View Full Version : APBA Region Chairman Duties/Responsibilities

Ron Hill
08-18-2013, 07:15 PM


The affairs of each Region shall be governed by the Region Board of Directors. The Region Chairman is the Chair of the Region Board of Directors. The primary duties assigned to the Region Chairman are as follows:

To call and conduct the Region Annual Fall General Meeting. This meeting is to be held not later than November 10 in each year in accordance with the APBA and Region By-Laws. Notification of the date, time and place must be sent to all Members prior to the meeting. As a required APBA meeting, the circulation of notice to members is e-mailed at no cost by APBA. The region may elect to purchase labels and handle a direct mailing of the notice to the members.

To call and conduct the Region Spring Meeting, if Region By-Laws require. Within the limits set by Region By-Laws, this meeting is to be held in such a place and on such date and time as determined by the Region Chair. Notice of the date, time and place of this meeting shall be provided to all Region members. The notice will be e-mailed to members at no cost by APBA. The region may elect to purchase labels and handle a direct mailing of the notice to the members.

To provide a report/Minutes of each Region Meeting to APBA National Headquarters. By November 10, the Secretary or Region Chairman will furnish the National Office with a list showing the names and titles of the new officers, Region Board of Directors and Commissioners. Minutes of the meeting should be submitted to the office when available.

To attend and represent the region at the APBA Annual Meeting or insure that the region has an official representative in attendance at the Meeting. This official representative shall have the power to vote on behalf of the Region.

To provide the National Office with approval of Region Referees, Inspectors and Scorers. The persons on these lists become approved APBA officials after passing the appropriate test and being approved by the Category Chairman and Region Chairman. The National Office will forward list of Referee, Inspectors and Scorers for your approval.

Selection of Region Chairman Representative to the Board. Once all Region Meetings are finalized, Region Chairman will select the Region Chairman to sit on the APBA Board as their representative.

To approve sanctions for races taking place within the Region. If the sanction is sent to the Region Chairman and no reply is received within 7 days, the President would have the authority to approve the sanction. Region Chairmen should secure whatever local approvals are needed, check the sanction information and all officials listed prior to approval.

To see that the Region Race Schedule is posted on the race schedule (APBA website) by the local clubs/promoters putting on the events. The schedule should be maintained monthly on the website which then provides information for publication in PROPELLER.

To provide the National Office with copies of the Region By-Laws. Any changes in Region By-Laws, once approved by the region members, must be submitted to the National Office for approval by the APBA Board of Directors to be in effect.

To monitor Region Budget and the use of funds to defray expenses in the best interest of the region. Region funds not intended to defray expenses for racing activities or normal attendance at events. Submit Expense Reimbursement form with receipts for reimbursement at any time during the year. A budget allocation letter will be sent by the National Office in the fall each year. All reimbursable expenses must be submitted by the deadline stated in the letter.

To provide assistance to the National Office regarding local members, race sites, inquiries involving the region.
