, 06:01 AM
Sam, thanks for posting E&T pictures, hope this is your boat. These are two pictures of boats I just purchased last week. The first is the 15 foot round deck E&T tunnel ( red, white, and blue) I have been looking for. Beale Tilton says this is the last boat they built in 1974. The second boat is 1984 16 foot 7 inch Herring brand SST120 wooden boat. I plan to restorse both boats next year.
Do you know what happened to Rays boats n motas?
He was restoring the Herring and had just found the E & T.
Beale Tilton
12-20-2011, 06:10 AM
Bill Edwards has Ray's E&T, don't know what Norma did with the Herring or the engines. He had some nice ones. You mentioned this is where Ray and I hooke up. We always had contact.
12-20-2011, 06:18 AM
Bill Edwards has Ray's E&T, don't know what Norma did with the Herring or the engines. He had some nice ones. You mentioned this is where Ray and I hooke up. We always had contact.
Hello Beale,
I think you mentioned that Bill has Rays boats - thanks.
What met was ...... this is where "I" hooked up with "you and Ray".
For sure you and Ray knew each other for years - LOL!
Rays stuff needed to be in a museum or handed to someone who knows how to care for it.
Beale Tilton
12-20-2011, 06:20 AM
Ray was the third owner of that boat. We redecked it for him prior to the season.
It's the same boat Jim Caldwell won the '73 UI nationals and US-1 and Competion record.
Ray and Jim built the 6 carb 89 CI motor. Don't know how quick it was with Ray, all he would say was it was a handful past 100mph.
I was there watching the race. When he started down the straight before blowing over I stood up and started for the parking lot. Ted March ask where I was going. Told Ted I was going for the trailer because he was going to blow. It was flying pretty right to the point it lifted. Ray was usually good on the starts, just made a mistake that day. Too bad.
Beale Tilton
12-20-2011, 06:21 AM
Bill doesn't have the Herring. Don't know where that is.
12-20-2011, 06:31 AM
I think he may have donated the Herring somewhere somhow for breast cancer - he said he was going to paint it pink.:cool:
12-21-2011, 12:15 PM
Under restoration......then running.
01-08-2012, 09:37 PM
I got a video of the hump deck posted on you tube.:D
Link is also posted in the Splash Section.
01-23-2012, 01:03 PM
Here's my ride! Its a 1970 E & T Tunnel built by E & T MArine of Lexington PArk, MD. :D
Robert Hurry from the museum sent me a new pic of the old hump deck.
Not sure where the pic was taken though.
Sure wish I had a shot of his lower unit and prop.:cool:
Beale Tilton
01-23-2012, 01:21 PM
I don't know where it was taken either, Not sure if that isn't Joe's first boat. One thing for sure is he is a long way from being in the throttle, just lopeing. That's Bobby Taylor in the Allison.
Think the prop shaft was at or slightly obove the bottom of the hulls. No pictures and no plans on paper. Sorry.
01-23-2012, 01:32 PM
I don't know where it was taken either, Not sure if that isn't Joe's first boat. One thing for sure is he is a long way from being in the throttle, just lopeing. That's Bobby Taylor in the Allison.
Think the prop shaft was at or slightly obove the bottom of the hulls. No pictures and no plans on paper. Sorry.
Hey Beale!
Joe ran OMC power on his first boat - this must be the hump deck with Merc power.
Im sure pics or plans of the lower unit would be a long shot - maybe Robert from the museum will run into something.
Just wanted to share the pic with you:cool:
Beale Tilton
01-23-2012, 01:52 PM
Joe started with an OMC. I wouldn't bet he didn't change to Merc
before we built him the hump deck.
01-24-2012, 08:50 AM
I dont even know of any available speed parts for those old 3 cylinder 72 Mercs??
It looks like Joe was running a short shaft engine - but I cant say I have ever even seen a short shaft 3 cylinder Merc??
I cant imagine what type of lower unit and prop Joe was running back then??
Those motors weren't the Kiekhaefer style motors - they were the new style of Mercury.
Im gonna post the question in the tech section.:cool:
01-24-2012, 09:05 AM
There was a special short shaft gearshift Merc with 3 carbs instead of 2. That's what they are wondering about. Rated 90 hp instead of 65.
01-24-2012, 09:20 AM
Robert Hurry from the museum sent me a new pic of the old hump deck.
Not sure where the pic was taken though.
Sure wish I had a shot of his lower unit and prop.:cool:
Hello Sam!
Did the motor you are referring to look like the motor on the #63 boat in the post that I am qouting (above) - the pic is four or five replies back on this thread.
Its an oddball Merc to begin with if you ask me.:eek:
01-24-2012, 10:04 AM
Pretty sure that's a regular 65. The special ones had red decals and I think the front had no chrome color.
Beale Tilton
01-24-2012, 10:26 AM
Joe was running a box stock 49 cubic inch Mercury by Brunswick Corp. A short shaft engine A fishing engine if you will with a stock lower unit. That's all that was allowed in the Sport E class. Had to have forward and reverse. Props by Mercury. Don't remember the rated horsepower, seems it was somewhere between 65 and 75. He was kneeling, no power trim.
01-24-2012, 04:47 PM
Joe was running a box stock 49 cubic inch Mercury by Brunswick Corp. A short shaft engine A fishing engine if you will with a stock lower unit. That's all that was allowed in the Sport E class. Had to have forward and reverse. Props by Mercury. Don't remember the rated horsepower, seems it was somewhere between 65 and 75. He was kneeling, no power trim.
Do you remember what kind of speeds Joe was getting?
I hit 68 mph with a 13 3/4 x 23 pitch mercury quicksilver prop - stock merc 115 lower unit.
I was only doin maybe about 50 mph when the hump deck stood up on me - it was a gust of head on wind that grabbed the boat while it was running on the rear tips of the sponsons.
01-25-2012, 08:32 AM
Pretty sure that's a regular 65. The special ones had red decals and I think the front had no chrome color.
I think I found a pic of that red stripe motor you were talking about.......from
01-25-2012, 11:17 AM
Yes, that motor was legal in SE when it came out in 1975
01-25-2012, 11:47 AM
Yes, that motor was legal in SE when it came out in 1975
Yep - The original motor on my tunnel was the 72 model with blue stripes - so like Beale said it was a fishin motor with the stock lower unit for the Sport E class.
Wonder how much pitch Joe was able to run??
The speeds for Sport E must have been about 60- 70 mph.
With the stock lower unit you could only raise the motor a couple of inches without a low water pick up - and dont do too much bouncing or hopping with the pick up raised - that motor will burn up in no time with the water pump starved. Ive seen some guys block off the upper half of the pick up opening to help keep the water pump from starving.:eek:
01-26-2012, 12:26 PM
I don't know where it was taken either, Not sure if that isn't Joe's first boat. One thing for sure is he is a long way from being in the throttle, just lopeing. That's Bobby Taylor in the Allison.
Think the prop shaft was at or slightly obove the bottom of the hulls. No pictures and no plans on paper. Sorry.
He's is the "uncropped" pic from the museum.:cool:
There are a couple of more boats in the pic - can you identify them as well?
Theres a black pickle fork boat # X 1, and another blue n white Allison.............
Yep - Joe is def off the throttle all right - wonder if he was about to "jump" a start?:eek:
12-16-2014, 05:05 PM
I need to get my boat restored.
Beale Tilton
12-16-2014, 05:24 PM
I need to get my boat restored.
Suggest you contact Bill Edwards the E of E&T in California, Md. He has restored several E&Ts in the last couple of years which are being campaigned in the Vintage shows. Love to see that boat running Vintage. It's the only one we built like that.
Would like to find the 13 ft sit down tunnel we built if anyone knows it's whereabouts.
Beale Tilton
12-16-2014, 05:31 PM
590 is Bobby Taylor from Princess Ann, MD. X1 is a Scatcraft, driver unknow Blue and white Allison, can't make out number, may be Rayner Blair 835.
12-16-2014, 10:46 PM
[QUOTE=Beale Tilton;144182]Suggest you contact Bill Edwards the E of E&T in California, Md. He has restored several E&Ts in the last couple of years which are being campaigned in the Vintage shows. Love to see that boat running Vintage. It's the only one we built like that.
Would like to find the 13 ft sit down tunnel we built if anyone knows it's whereabouts.[/QUO
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________
Its been a long time man.
Hope everything is well with you :cool:
I been watching Bill's Antique Regatta at Dennis Point Menace video.
I love watching him race the #1937 - super funny seeing him with the dunce cap after taking a couple of extra laps and getting the flare warning.
What 13 ft sit down tunnel are you talking about?
...and yes, I would love to bring my boat to a few of these races, but its needs a LOT of work AND an engine.
Beale Tilton
12-16-2014, 11:28 PM
The last 13 ft tunnel we built was full tunnel sit down with the last deck and transom of the 15 footers Rayner Blair won many races and set some records with it. By far the best 13 we built. Love to find it. Rayner is running a 15 with a 1500XS and I'm running the last version of our vee bottom in Vintage. Bill bought the 1969 vee for $100 in a junk yard and restored it. Some of the appearence is beyond correction, runs well. See all three boats in the pictures at Classic Race Boats 2014 Fall Event. Fun times.
Possible Vintage event at Leonardtown next August.
Rick would like your phone number.
12-16-2014, 11:52 PM
I guess Im not the only one that doesn't sleep at night -LOL.
Leonardtown sounds awesome.
So was that 13 footer a pickle fork or flat nose?
Ill check out the pics you mentioned - is that a you tube video? ...cant find the title.......Classic Race Boats 2014.
I haven't seen or heard of anything like that.
Oh - I emailed you my phone number just now.
12-18-2014, 08:51 AM
Boat needs a new deck and transom.
12-18-2014, 08:04 PM
Beale Tilton
12-18-2014, 08:35 PM
Just lopeing along
12-19-2014, 03:59 AM
I want to get mine back on the water.
05-25-2015, 04:09 AM
I want to get mine back on the water.
Hey Bill,
I pulled my E&T from the out of the weeds!
It needs a good restoration!
Do you know anyone near the Baltimore area that could take on the job?
I found a nice 95 hp short shaft Merc to hang on the back :cool:
Beale Tilton
05-25-2015, 12:34 PM
Let's try this again. Your boat was built 42 years ago for an experienced kneeling driver to use a 49 ci, 3 cylinder engine. Weight was around 200 lb. Joe Hill earned 1 US with it 1974 SE class.
Now you want to sit in it with a 99 ci, 6 cylinder engine. You are again asking for trouble.
Would love to see it safely running in the V&H events with the other three E&Ts.
05-25-2015, 03:18 PM
Let's try this again. Your boat was built 42 years ago for an experienced kneeling driver to use a 49 ci, 3 cylinder engine. Weight was around 200 lb. Joe Hill earned 1 US with it 1974 SE class.
Now you want to sit in it with a 99 ci, 6 cylinder engine. You are again asking for trouble.
Would love to see it safely running in the V&H events with the other three E&Ts.
Beale do what it takes to get it right.....need some help getting it right.:cool:
Would LOVE to run SAFELY with the other E&Ts for sure!
Been looking for a motor like the one pictured for the last 15 years or so without any luck.
Anybody got one stashed?
Also need someone who can rebuild the deck and transom for a reasonable cost.
05-25-2015, 03:38 PM
....Joe Hill Driving:cool:
dennis piont menace
05-26-2015, 06:14 PM
hey rick been meaning to call! bring it on down to my house,have been wanting to make a sit down full tunnel out of it wood deck,do you still have the cowling,jon & i cleaned out the leaves & junk several months ago & propped up for drainage, get in line with a G3,& orig. sweet thing,G 82!!! will be running it at leonardtown md., 850 XS merc!! the 13 needs an 850 XS also,6 cyl is too tall for good balance!!850 should be good speeds in excess of 80!!! turn on a dime! ask rayner blair!!
05-27-2015, 02:03 AM
hey rick been meaning to call! bring it on down to my house,have been wanting to make a sit down full tunnel out of it wood deck,do you still have the cowling,jon & i cleaned out the leaves & junk several months ago & propped up for drainage, get in line with a G3,& orig. sweet thing,G 82!!! will be running it at leonardtown md., 850 XS merc!! the 13 needs an 850 XS also,6 cyl is too tall for good balance!!850 should be good speeds in excess of 80!!! turn on a dime! ask rayner blair!!
....... is that you??
I remember when we spoke you said you had been down to see the boat.
Bring it down? I could use some help getting it back on the water :cool:
Thanks for setting the nose of the boat in the air - it was fairly dry for the most part :cool:
You were brave to clean it out though - could have been any kind of critter in or around it - Thanks again.
That's St Clemets Bay in the background of the 1st boat pic - Leonardtown is just behind the strip of land in the background on Britton Bay.
Not sure what you talkin about G 82, that the V bottom boat Beale was talking about??
Is Leonardtown a vintage event?
I like the G 3's too.
Cowling is long gone.
I like the wood deck idea.
An engine with power trim would be a life saver.
What do you think about filling in the "set back" area at the bottom rear of the sponsons?
dennis piont menace
05-27-2015, 08:42 AM
the setback is one of the reasons that the boat ran well,not to mention 154 lb. hull weight!!
05-27-2015, 09:30 AM
the setback is one of the reasons that the boat ran well,not to mention 154 lb. hull weight!!
Ok - set back removal was just a thought.
You were saying to bring it down and that you wanted to build it into a sit down 13 footer.........
dennis piont menace
05-27-2015, 10:39 AM
23430 south patuxent beach rd. california md.20619, across the bridge from solomons,on rte. 4,left @ first turn top of the hill!!
05-27-2015, 11:11 AM
I will give you a call tonight.
Would like to discuss a few details.
dennis piont menace
05-27-2015, 02:24 PM
06-08-2015, 08:55 AM do what it takes to get it right.....need some help getting it right.:cool:
Would LOVE to run SAFELY with the other E&Ts for sure!
Been looking for a motor like the one pictured for the last 15 years or so without any luck.
Anybody got one stashed?
Also need someone who can rebuild the deck and transom for a reasonable cost.
Still looking for a motor.
Bill doesnt really have time to restore the boat anytime soon.
Im researching how to do this myself.
It doesnt seem too hard, but I wouldnt be ale to make the deck exactly like E&T did.
Bill suggested using wood to rebuild the deck which is the way I would have to go.
Any discussion on how these hulls were built would be helpful (especially the transom):cool:
Here are some pics I took of the damage and some structural details under the front deck.
06-08-2015, 09:09 AM
Here are some additional deck and transom shots and a couple from under the front deck.
How did you bend the "C" channel around the corners and keep it nice and smooth (no wrinkles)?
dennis piont menace
06-08-2015, 09:57 AM
if you attempt to remove the u chanel be very careful,mfg. no longer exists i have a special to do that!! entire deck & comaing need to be removed & replaced. transom structure needs to be rblt. along with coaming sides!!
06-08-2015, 10:45 AM
if you attempt to remove the u chanel be very careful,mfg. no longer exists i have a special to do that!! entire deck & comaing need to be removed & replaced. transom structure needs to be rblt. along with coaming sides!!
Hey Bill!
You know, that c channel is only about 1/4 inch wide - just enough to accept the hull lip and the paper thin deck material (Mylar?).
If 1/4 inch thick oakum or plywood is used for the new deck, a new 1/2 inch wide c channel would be needed - would not be able to use the original channel.
I wont be able to duplicate the "humps" in the deck, but it would have a curve and not be flat.
I would cut a rough shape of the deck prior to removing the old one and build bulkheads for deck support.
New coamings would hold the new transom in place.
Can you explain the details of the transom structure - you mentioned that is was made up of 6 different parts??
Beale Tilton
06-08-2015, 03:51 PM
Looks like the boat has been patched since it was built. Is that body filler on the deck? Why would you use 1/4 for a deck? Coaming sides, deck and wood in transom all need to go.
Strongly suggest you at least take it to Bill and have him point out what to do. Good Luck
06-09-2015, 07:50 AM
Looks like the boat has been patched since it was built. Is that body filler on the deck? Why would you use 1/4 for a deck? Coaming sides, deck and wood in transom all need to go.
Strongly suggest you at least take it to Bill and have him point out what to do. Good Luck
Hey Beale,
Bill has seen the boat - he went down to Abell and looked at it while it was still in the weeds.
Yep - thats body filler on the deck - easiest way (20 + years ago) to smooth out the wrinkled deck.
I know I made mistakes with this boat in the past, but that was then, and Ive learned a lot during that process.
This time, no jack plate, no long shaft motor, no inline 6 (:() , give it a new deck and transom.
Im still on a tight budget and Bill's services are very expensive.
Any additional positive thoughts are appreciated.
06-02-2017, 11:26 AM
...started on the E & T:cool:
Hey Guys Been a while.
Hope all is well.
Well....I found a nice short shaft 80hp Merc (4 cylinder), and my good friend Craig has started the restoration.
46 year old boat - I've had it for 34 of those years!
She deserves it.
03-08-2019, 12:04 PM
Boat has been restored as of last summer. Still working out the bugs for this season.
03-08-2019, 12:06 PM
Doing some testing....
03-08-2019, 12:39 PM
Wow, looks like a smooth ride, like sliding silk across glass.
03-13-2019, 10:59 AM
It was very calm that day - no wind.
Boat is riding ..ok..needs some tuning.
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