View Full Version : Jim Merten Jr. Injured - Contacts & Updates

01-09-2014, 04:08 PM
Jim Merten was injured in a snowmobile accident on new year's eve. Details of the accident are still sketchy, but he suffered a head injury, and was unconsious for the first 14 hours. He is now on the road to recovery - he was moved from the hospital to a rehab facility where he is expected to spend what is estimated at this time to be 3-4 weeks.

You can find the details and updates on a message board his wife Jeanette has set up.


The Merten family has been a big part of racing history in the OPC catagory - now it's time to give some of that back. Jimmy is headed for a tough road over the next several months - a road that can be made smoother by the encouragement, support, and morale boost that comes from a constant flow of notes, cards, and messages.

Please take a few minutes, and regularly use this link to check on his progress and offer encouragement. Not just today, but until he is back to 100%, and is back to being many of our "secret weapon". :cool:

Mark Mowl / boatmark59

01-09-2014, 04:21 PM
Thanks for the update on Jim. We will keep him in our prayers for a speedy recovery.

01-19-2014, 11:33 AM
Update -

Good News - Jim has been progressing faster than the doctors envisioned. The tendative plan is for him to be released from the rehab facility and go home next Thursday. (1/23/14) He still has a lot of work ahead, but being home is often the best medicine.

Master Oil Racing Team
01-19-2014, 07:53 PM
Didn't see this thread until ten minutes ago. Glad to hear that he's progressing so well. Don't know him, but the family name is well known to us. As part of the family of boat racing we prayed together that now that Jim is past the most critical period, it is his family as well that needs prayers. Lots goes on during convelesance and we pray that not only does Jim continue to make progress and heal quickly, but that his family is not overburdened and is uplifted by his progress in healing, no matter how slowly it may take on some days.

01-22-2014, 11:46 AM
GREAT NEWS - - - Jim comes home today!

Word just came through that Jimmy has been cleared to leave the rehab center this afternoon. That is one day earlier than planned, and a week or more sooner than the first estimates. His progress has really been incredible. He went on a field trip with the therapists and his family yesterday, and seeing the photos of him navigating with a cane (and help) was a great relief after seeing the photo from ICU just 23 days ago.

That said, he still has a lot of work ahead of him, and I hope people will continue to remember him with notes, cards, and prayers.